Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3125 Leave the tail behind

At the same time that the fleeing Japanese troops were stuffed into the steel meat grinder, the other two groups of troops were deployed and deployed under the personal command of Valosha.

The torrent of steel that swept towards the Japanese reinforcements in a flanking attack has now also crashed into the faces of these Japanese soldiers who thought they were really coming to save people.

"Fire! Stop them, the chariot troops attack! Attack!! Attack!!!"

There is no position to rely on, and they are facing a mixed doubles match between the huge IS7 and the huge IS6.

Without the blessing of the Type 4 heavy tank, the quality of the equipment and offensive energy on hand were not as good as the first wave of attack troops that had been included.

This group of Japanese reinforcements had no way to retreat or defend. They could only rely on more troops than the first wave of attacking troops to fight to the death with the Varosha Division flanked by two sides. Together.

The courage to fight attack with attack is great, but it still suffers from the consequences of excessive stupidity and battlefield performance.

The best tank on hand is the Type III medium tank brought from the mainland. The 75mm tank gun can be regarded as a "high-quality giant gun" for the Japanese tank troops.

But this kind of thing, which has the same caliber and is far inferior to the 75mm tank gun of the German Panther, will only make a sound when it hits the IS7 and IS6.

"Loading armor-piercing shells! Japanese tanks are at 1 o'clock, 500 meters away, gunners, prepare!"

The IS7, which was facing the Japanese tank's 75 small artillery fire, ignored all the incoming shells and allowed the weak Japanese armor-piercing shells to hit the front of the turret and the front of the car body. The billiard balls hit up and down made sparks fly. In a posture like an unyielding wall, the Japanese tank soldiers opened fire with a bang.


A round of 130mm projectiles roared in, and the Japanese Army's Type III mid-armor, which was in vain, was penetrated from beginning to end on the spot.

Projectiles were poured from the bow all the way to the power cabin, and when they were about to rush out of the power cabin, they finally exploded under the action of the armor-piercing delay fuse.

The engine was blown out of the cabin and took off on the spot. It was on fire and smoking all the way. It spun around and flew to an altitude of more than 20 meters before falling heavily and hitting the ground.

The Japanese armor-piercing bullets were fired directly and they rushed to a close enough distance. The IS7, which was competing to get into the shooting position, led the IS6 to fire continuously.

A steady stream of 130mm and 122mm projectiles were fired at the Japanese tanks one after another, turning one Japanese tank after another into a torch in an almost certain and unambiguous manner.

At the same time, on the flank, with the help of the heavy tank troops' fire cover, the T-43A medium tank group that stepped on the accelerator and continued to rush forward had already outflanked them.

The Japanese army, which was already out of firepower and under tremendous impact pressure, had to divide its forces once again to resist these rampaging smaller Russian tanks.

I thought that these smaller Russian tanks would be easier to deal with, but after the actual battle, the Japanese army quickly discovered in despair that these small Russian steel monsters were still unable to defeat them.



call out--

Three consecutive rounds of 75mm armor-piercing bullets were fired on the front and three different parts of the left and right faces of the turret.

Although the attack points were different, the attack effects were exactly the same. All three armor-piercing rounds were ineffective. One ricocheted and two failed to penetrate. They failed to cause any real impact on the T-43A that was charging to death with the accelerator pressed to death. sexual harm.

It did knock off a few pieces of the additional armor attached to the T-43A, but it still couldn't stop this Slavic monster weighing more than 30 tons from running rampant like it was entering an uninhabited land.

The T-43A medium tank, which had reached a sufficient distance forward, immediately went into battle. The main gun and machine gun opened fire at the Japanese army blocking them with direct fire. The BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle that followed up simultaneously maintained its firepower output and lowered its force. Vehicle mounted infantry.

It was screened by the 130 and 122 cannons of the heavy tank, and then was screened by the 100 cannon of the medium tank for another round.

At this time, the Japanese tanks were the top priority targets. They had been killed to pieces and nothing was left. It was even more difficult to organize effective anti-armor firepower and they were the most vulnerable to defense. Of course, the BMP43 was the last to follow. The chariot responded with an attack.

The mechanized infantry who dismounted followed the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and quickly advanced the front line with the coordination of infantry and tanks.

Because there is no position to rely on, it is not appropriate to rush the infantry forward rashly, and it is unnecessary to increase unnecessary casualties.

The infantry-tank coordinated front, which fought steadily and pressed step by step, always kept a certain distance from the Japanese army. After losing most of its tanks and seriously lacking infantry anti-armor firepower, the Japanese army had almost nothing to do in the face of this iron-clad enemy. .

Machine guns, cannon barrages and large-caliber high-explosive bombs flew together, and the Japanese infantry who lacked positional support suffered numerous casualties in an instant.

The light weapons in the hands of the infantry could do nothing against these steel behemoths. All kinds of sparks splashed around, decorating the Russian tanks like lantern toys, but they had no actual impact.

Realizing that he could not continue like this, the Japanese commander left the armored vehicle he was riding in. He raised the telescope in his hand and took one last look at the terrifying formation. He pondered for a moment and then blurted out the order, knowing that nothing could be done.

"Retreat. There is no other choice but to retreat. Let the troops disengage from the enemy and evacuate immediately."

"Retreat? Your Excellency, Captain, are you kidding me? We just--"

"No need to say more, can't you see?"

The Japanese commander, who had no time to waste, didn't say too much nonsense. He raised his hand and pointed at his left and right wing formations that were still being compressed, and immediately spoke to the chief of staff beside him.

"The Russians' intention is not only to prevent our reinforcements, they also want to use a pincer offensive to cut off part of us and stay here to annihilate them with the Yamada Alliance!"

"What should the rest of us do at that time? Should we retreat miserably with heavy losses, or should we run headlong into the cold formation of the Russians until the last drop of blood is shed!?"


I wanted to think about why the Russian offensive was not repulsed, but then I thought about how our side has not been able to achieve any noticeable results from the time it came into contact with the enemy until now.

The assault advantage of the tank troops cannot be exerted. The artillery has been beaten by the Russians in the artillery battle. It is even more impossible for the infantry alone to break through the Russian iron wall.

The chief of staff, who was not stupid at all, had no choice but to face the reality no matter how unwilling to admit it, and immediately nodded to the captain in response.

"Hi! I'll go deliver it right away."

Not long after the Japanese army cut off their tails to survive, Varosha, who was analyzing the next move in his division and continuing to circle dots on the map, received the latest battle report from the front line.

"Reporting to Comrade Division Commander, the second wave of Japanese incoming troops have given up their intention to reinforce and have taken the initiative to disengage with our troops and begin to withdraw from the battlefield."

"What? Withdraw!? Did these Japanese devils turn around and run away?"

Originally thinking that the Japanese army would continue to fight until the last drop of blood was shed as usual, Varosha, who was somewhat disbelieving, stepped forward and took the telegram and read it. After reading it at the speed of ten lines at a glance, he frowned.

"What do they want to do? A tactical retreat to regroup or a collective retreat? The overall loss is less than 30%, so they shouldn't escape so early."

Varosha, who could not analyze the intention of the Japanese army's abnormal behavior for the time being, rolled his eyes, and after a brief thought, he immediately issued an updated order.

"Order the left-wing attack force to continue pursuing the retreating Japanese reinforcements, but not to go too deep, and not to cut off the retreat and encircle and annihilate them. Just maintain uninterrupted firepower against the Japanese troops, and always pay attention to battlefield trends and provide timely feedback."

"The right-wing attack force stopped advancing, closed the encirclement, cut off the retreat of the first wave of Japanese attack forces and launched an offensive against them. Don't think about leaving those Japanese devils who have already been killed. Since they are trying to survive, they must give up their tails. I stayed!"

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