Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3124 The artillery fire has arrived and the torrent is attacking

"Look at this battle report. Varosha said in it that the Japanese army is now willing to tie explosives to the soldiers and use them as human cannonballs to blow up the tanks, but they are also trying their best to prevent them from advancing.

"I used to think that the Germans gave poison to soldiers to enhance their combat effectiveness. This was crazy enough. I didn't expect that the Japanese would go even more unscrupulous and treat soldiers as disposable consumables like ammunition. Are they really so inhumane? Don’t you treat soldiers as human beings?”

"If I had the chance, I would like to know what the military decision-makers were thinking about."

The political commissar holding the newly arrived telegram was talking to the side, while Malashenko was studying in front of the map.

Make a map by yourself, marking the direction in which the Varosha Division is currently advancing and the position of the battle line bit by bit. After making the marks, put down the pen, ruler and compass in your hand and follow the opening.

"They are just like flies and mosquitoes trying to catch each other in a latrine, and a nest of snakes and rats that just happen to have their eye on each other. The so-called rubbish looking for rubbish, but these two gangs of bastards would never get together if they were even remotely normal."

"But it doesn't matter. If the madness of flesh and blood can win, then why do we need steel armor and tracks?"

"Why I asked Varosha to go up is largely because the Japanese in the Second Division must be even crazier."

When he came to the desk, he picked up the thermos on the table and poured two glasses of water. While leaving one cup for himself, he did not forget to pass one to the political commissar. After taking a sip of water, Malashenko shook the remaining water in the cup and leaned on it. The conversation at the table then continued.

"Compared with Kulbalov, Varosha's commanding style is more aggressive, to put it mildly, more violent and aggressive."

"If Kulbalov is like a slowly advancing iron wall, with an airtight offensive that makes the enemy despair, then Varosha should be a full-power meat grinder with the switch removed, unless Grind all the flesh and blood of the Japanese on the battlefield, otherwise you will see, he will never stop. "

"But, this style of command is more susceptible to casualties and relatively risky, right?"

After hearing this, Malashenko put down the water glass in his hand, then responded with a serious expression and continued to reply to the political commissar.

"So this is why I am more inclined to choose Kulbalov to take over. The leadership army needs a mature and stable person who can control the overall situation."

"The peace period after the war gave us plenty of time to develop with peace of mind, so I prefer relative stability rather than manic and radical rapid progress. At that time, we not only demanded fast, but also demanded better, you know what I mean."

Deep synthetic exploration of future developments is not an easy task.

In Malashenko's eyes, at least for now, there will be no one more suitable to take over than Kulbalov, who has inherited a large part of his own style and is also quite mature and stable.

"Anyway, let's take a look. Let's see how Varosha can fight in the end, and see how far his strength can crush the Japanese madness. Maybe after Kurbalov , he will also become the successor commander of the leading army one day. To be honest, I have the same expectations for him and Kulbalov.”

Varosha on the front line did not know that the comrade commander in the rear was discussing and evaluating himself with the political commissar comrade.

At the moment, Varosha only wants to do one thing, and send these crazy Japanese militaristic fanatics to hell to join their Nazi allies who are of the same species.

Boom boom boom——

After receiving the order from division commander Varosha, the ISU-152A self-propelled artillery group belonging to the division's field artillery unit was firing intensively.

The high-raised gun barrel sent heavy artillery shells into the air, shot them diagonally into the sky, and then aimed straight at the heads of the fleeing Japanese troops with a roaring parabolic trajectory.

Boo hoo hoo——

Behind the firing position of the 152 self-propelled artillery group, the rocket artillery position composed of Katyusha and Andryusha rocket launchers also fired salvos at the same time.

The barrage of heavy artillery shells mixed with the barrage of rocket clusters in the sky. Thousands of densely shining fiery red light points were like rain of fire from the sky, and they hit the fleeing Japanese army on the forehead. Top.



The Japanese army, which had been unable to withstand the fierce charge of the leader's army and retreated, suffered such a heavy artillery bombardment without any bunkers to rely on.

Countless Japanese corpses were blasted into the air. The troop transport truck that was directly hit by a 152mm high-explosive grenade was reduced to parts, and the people and vehicles were shattered to pieces, so that no one could be found.

Those few remaining Type IV heavy tanks are copycat Tiger Types.

Originally, they were still trapped in the fleeing team, hoping to retain their combat power to fight again after regrouping.

But he didn't expect that the Russians wouldn't even give them such a chance. Rocket barrages faster than the attack speed of the steel torrent fell straight down and covered them instantly.

The top of the turret was directly hit by a 310mm Andryusha rocket. The imitation tiger, which was lucky enough to be hit by lottery while moving, was immediately carried away on the spot in the huge explosion.

The 17-ton turret was torn into palm-sized pieces and flew everywhere. The half-section of the gun barrel was blown out of the turret along with the breech block, and was thrown hundreds of meters away by the shock wave. distance, plunged into the ground on the dirt roadside and turned into a dark road sign.

Armored vehicles still end up miserable like this, not to mention the fate of those flesh and blood infantry who are unprotected soft targets.

The vast majority of the Japanese troops became the materials for the "Evaporation Technique" under the magic of bombardment. After a sea of ​​fire exploded continuously, the craters left on the ground were dotted like the surface of the moon.

"Yu, is it over? Is there anyone alive? Yamashita, Matsuki, Nagano-kun, where are you!? Talk!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!"

The artillery bombardment, which came and went quickly, was only one round and had just stopped. The few Japanese soldiers who survived were still struggling to find traces of their comrades at the bombardment site. They were almost crazy, almost stupid, and the shelling was roaring like a tsunami. An even more terrifying scene in the barrage was coming soon.


Buzz buzz——

The air was torn by the sound of steel grinding, and the earth trembled from the rolling of the tracks.

When our own artillery opened fire, we paused the pursuit for a brief rest. Only 5 minutes later, the torrent of steel struck again with an even more unstoppable attitude.

Only this time, the current situation of the fleeing Japanese army was even worse than before. Facing the huge number of hundreds of Russian tanks, they were filled with unwillingness and despair.

The first update will be posted first, the second update will come soon, please wait a moment.

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