Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3121 Deep Madness

The Japanese Second Division, which was fighting against the leader's army for the first time, also quickly discovered something was wrong.

The sergeants and lieutenants at all levels, in pairs and in groups of three and five, died faster than many big soldiers. They were quickly and powerfully named and taken away by the Russians in a combat state with command swords in their hands.

That was obviously not the result of random gunfire or concentrated fire, but more like the result of some specialized targeted means.

It's not clear what happened, but the Japanese infantrymen, who only knew that their junior officers died very quickly, quickly became confused.

The rapid loss of a large number of grassroots commanders and the lack of time to dispatch and replace them made the Japanese infantry defense, which was already under great frontal pressure, look like a tattered earth wall after being violently hit by a dump truck. It became even more useless at a speed visible to the naked eye. irretrievably falling apart.

The Japanese infantry who lost their command began to shoot blindly and indiscriminately, and the team's firepower network could not be organized at all.

For a while, it became a crackling show of you shooting, I shooting too, and everyone shooting guns randomly all over the place.

It is obviously much easier to deal with this kind of unorganized shooting than to deal with an organized fire network.

The infantry of the leading army concentrated their superior light weapons firepower to charge forward. Under the cover of continuous follow-up firepower from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, they quickly annihilated these remaining Japanese soldiers who were shooting wildly and indiscriminately.

There are no existing defensive positions to rely on, and they can only rely on any low-lying terrain, craters, and slopes they can find around them for concealment.

After the Japanese army, which originally thought they were the attackers, was forced to switch to defense, they only died faster.

This has nothing to do with whether the Japanese soldiers who were pinned to the ground and beaten violently were elite or not.

A mere body of flesh and blood has no position on this great plain. Facing the torrent of steel rolling towards us and the enemy's mechanized infantry with firepower several times greater than our own, there is no other possible outcome except death and destruction. , that’s all.

But the crazy Japanese army was obviously not willing to fail like this, and all kinds of crazy suicidal dramas began to be staged under extremely unfavorable conditions.

"The decisive team is ready to attack!"


The enhanced version of the Second Division not only used toilet pegs, but also tied explosive packets to each attacking soldier, tied them to death, fastened them firmly to the back and tied them with reverse knots. The kidnapped person cannot untie or reach it by himself.

"Gentlemen! The time to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor has come! Please use the courage to serve the country for seven lives, the belief that victory is certain, and launch a decisive attack on those inferior Russian barbarians! Please!"

The Japanese major who was responsible for the mobilization order didn't even bother to talk nonsense.

After finishing his brief speech, he immediately bowed deeply at nearly 90 degrees, then suddenly raised his head and raised his chest, looking directly at the "decisive team members" in front of them with fierce eyes and fear of death, and finally gave the order.

"Now I order the whole team to attack! It's a black card, on board!!!"

"Hi! The black card is onboard!!!"

The Japanese suicide attack team, wearing plaster straps with the word "Must Win" on their heads, started howling like a group of beasts with explosives tied to their bodies.

The moment they sent out this group, they didn't expect them to come back. They regarded these soldiers as pure consumables like the explosive bags and toilet pegs on their bodies, resembling flesh-and-blood ammunition.

Unfortunately, this group of people came from poor backgrounds, and the majority of the Japanese soldiers recruited from the Sendai area were completely crazy.

Even though he knew he was going to die, he still had no hesitation. He straightened his neck and went under the knife. He held explosives with a total weight of more than 10 kilograms on his back and raised his legs to rush into the Russian's face.

The Japanese army knew that it would be ineffective to simply send self-destruction troops directly upwards, but this time they learned a lesson and further improved their tactics.

Ambush these "decisive teams" behind slopes, in bomb craters, or in blind spots of the leader's army. Wait until the roaring Stalin heavy tanks arrive at a close enough distance, and then listen to the sounds to identify their positions and suddenly kill them. Come out and run as fast as you can to fight the tanks with bayonets.

The soldiers of the leading army, who knew that the Japanese army would carry out such a suicidal attack, were not surprised.

Even though this was the first time for the Varosha Division to engage in a large-scale battle with the Japanese army, it still shared the post-war summary experience from the Kurbalov Division at the earlier military-level post-war summary and analysis meeting, so this Be prepared and know how to respond.

"Fire! Concentrate your fire and kill them! Hit those with bamboo poles!"

The mechanized infantry company commander leading the team gave an order, and various continuous firepower including tank machine guns, infantry fighting vehicle cannons, and infantry light weapons immediately launched a dense barrage of fire towards these resisting troops. The Japanese troops, who were less than 30 meters away after rushing out, opened fire with bursts of fire.

“The hell is on the black card!!!”

The strange screams from the mouths of the Japanese self-destruction soldiers were still echoing in the air. The bodies that were knocked to the ground by the dense rain of bullets fell due to the inertia of forward movement. A violent and concussive explosion was heard in an instant and everyone present was unexpected. And the way came to you.


"Damn it Sokka! Why is it so powerful!? What's going on!?"

I was almost deafened by the explosion less than 30 meters away. I felt that my whole vision was blurred and swaying. Even the gun in my hand almost lost its stability and fell to the ground.

After a moment of reaction, the company commander who asked questions quickly learned the answer, only to hear a sharp-eyed soldier speak loudly.

"It's explosives! Those Japanese devils had explosives tied to their bodies! When they rushed out, they were already on fire and smoking. They were like running bombs! Not only the bamboo poles in their hands!"

"Sokka is crazy!"

The Japanese army not only shortened the charge distance of these self-exploding troops through improved tactics, but also further increased the killing radius of this flesh-and-blood ammunition by mindlessly stacking the explosive yield.

Between one decrease and one increase, the threat to the Red Army has been greatly enhanced.

If he hadn't been hiding behind the infantry fighting vehicle and shooting just now, he would have been blown up all over his body and flew backwards. The company commander was still breathing heavily, clenching his teeth and holding himself up. Enter combat status again and issue orders.

"Come forward! Follow me, come forward and clear out these Japanese suicidal lunatics! Otherwise, neither the tanks nor the infantry can be saved!"

This time it was luck and timely reaction that prevented the tank from being blown up.

But luck does not always favor the same person, and timely response is not always possible in every encounter.

If such a self-destructing soldier rushes into the team and detonates, even if it is only detonated at a relatively close distance.

Its own explosive yield of more than ten kilograms of TNT, coupled with the explosion of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, is powerful enough to take out an entire mechanized infantry squad in an instant, and only a little more.

The Japanese army had no positions and bunkers to rely on, and the same was true for the attacking leader.

I know that the risk of the infantry moving forward at this time is huge, but there is no other way. If we don't move forward and allow this situation to happen, it will lead to even more disastrous consequences.

The company commander raised the bayonet AK in his hand and led his soldiers to charge without hesitation. Seeing this, the remaining Japanese soldiers under the slope in front of them immediately seized the opportunity and charged forward with their guns drawn.

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