Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3120 We are precision shooters

The leader's offensive was too urgent and too fast. He expected the infantry to be able to hold on and resist the Japanese army for a while before this series of violent advances could be defeated. However, they soon found out in despair that this was impossible.

The barrage of 25mm machine guns that hit the Japanese army's face was like a hot wind, blowing back and forth in the face of the Japanese army.

The accuracy was indeed not very good. Countless projectiles flew over the Japanese soldiers' heads and passed by them, but it was still not enough to produce a qualitative change.

As long as one projectile hits, the Japanese infantry will have no other fate than being beaten into pieces of flesh and blood on the spot.

This kind of comrade-in-arms exploded instantly like a balloon filled with water next to him. All kinds of scarlet and white sticky substances were splashed all over his body and face. The horror was something that the Japanese army could not escape and ignore no matter what.

The comrades who were close at hand were still like this, and their ears were filled with dense barrage howls.

The Japanese army can fight to the death without retreating. After all, the Second Division's reputation as the top elite of the Japanese army is indeed not something that can be denied.

However, this did not prevent the barrage suppression from having an unavoidable physical impact on these Japanese soldiers, whose hands were shaking and their hearts were panicking.

Although he didn't say it in words, in actual actions, the combat efficiency of the Type 92 heavy machine gun ammunition hand was still sharply reduced because his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even insert the bullet plate into the ammunition supply port.

It was under such circumstances that an even more terrifying scene ushered in. The Russians who filed out of the infantry tanks had already raised their bayonets and came to kill the generals.


The thunderous shouts of the Red Army soldiers rang out on the battlefield where the gunfire was loud. For a time, the roar filled the ears and hearts of the Japanese army.

"Baga! The Russian infantry is charging! Imperial warriors, fix your bayonets! Tusi to—"



Before the Japanese squad leader, who was waving his command knife, could even finish his words, a 62mm full-power rifle bullet came out of nowhere and blew his entire Tianling Cap directly off his head, taking the shitty yellow soldier's head with him. The hat fell to the ground along with the meat and bones.

Of course, this was not a stray bullet that hit by chance, but a fatal bullet aimed specifically at the Japanese officer who was holding a command knife and had a strong appearance.

As the battle with the Japanese army continued to deepen, the leading army itself was constantly learning, evolving, and changing itself. It also made targeted adjustments based on the specific characteristics and known weaknesses of the newly emerging enemies.

In terms of grassroots combat units, the most representative change is the strengthening of team precision shooters.

The original infantry squad of the Leader Army was like this, except for one RPD squad machine gun and two SVT-40 semi-automatic rifles, which were responsible for providing long- and medium-range firepower.

The remaining combatants were all equipped with AK-44 automatic rifles, ensuring overwhelming assault firepower after the entire team was sent into the last 200 meters in front of the enemy by infantry fighting vehicles.

After discovering that the core of the Japanese infantry combat model was not the machine gun, but the yelling officer holding a command knife and with a not too obvious appearance was the core pillar.

Malashenko simply listened to the feedback and suggestions from grassroots combat units and directly introduced the detachable 3x PU optical sight to every team.

For Malashenko, who can basically get whatever he wants, with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles readily available, and who enjoys absolute priority in deployment and supply, gun accessories are just a matter of words.

The Red Army, which had fought the Great Patriotic War, had ample military reserves and dispatch capabilities, and could quickly meet the needs reported by Malashenko in a very short period of time.

As a result, the infantry team of the Leader Army quickly popularized the 3x PU optical sight on almost every SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle in just two days.

The purpose of installing this thing on a large scale is not to turn every semi-automatic rifle shooter into a sniper, but to maximize its ability to accurately shoot at mid-range targets.

To put it simply, the two semi-automatic rifle shooters in each infantry squad of the original leader's army were the two with the best marksmanship and the most proficient marksmanship in the entire squad.

Now there is a simple and easy-to-use 3x fixed magnification PU scope, and there is no need to go through complicated courses such as sniper training. You only need to use this fixed 3x scope that does not require adjustment to see further and shoot. Just be more accurate.

Even if you feel that this thing is not easy to use and it is not accurate when used, then you can just dismantle this thing and discard it.

Your superiors only provide you with the basis of equipment support. The final decision on whether to use it or not rests with each individual and each grassroots combatant who uses a semi-automatic rifle.

Malashenko has always respected and been willing to adopt feedback, suggestions and opinions from the grassroots, and this time is of course no exception.

Nearly half of these played at least the second half of the Patriotic War, and the vast majority were veteran shooters who fully participated in the Battle of Berlin.

I am not against the new 3x fixed magnification PU sight. After getting a little familiar with it and test firing at different distances, I quickly mastered the tricks and ballistics in the sight mode, and then joined the actual combat. undergo inspection.

The final result was that the Japanese army encountered a new nightmare on the battlefield.

Those Japanese officers holding command knives and yelling blindly, with "Fire at me" engraved on their foreheads, have now become the priority hunting targets of the two precision shooters in each class because of their excessively conspicuous appearance identification features.

Its priority on the prey list is even higher than that of grenadiers and machine gunners, which are equally threatening. The reason is very simple.

Because the leading army discovered a problem during the battle, once the Japanese infantry squads, detachments, and squads lost their direct officer command during the battle, their combat level would immediately collapse under the unfavorable headwind situation on the battlefield.

The big Japanese soldiers who were already suppressed were unable to coordinate their actions after losing their command. They were unable to take care of the front, rear, left, right, and all sides, and almost completely lost their organizational power. In most cases, they were quickly annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Japanese army, which treated the bulk of its soldiers like pigs, was like this. It was okay to fight with the wind, but once the officers were killed in the headwind battle, their combat power would immediately collapse.

A similar situation also occurred on the Pacific battlefield. In most cases, the Japanese soldiers who were named and sent away by the US military were turned into rations and fed to the US military's machine guns.

The only difference is that the leader's method is more ruthless and targeted. The killing efficiency of two precision shooters in each team is much higher than that of the US military's specially organized sniper roll call.

Precision shooters who are themselves front-line combatants can also cooperate with the squad. As part of the squad, they strengthen the overall combat effectiveness of the entire infantry squad and kill two birds with one stone.

Instead of being independent from the infantry squad like snipers, they cannot keep up with the current offensive rhythm of the leader's army. After all, it is impossible to equip snipers with a special car to transport them to and from the battlefield.

So now, on this blazing battlefield.

There were far more than one Japanese commander who was named and taken away by a precision shooter before he even had a chance to yell with a command knife in his hand.

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