Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3118 The art of splitting the head

But if Amaterasu's blessing works, then this battle won't have to be fought. Just burn incense and ask for blessings, and then make some imitation Tiger tank.

I saw that the Japanese imitation tiger had just started to retreat. Before it could retreat far, the roaring 130mm armor-piercing projectile had already penetrated the upper half of the front armor of its turret.

The projectiles whose impact point was on the vertical armor on the front of the turret did not ricochet, but continued to advance wildly with the terrifying impact kinetic energy.

Almost along the scalp of the turret dome, a deep trench was cut out of the imitation tiger's Tianling Cap directly into the turret.

The armor-piercing projectile that failed to penetrate the car, after completing its damaging effect, whizzed past the replica tiger's turret scalp and disappeared.

But this does not mean that it failed to cause damage to the Japanese troops in the vehicle.

The upper edge of the front armor of the turret was penetrated, and a ditch was opened directly into the turret.

All of the above caused a large number of armor fragments to splash downward into the vehicle. Not only were they large in number, but they were also extremely fast. They directly pricked the gunner closest to the penetration position into a voodoo doll-like body full of fragments and spikes. state.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! My face, my eyes!!!"

Although the injury was tragic, it was not fatal. The gunner, who was holding his face covered in fragments, was bleeding profusely. He was screaming like he had just escaped from a mental hospital.

Unable to bear the severe pain, he reached out and pulled out a fragment of armor that was embedded in his flesh. ơɱ

I never thought that it would be a good thing if I didn't pull out, so I pulled out my eyeballs with all my strength and pulled them out of their sockets.

This time it was terrible, the already heart-rending screams became even more heart-rending, not only resounding inside the car, but also rushed out of the car, echoing over the battlefield.

"Little tiger! Calm down, little tiger! Don't touch the wound again, I'm here to help you!"

The loader, who was exactly on the gunner's parallel line and on the other side of the breech block, was immediately frightened when he saw this. He was about to rush over to help, but unexpectedly found that the commander who he had overlooked just now had no movement at all. No, it was as if he was completely deaf and indifferent to everything in front of him.

With doubts, he turned his head towards the commander's position and saw an extremely horrifying scene that shocked his eyes.

I saw that the upper half of the commander's head had completely disappeared, leaving only the remaining part of the horizontal line on the neck.

Half of his head was cut off by the 130mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile fired by IS7. The Japanese military commander did not even have a chance to grunt until he died. He died on the spot before he could feel any pain.

Even the corpse currently leaning on the commander's seat continued to have nervous twitches as if a switch had been stepped on under his feet.

All kinds of red and white stuff flowed out from the remaining half of the head, from the neck to the feet, and it looked like a dead thing that had just come to life.

"He's dead, he's dead! Captain Tanaka is dead, he was killed!!!"

The young loader, who was frightened by the scene in front of him and was a little speechless, shouted, almost at a loss.

None of the three people in the turret is in good condition now. The loader is insane, the gunner has become a voodoo doll, and the commander has already gone to see Amaterasu to report on his work.

The two people in the chassis of the car who had escaped unharmed were so disoriented by the scene that they turned to look back at the scene in the turret. Look at me, look at you.

There were no further follow-up orders, there was no acting commander, and it was obvious that he no longer knew what to do next.

"How? What to do now?!"

"Abandon the car, yes! You can only abandon the car! The German instructor said that when two or more members of the crew lose their combat effectiveness, the car must be abandoned!"

Recall what I learned from the German instructor not long ago and combine it with the current actual situation.

The three people in the turret were either dead, crippled or going crazy. This did not mean that two of them had lost their combat effectiveness. This meant that none of the three people could count on them.

What kind of car is this? Abandon the car immediately.

"But our tank can still be used and we can continue to fight! This kind of behavior would never be allowed if Captain Tanaka was still alive!"

"Then what should I do? Are you going to control the main gun? I don't know how to use it and I have no training at all. If you say it's okay, I'll go and help you."


The driver's words left the mechanical and electrical engineer who still had some obsession speechless.

After all, these Japanese tank soldiers are technical arms and intellectuals in the literal sense. An illiterate soldier who cannot read a single word is almost incompetent for such a technical unit that requires high learning ability.

Being knowledgeable and educated means having a certain ability to think for yourself, but the degree varies from person to person.

Even among the Japanese army where militaristic fanatics are rampant, this is an objective reality.

It will indeed further lead to the fact that these Japanese tank soldiers, who at least have some ability to think for themselves, are more likely to develop fear, timidity, and cherish their lives at critical moments that endanger their lives than those completely brainwashed fanatics.

The electromechanical operator, who grew more and more frightened as he thought about it, soon realized that the driver was not being alarmist, but was actually telling the truth.

When he raised his head again, he had a look of panic on his face. Knowing that he had no choice, he could only nod his head with fear.

"Then come with me quickly! Let's get out of here together, quickly!"

"What should I do about Coco Yamaguchi? He, he seems to have gone crazy?"

The loader's mental state was still poor at this moment, and he was horrified by the scene of the tragic death of the commander.

He hurriedly crawled to the gunner without hesitation, and hugged the gunner together with the gunner who was in so much pain that he was going crazy. He didn't know whether he was helping or doing something else.

In short, it doesn't matter what the driver is doing, it's all just a waste of time.

"What do you care about what they do? If you don't want to die, just come with me!"


The electromechanical operator who didn't know what to say responded with practical actions. He just opened the hatch cover above his head without saying a word and with a look of fear on his face, followed the driver who abandoned the car and fled, rolling and crawling away. This bloody and crazy living coffin.

No matter what happens next here.

"Damn it! The two Japs ran away, and I knew that not everyone in the car was dead! I should have fired a follow-up shot just now!"

The reloaded 130mm main gun once again destroyed another Japanese copycat Tiger.

Taking advantage of the gap between main gun reloading, the IS7 gunner took a look through his special gunner's wide-angle periscope and saw at a glance two Japanese soldiers running out of the Tiger that had just been paralyzed.

"Mount the machine gun! Kill them!"

An order without any mercy came out of the mouth of the comrade commander. The gunner, who expected to give such additional orders, was ready, and the weapon control handle that had been nestled in his hands immediately pulled the trigger.

"Go to hell! Fanatic!"

Dong dong dong dong——

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