Steel Soviet Union

OK brothers, all eyes are on me, look at me, look at me, I

OK brothers, all eyes are on me, look at me, look at me, let me announce something

The new book has been released, with just over 200,000 words, everyone is ready to take advantage of it! The title of the book is "The King of Trillions of Arms", signed with Qidian, synchronized with QQ reading, and released under the large "Corgi". Click on my author account to see the new book. This time it is about the current modern war, continuing the Corgi The hard-core military style and writing style, the protagonist's three-dimensional outlook, and the modern war scenes are bigger and more ruthless. Some old readers who have appreciated it can leave a message here to share their thoughts with everyone.

The story takes place after the ending of a parallel world in Steel Soviet Union. It is a story about the descendants of Malashenko and his comrades joining hands with the new protagonist to deal with various colonists and rogues in Africa.

Familiar characters who have appeared so far are as follows:

Natasha Yulikaya Marashena, Lao Ma’s eldest daughter-in-law, retired GRU instructor and commander. He once participated in the military operation of the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. He and Lao Ma's eldest son flew on a Hind helicopter gunship on a mission, and narrowly survived after being shot down by a Stinger missile. The specific character can refer to the person who appeared in the first version of the April Fool's Day special chapter of "Steel Soviet Union", and the settings remain consistent.

Andre Steinmeister Alsim, Alsim's grandson, a Russian-German half, retired from the 76th Guards Airborne Division and transferred to the Wagner Central Africa Division Commander. He is the key figure who starts the French chicken poking branch in the book. His basic personality and combat power settings are the same as those of old Alsim. But there are also differences, such as higher military literacy and cultural knowledge, which makes young Alsim better than his grandfather in his youth in terms of details and strategic ability.

Sharptooth, nicknamed Old Tooth, has not yet been officially named, but it is assumed that he is the grandson of Iushkin. FSB members, on the surface, are intelligence traffickers who came to Africa with the purpose of finding partners for the Russian Federation to promote positive development of interests.

More Russian characters, as well as the descendants of Ukrainian characters among Lao Ma's group are waiting to appear later, and Lao Ma's blood descendants will also be written about later. The core essence of the book is a war in Africa against agents and colonizers. It is a large-scale modern war involving multiple services including land, sea and air. Corgi will make sure to do its best to restore the military confrontations in various modern war modes. in place.

In addition, Steel Soviet Union will not be eunuchs, nor will it end in a hurry. I will finish the book according to the normal plan. There are probably hundreds of thousands of words of plot left to write, and the Cold War chapter that everyone wants to read will be arranged. The new book is being developed simultaneously. I believe in the writing power of Corgi's professional media people, so stay tuned.

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