Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3123: Chop into pieces and crush one by one

The seriously injured comrade was grabbed and carried down, while the soldier who personally carried his comrade all the way down the slope immediately turned around and returned to the battlefield. What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

The Japanese troops rushed up the hill one after another, one after another, like an endless stream.

Holding the automatic rifle with remaining ammunition in his hand tightly, he could barely parry and dodge in the face of the Japanese bayonets one after another. Comrade Comrade Commander, who couldn't find the shooting window, knew that he could not continue like this.

Looking around with the corner of his eye, he found that the other soldiers around him were in a similar situation to himself, locked in a tough battle and unable to take advantage of their firepower.

He knocked away the bayonet thrust by the Japanese soldiers in front of him, raised his left leg and kicked him to the ground, rolling him down the slope. The command immediately came out of the mouth of the company commander without thinking.

"Retreat! Keep distance and retreat quickly!!!"

Holding here will only continue to force you to fight with the Japanese army with bayonets. Instead of doing this, it is better to retreat tactically to create a distance. It will be easier to defeat all the Japanese soldiers in one stroke and then fight them back.

The company commander who just did what he said immediately led the soldiers to fight and retreat in a posture of facing the enemy head-on, moving quickly.

After voluntarily giving up holding on to their position and establishing a certain distance, they were finally able to take advantage of their firepower. The 62mm intermediate-power rifle bullets fired fully automatically instantly knocked down several Japanese soldiers who were still trying to kill them.

But the company commander's plan was more than that. He was still leading the soldiers to continue to alternate cover and retreat quickly, and was still further distancing himself from the Japanese army who mistakenly thought that they had repelled the enemy.

"The Russians have retreated! Onboard! The Russians have been repelled! Continue the pursuit! Give me the Tuss!!!"

The Japanese infantrymen, who were so excited that they wanted to announce the good news to the emperor immediately, seized the opportunity and continued to charge forward.

But he didn't expect that the moment he rushed over the top of the slope and swooped down, the first thing he saw was not the Russian infantry that he expected.

It was the Russian steel chariots behind the infantry who had already aimed their black muzzles and muzzles at their own side.


Da da da da——

Dong dong dong dong——

Various 62-, 7-, 5-, and 30-mm caliber continuous firepower were fired at once, and infantry light weapons and vehicle-mounted heavy weapons combined to weave a dense barrage of fire and roar.

The Japanese infantry who were unable to dodge were knocked down in rows on the spot, like mowing grass. The large-caliber projectiles sliced ​​flesh and bones, and hit various pieces of meat and blood instantly scattered everywhere.

The only possible outcome for the Japanese troops who escaped from close-quarters hand-to-hand combat was to be humanely destroyed by ruthless firepower.

"Come forward! Comrades, follow me! Ula!!!"


The company commander who had just made a tactical retreat now cheered up again. Taking advantage of the gaps where the Japanese troops were knocked down in rows, he once again led the team to kill all the way back.

The infantry fighting vehicles and tanks behind them also quickly ceased fire when they saw this, just like the Japanese machine guns did not dare to fire randomly for fear of accidentally injuring their own infantry.

The Red Army soldiers who fought back to the top of the slope maintained their firepower output all the way and exchanged ammunition to ensure that automatic weapons were always firing, completely rejecting the remaining Japanese troops' attempts to get closer.

The last few Japanese soldiers remaining on the top of the slope were shot dead on the spot, and it was also because they died so quickly that the subsequent Japanese charges did not even have time to rush forward.

The company commander, who was determined not to let go of the opportunity in front of him, immediately called for machine guns, rifles and grenades to go into battle. He used whatever firepower he could to use his maximum firepower and immediately hit the Japanese troops who were still charging up the hillside.

This time, the Japanese troops charging forward without flesh and blood bombs could not repeat their old tricks. Facing an enemy whose firepower was many times more powerful than their own, they could not charge forward at all. They left corpses all over the slope and blood flowing everywhere in the wailing and screaming. Repelled on the spot.

Even the Japanese machine guns mounted down the slope suffered damage.

They mistakenly thought that their own people were still fighting fiercely on the top of the slope and did not dare to open fire immediately. However, they never thought that the heads emerging from the blind area of ​​​​the field of vision were all Russians, and there were also "machine guns" in the hands of the Russians. .

There was a head-to-head exchange of fire, and a few Japanese machine guns that were no more than a hundred meters away were reduced to a pulp almost instantly by brutal automatic firepower that was several times their own.


All attacking waves were wiped out and all machine guns were disabled.

Almost all the troops sent there were killed, but no substantial progress was achieved. The Japanese major was so angry that he ran away on the spot. He raised his command knife and started screaming like crazy.

"Attack! Everyone follow me to attack! Give me Tusi!!!"

Only this time, what it has to face is far more than just enemy infantry.

The threat of the Japanese army's flesh-and-blood bombs was temporarily lifted, and the tanks, infantry and combat vehicles that were able to push the front further forward immediately moved forward at full speed, bypassing the slope in front of them and appearing on both sides.

The Japanese major who had just started to charge was shocked to find that Russian tanks had appeared on the left and right at the same time. It was obviously useless to try to do anything at this time, and it was too late to regret it.

"Open fire and blast them away!"

Dong dong dong dong——


The tank crews, who were full of anger, used their strongest firepower to avenge their comrades.

A whole row of 122 and 130 mm grenades came one after another, whizzing and falling in front of and at the feet of the Japanese army, exploding into clouds of blood, mist and dust that shot straight into the sky.

"Comrades, follow me! Attack!!!"


The Japanese troops sweeping down the slope again had just been suppressed by artillery bombardment. The Red Army soldiers on the top of the slope, whose attacks were interlocked and closely coordinated, immediately began to charge.

It was another mixed offensive with infantry in front and infantry fighting vehicles and tanks following closely behind to hold down the formation.

Having lost their short-term advantage and having no position to defend, the Japanese infantry could no longer resist. They began to retreat uncontrollably with the corpses left on the ground in embarrassment.

"Comrade Division Commander, the intensity of the Japanese army's resistance is quite high, resulting in unprecedented fierce fighting. Fortunately, the situation has been opened up and a breakthrough has been achieved. The remaining Japanese troops are retreating, and the pincer attack on the Japanese reinforcements is also in progress. So far, everything is going well."

The fierce battle with blood and flesh flying everywhere on the battlefield was quickly reported to Varosha, who was taking command.

While listening to the chief of staff's briefing, Varosha personally drew marks on the map. Putting down his drawing pen, Varosha already knew the advancing battlefield situation at this stage, and blurted out firm-voiced orders immediately.

"Order all frontline units to continue to strengthen their offensive. They must basically complete the current combat mission before the Japanese army takes further action, and achieve the separation and encirclement of the first batch of Japanese troops."

"In addition, notify the artillery troops to intercept and fire on the fleeing Japanese troops to prevent these Japanese troops from joining the reinforcing Japanese troops. The attacking troops will speed up the pursuit and annihilation rhythm and chop these Japanese militarist fanatics into pieces and crush them one by one!"

I happened to be free on Saturday, so I was asked by a friend to go out for a late-night snack. The old men chatted endlessly with each other. When I came back late, I finished coding the remaining bits and sent them out.

Updates will resume at the normal time starting tomorrow. As usual, I will try my best to update before 12 o'clock in the evening. There are indeed a lot of things at hand recently and delays. I would like to say sorry to everyone.

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