Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3119 Nothing can be done

The dense 5mm heavy machine gun barrage hit the two Japanese tank soldiers who had just abandoned their vehicles and fled, leaving pieces of flesh flying everywhere and stumps everywhere.

No one stipulates that the crew members who abandoned the vehicle and escaped cannot be attacked or killed. On the contrary, because they are enemy technical units and are high-value targets, they are more worthy of concentrated firepower and priority to attack and eliminate.

Scenes like this are of course not isolated cases, but are happening all over the battlefield.

The Type 4 heavy tanks, which the Japanese army had high hopes for, were just like all the previous Japanese tanks that were completely ineffective in front of the leader's army. They just ended up being killed indiscriminately.

The unstoppable torrent of steel continues to advance. The Japanese army that originally came to attack is now not going smoothly and the frontal attack fails. Instead, the attacked party cannot stop retreating backwards.

"Hold still! Hold the line, no retreat! No retreat!!!"

The Japanese second lieutenant holding the command knife in his hand was still shouting loudly, waving the thing in his hand desperately and shouting orders.

Seeing the tank reversing backwards, he subconsciously followed the retreating Japanese infantry and could only stop when he saw this, and then lay down on the spot with the rifle in his hand raised, ready to continue fighting.

However, the problem is that this is not a positional battle, but a mobile field battle in which the Japanese army takes the initiative to attack.

There are no existing positions or fortifications and bunkers around them to rely on. The only mobile bunker that can be counted on, which is our own Type 4 heavy tank, is also in a very bad situation.

It can even be said that hiding behind those iron guys is not as safe as lying on the ground physically.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Russians' primary target is these big things, and as soon as the Russians' powerful and heavy tanks and cannons are fired, most of them will fall on the spot, regardless of the huge heavy tanks of their own. The explosion resulted in a tragic end, with his body shattered into pieces and his head missing.

As the saying goes, when lightning strikes him, you'd better stay away from him, otherwise it may strike you too.

The body of steel was blown to pieces, not to mention what would happen to the body of flesh and blood if it got too close. Being swept along by the storm of metal fragments and cut into pieces was the only possible outcome.

Therefore, any Japanese soldier with some brains would rather find a low-lying pit to lie down on his own than hide behind his own home or car.

Not only is it useless to hide, it cannot provide you with any cover and safety. On the contrary, you may be affected by the explosion in the sky at any time and die faster.

This increasingly outrageous situation made the Japanese commander's scalp numb with anger. This was not the same as the infantry fighting vehicle coordination tactics taught by the Germans before. There was no way to cooperate in front of the Russians. .

"Baga! These German pigs have a very bad conscience! They clearly know the strength of the Russians, but they don't mention anything about us at all and hide it all. Now what's the use of all the scrap metal they made in Germany? ?”

When something goes wrong, I don’t first look for the cause within myself. My fault is that others are bad, or even that there is something wrong with the world. This can be regarded as a kind of "glorious tradition" of the Japanese, and it will be the same throughout the ages and even in the distant future.

The matter has come to this point, and complaining is meaningless and has no constructive effect.

Although he cursed a lot, he actually understood the truth. The captain of the Japanese heavy tank regiment had no other choice but to press the throat microphone copied from the Germans and issue an order.

"Each tank squadron retreats and prepares to reorganize!"

"But what about the Russian offensive? They will definitely take the opportunity to overwhelm us!"


The Japanese colonel, who was holding back his anger, knew that he had no better solution when he heard this, and he immediately opened his mouth to plan the plan he had already prepared.

"Let the infantry hold back temporarily and reorganize the formation! There is no other way! Execute immediately!"


Studying and learning from the Germans has indeed resulted in a lot of practical growth, at least with the 100% penetration rate of every car being equipped with a wireless radio.

At first, the Japanese army questioned whether this was necessary, and even worried whether radio security issues would lead to leaks of battlefield secrets.

The Germans, who were so angry that they wanted to laugh at this outrageous perception and question, did not save face and directly and completely denied these ridiculous remarks of the Japanese, emphasizing once again that the popularization of in-car radio stations is necessary and necessary.

So now the Japanese army can at least have a relatively clean retreat. They no longer have to stick their bodies out of the car and wave tattered flags to perform battlefield performance art like they did before.

Seeing the last few remaining Tigers, together with more ordinary tanks behind the Japanese column, they began to gradually retreat.

The major commander of a tank battalion of the Varosha Division, who led the attack, immediately realized the Japanese attempt to break away from the battle.

Remembering the combat mission he had to entangle the Japanese army, Comrade Major immediately picked up the microphone and gave the order without any hesitation.

"Every vehicle crew moves forward! Press forward and don't let the Japanese Japs escape! The infantry fighting vehicles follow quickly and prepare to release the infantry!"

After fighting with the Japanese army until now, I have basically mastered the brushes and tricks of these militaristic fanatics.

The artillery was taken away and the tanks could not be defeated, so the only ones left who could still make a move were the Japanese soldiers whose individual value was not as good as the toilet paper wiped from the latrine.

The brief and one-sided tank battle ended, and the enemy tanks were repulsed to ensure relative safety on the battlefield.

The battalion commander, who created a suitable battlefield environment for his own infantry fighting vehicles, immediately called on the mechanized infantry to follow up.

Facing the Tiger 88 cannon, the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles were indeed at high risk of being destroyed from the front. After hearing the order, they immediately loaded up the infantry and stepped on the accelerator from a position relatively behind but not too far away. , rushing forward quickly and furiously.

The Japanese infantrymen, who were left behind to buy time to cover the tank troops' reorganization and reorganize the attack, had not had time to fully set up some of the extremely heavy infantry heavy weapons they brought with them, but they were useless without them.

I could only hear the roar of the Russian tank that was hitting the enemy's face as it stepped on the accelerator, along with the continuous sound of firing.

"Shoot! Shoot! Block the Russian tanks and keep shooting!!!"

It's easier said than done. The sergeant holding the command knife didn't finish his sentence.

The Japanese machine gun team, which had just picked up the Type 92 heavy machine gun and had not had time to fire, encountered a series of 25mm machine gun barrages when they met head-on.

The BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle that continues to fire while advancing at high speed does not require any accuracy at all. As long as it fires enough shells, I can still hit the target even without a stabilizer. As long as it can produce a suppressive effect, it will be considered a success in achieving the tactical purpose.

This tactic, which did not care about ammunition consumption at all, left the Japanese infantry with no time to organize defensive firepower.

The Type 92 heavy machine gun, including the man and the gun, was torn into fragments of a mixture of metal and flesh, and instantly scattered on the ground.

The Japanese sergeant who was wielding a command knife was no better. A 25mm high-explosive bomb that hit his feet directly blew him into a single-sided sieve and killed him on the spot.

However, the more terrifying scene has just begun.

The Russian infantrymen who surged out of the tank like a magic trick in front of the Japanese army did not give their opponents suppressed by fire any opportunity. They raised their rifles with bayonets in their hands and only heard a loud shout. After that, they collectively crossed the chariot line and charged forward.

"Comrades! Charge to the enemy! Attack!! Ula!!!"

I was dragged out by a friend to have a birthday drink in the evening, and I came back late, so I moved the update to this time in the morning, hoping it wouldn't delay my brothers.

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