Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3117 Slavic monster has no neck

The latest and most advanced Type 4 heavy tanks that they relied on were neither able to penetrate nor defend against the Russian monster tanks.

"Confrontation with armored bombs, penetration and defense" is not only an anxiety for big countries, but also for small Japanese pirate countries like the Japanese.

After firing hundreds of shots back and forth with the Stalin heavy tank group, the Japanese copycat Tiger tanks, which still gained nothing, were now in a state of numbness, shock and anger, and were on the verge of collapse.

The powerful 88-meter gun, which far exceeds any self-developed tank cannon of the Japanese army, still cannot defeat the Russian monster tank, whether it is a large or a small one, either of the two Russian tanks with completely different appearances. All species are completely untouchable.

"Why!? Why is it like this? Why are our attacks completely ineffective??? What kind of monster is that!"

"Baga! Shut up! Do it again. There is no way that the Russian tank has any weaknesses! Aim at the joint between the turret and the vehicle body and shoot there. Quick!"

Although they had suffered a considerable amount of losses, the first batch of nearly 20 Copycat Tigers put into battle only had one encounter, and were killed by the Russians on the opposite side almost one by one, with no ambiguity, like chopping melons and vegetables. .

However, the remaining surviving Japanese convoys still refused to give up. They suffered heavy casualties and suffered more than half of the hard-top losses. They continued to fight to the end even if they died.

On the one hand, this is caused by the crazy Bushido spirit. After all, this group of Japs is the most elite second division of the Japanese Army. They are not just third-rate Japs and ruffians guarding gun tower strongholds. Even if they are poisoned by militarism, they are not. Far exceeding the average Japanese army several times.

On the other hand, the new heavy tank, which had been given high hopes, fought like this in the first battle. The generals lost miserably and fled in embarrassment.

Therefore, whether it was for private or public reasons, it was absolutely impossible for these crazy Japanese troops to retreat. The result that not even a single Russian tank could be destroyed was simply unbearable.

A certain Japanese copycat Tiger commander who issued an order asking the gunner to attack the joint between the turret and the body of the enemy tank, which is the "neck" of the tank, certainly had a good idea and the logic made sense.

I dare not say all of them during World War II. At least more than 80% and close to 90% of the tanks did have a fatal weakness in that the connection between the turret and the body was too fragile.

For example, famous cars such as the T-34, No. 4, Matilda, and Sherman are nothing like this. Even tanks such as the Pershing and Panther D\\A have bullet holes near the joint between the turret and the body. This is a more fatal one-hit-kill weakness.

Even in the 21st century, Mr. Abram's device called "the most powerful tank on the face of the earth" invented by the Americans still has the extremely fatal weakness of big neck disease. Let alone armor-piercing bullets, even if you hit it with an RPG-7, it can be shot through.

In addition, the current firefighting distance is only four to five hundred meters, considering the Tiger's already commendable shooting accuracy.

After calibrating the ballistics through test firing, it is not impossible or even too difficult to hit the neck of a large heavy tank.

What's more, from marksmanship to artillery, special emphasis is placed on "precision shooting" in order to maximize the savings in bullets and shells, thereby saving the lives of the impoverished Japanese Army.

The artillery skills were pretty good, and this was the only commendable merit of these Japanese tank soldiers in the eyes of the German instructors.

But there is a problem. The IS7 is a very special model and is not among most tanks that have fatal weaknesses in the joint between the turret and the body.

The reason is quite simple.

The most direct purpose of drilling the joint between the hull and the turret is to penetrate the neck of the tank where the armor protection is fragile due to the space occupied by the turret steering gear.

But IS7 has no "neck" part in the traditional sense at all.

The design configuration of the IS7 enhances the protection to the extreme. The "neck" part with the built-in steering gear is completely integrated into the turret, leaving only a finger width to ensure that there is no direct friction between the turret and the car body and that the turret can be rotated normally. gap.

In other words, if the Japanese army wants to penetrate the IS7's neck, the caliber of the shell must be smaller than this finger-width gap.

Maybe the Arisaka 5mm rifle bullet can get in, but with extreme luck, the 88mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing bullet will definitely not work.

However, because of the long distance and lack of understanding of Russian tanks, the Japanese tank soldiers who controlled the imitation Tiger obviously did not know this situation.

Facing the IS7, which is completely unfamiliar and extremely powerful to a frightening level, it is still dreaming of penetrating the "neck", the traditional weak point on most tanks.

Just because the Russian monster tank is too indestructible, I tried it all from the turret to the top and bottom of the bow, but no one can penetrate it. The only frontal projection weakness that I can think of is the neck. .

"The armor-piercing shells are loaded!"

"Yo Xi! Shoot!!!"


The Japanese tank crew not only dared to think but also dared to do it, which fully explained the true meaning of the so-called "the ignorant are fearless".

I didn’t know that the 88mm armor-piercing projectile of the IS7 on the other side had no neck to speak of. I aimed it at the joint between the turret and the body of the IS7 and hit it accurately by accident, hitting the part where the Japanese wanted to hit. .

But hitting a target is one thing, and getting an effect is another. There is never an inevitable connection between the two.


Facing a finger-wide gap, the 88 mm full-caliber projectile that could not penetrate was immediately deflected by the curved armor on the front of the IS7's turtle-shaped turret that was buckled upside down on the car body.

The entire projectile is pushed by its own kinetic energy and slides upward along the curved armor.

Using the front face of the IS7 turret as a springboard, it ricocheted into the air just like a ski-jump from an aircraft carrier releasing a carrier-based aircraft. It disappeared with a "swish" sound.

"No invalid! The shooting is invalid, the target is still alive!!!"

The Japanese gunner, who was operating the gun scope to observe the shooting effect, once again received bad news. Through the commander's periscope in front of him, the Japanese commander saw only a ballistic tracer shooting diagonally into the air, and his eyesight went dark.

"Baga! Is this monster tank of the Russians invincible!? Why can't you find a positive weakness at all!?"

"Forget it, retreat first! Tactically retreat and attack the Russian tanks from other positions!"


When the Japanese commander gave the same order to the incompetent and furious Japanese commander, he received three consecutive 88-gun attacks in less than 10 seconds. The IS7 was continuously hit from the hull to the turret. Being annoyed.

The 130mm main gun that had been reloaded was once again aimed at the target. It was the copycat Tiger that was reversing at high speed with its muzzle still warm.

"Suka thing still wants to run away? It's a dream!"


In his field of vision, he could clearly see the Russian monster tank on the opposite side, which suddenly flashed muzzle fire in his direction.

The Japanese commander, who was still trembling all over his body and was in reversing state, couldn't help but close his eyes and only asked Amaterasu to bless him and escape the disaster.

Let me tell you something, brothers, Corgi's new book "The King of Trillions of Arms" has been officially put on the shelves. You can find this book at the starting point by clicking on Corgi's author account avatar.

Although this book is based on the theme and name of an arms dealer, its core essence is centered around modern warfare and three-dimensional and multi-dimensional confrontation mode. Corgi will still use an excellent military foundation to write about various complex battlefield confrontations in modern warfare mode. . At present, various battle scenes such as drone battles, tank battles, artillery battles, and drones combined with artillery battles have taken place in this book. There will be more big scenes in the future, such as the T90M vs. Abrams.

I am just embarrassed to ask everyone for support and subscription for the new book. Of course, it must be that everyone thinks the new book is acceptable and acceptable. If you feel that the new book is inappropriate, you can just skip it and ignore it.

In addition, the new book will not affect the update of Steel Soviet Union. You can rest assured on this point. Corgi promises that Steel Soviet Union will not be unsupervised, will not be unfinished, and will be steadily updated until the expected finale. Please stay tuned for more excitement in the future.

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