Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3122 Bloody Blade Fierce Battle

The Japanese soldiers, who were screaming strangely with explosives bundled on their bodies, were still appearing one after another like ground rats from various possible hiding places. They picked up the toilet pegs they were holding and headed towards the Red Army with explosives bundles attached. The soldiers rushed forward.

There is no other way to deal with these extremely crazy Japanese troops. The steel guns and bullets in their hands are the only solution.

Crouching on the top of the slope, he raised the steel gun in his hand and pulled the trigger at the Japanese soldiers who were charging up the slope. The dense barrage like a downpour immediately knocked down several Japanese soldiers at the front.

"Get down! Get down quickly!"

With the lesson learned just now, the company commander who led the team gave an order. He had just knocked down the Japanese soldiers at the front and immediately took the lead to lie down.

The soldiers who knew what would happen next also hurriedly lay down, only to hear an earth-shattering explosion followed immediately.


Several Japanese self-destruction soldiers who were knocked to the ground exploded almost simultaneously, and various flesh and blood remains were blown into the sky together with their arms and legs. After briefly flying into the air, it quickly fell straight down, landing directly on the bodies and faces of the prostrate Red Army soldiers on the top of the slope.

"Suka! Bah! The Japanese blood is sour and smelly. It's disgusting!"

"At least I won't make you sick to death, so hurry up and continue beating! Here comes another wave!"

"Grenade ready!"

After one wave of Japanese self-explosive troops were wiped out, there was another wave. However, the Japanese army that adopted intermittent offensives did not send out suicide squads continuously. Instead, after a failed wave, they were followed by serious infantry combat units and groups to take advantage of the situation to follow up and kill.

The intention is obvious - to use the explosions generated when the self-destruction soldiers fail to attack, to truly squeeze out the value of these mobile flesh bombs.

Treat it like an artillery shell with legs and carry out precision-guided artillery strikes. Even if it doesn't hit directly, it can still take advantage of the gap between the Red Army to avoid the explosion and advance forward.

When the Red Army soldiers who had been avoiding the explosion raised their heads again, the Japanese infantry who rushed up were almost in front of their noses, and they had set up their machine guns further back for suppressive shooting.

As soon as the two unexpected Red Army soldiers stuck their heads out and prepared to shoot, they were hit in the face and neck by an oncoming Japanese machine gun bullet. They immediately fell to the ground. The advantage of automatic firepower in their hands was not given time to take effect. sacrifice.

Seeing this, the company commander who led the team was shocked and had no time to think about anything else.

He immediately called on the soldiers around him to take out grenades and blasted down the Japanese troops rushing up halfway down the slope.

A round of grenades was thrown out in a row, causing explosions and shrapnel to fly across the Japanese charge.

The Japanese soldiers in front fell, while the screaming Japanese soldiers behind continued to charge forward with their guns drawn, stepping on the bloody corpses of their comrades who had been blown to pieces, and some of them were still alive.


“Give it Tusi!!!”

“The hell is on the black card!!!”

Just as he touched the second grenade on his waist, he heard the strange scream that was already close at hand.

With no time to think about it, the company commander immediately gave up his plan to take out the grenade, and instead grabbed the AK with the bayonet next to him. Guessing that the time had come, he immediately got up and stabbed with the gun.

"Die! Sokka!!!"


The sharp bayonet stabbed into the chest of the Japanese soldier who rushed forward. The Japanese soldier screamed in pain and immediately fell to his knees holding the wound.

The Japanese infantry who charged from the bottom up were unable to effectively take advantage of the one-inch long and one-inch strong 38-gai due to the blind spot in their field of vision.

Before he could even get into his stance to stab, he was shot down by the company commander who suddenly got up from the blind spot and charged out.

At this real hand-to-hand combat distance, the Japanese machine guns set up down the slope could no longer exert their firepower. They did not dare to fire indiscriminately for fear of injuring their own men who had finally rushed up.

The company commander who seized this opportunity took the lead and led the soldiers to stand up and fight with the Japanese troops who had already rushed forward.

The Sanba Gai with a bayonet attached to the gun head struck hard. The Red Army soldier holding an AK with a bayonet also immediately raised his gun to block, and even ducked to evade.

During the interlacing of the blades, he successfully pushed the Japanese bayonet aside. The soldier who changed the gun's horizontal direction into a cleave grasped the AK in his hand and attacked the neck of the Japanese soldier who had no time to withdraw his gun and defend.


There was a muffled sound of a blade penetrating flesh, and the Japanese soldier lost his fighting power on the spot as blood surged from his neck.

The 38-year-old Gai accidentally dropped his hand, his eyes widened with eyes wide open, and he fell backwards while bleeding profusely.

Before the Red Army soldier who killed an enemy with one knife had time to put away his gun, the Japanese soldiers who were attacking from the other direction were already in front of him, raising their guns and stabbing him.



The sharp bayonet stabbed into the abdomen of the soldier who had no time to dodge.

The soldier who endured the pain didn't think much, gripped the steel gun tightly, raised the bayonet again, and stabbed straight into the Japanese soldier's face.

The knife pierced the Japanese soldier's right eye socket and his eyeball on the spot.

The Japanese soldier, who had a bayonet stabbed into his brain stem and severed his brain nerves, had lost control of his body.

The two hands that were holding the 38 big cover loosened, and he immediately fell backwards.


Seeing that his comrade had dropped the AK in his hand and just killed the enemy, he curled up and fell to the ground in pain. There was also a Japanese rifle with a bayonet stuck in his stomach that he had no strength to pull out on his own.

The anxious comrades rushed forward, quickly untied the rigid connection between the Japanese rifle and the bayonet, and threw the bloody rifle aside.

After briefly checking the location of the wound, he did not dare to pull the bayonet out of his comrade's stomach immediately for fear of massive bleeding on the spot.

"Hold on! You'll be fine. I'll take you down! You have to hold on!"

The fierce close combat at the top of the slope continued. The soldier who grabbed his injured comrade by the collar and dragged him down the slope had just taken two steps when a Japanese soldier who screamed strangely raised his bayonet and came to kill him.

"Damn it! Damn it, Sokka!!!"

Da da da da——

With his left hand, he grabbed his comrade by the collar and continued to drag him. With his right hand, he raised the AK hanging on his shoulder with a gun belt. As soon as he pulled the trigger, he fired a burst of four bursts, knocking the charging Japanese soldier to the ground on the spot.

"Give me the gun! I can still—puff—ahem—I can still shoot!"

While vomiting blood and reaching for a gun from his comrades who were dragging him, the knifed soldier, whose consciousness was nearly blurred, still refused to give up the fight.

Holding the AK handed over by his comrades behind him tightly in his hand, he endured the severe pain and knocked down two more Japanese soldiers who tried to take advantage of the opportunity.

The injured soldier who was dragged all the way down the slope had just used up the last bullet of the AK in his hand.

The two health workers who had rushed forward immediately took over the person and called for the stretcher to come forward to lift the person up and prepare for evacuation.

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