Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3126 Some people are fighting, while others are enjoying tea.

Although Varosha's command style tends to be bold and violent, that is only compared to Kulbalov's steady and steady approach.

Regardless of comparison, Varosha has learned the essence of what Malashenko taught in words and deeds: "Adventurism in offense is not allowed."

Unable to determine the enemy's specific retreat intentions and the enemy's situation unknown, Varosha still adopted a relatively stable offensive strategy even though he held a huge advantage.

Just send one attack force to keep a distance and not follow up too deeply, instead of directly pulling out a large roundabout that can be executed to cut off the enemy's retreat.

The reason for this is also very simple.

Because the existing intelligence at hand is not enough to support Varosha to take such further actions.

Varosha still doesn't know whether what awaits his soldiers at a more distant position behind the seemingly retreating enemies are more enemies who have begun to retreat; or whether they are waiting for work and have already opened up their formation, waiting for the leader's army. A trap of superior force that you can drill into.

And dispatching a heavy mechanized force with fast maneuverability can not only hang behind the fleeing enemy to pursue it, but also can move forward to expand the results after determining the enemy's true intention to retreat, or discover the enemy. You can also quickly retreat after setting an ambush trap.

In short, it is easy to say that the tactical mobility is in place. As long as it is relatively superior to the enemy and has a large advantage, then the flexibility at the tactical execution level will be extraordinary.

"Comrade Division Commander, the Military Headquarters has sent a reply telegram. The reconnaissance plane has taken off and is about to enter the war zone. It is expected that the latest feedback on the battlefield situation will be sent back soon. In the telegram, Comrade Military Commander asked us to move forward steadily to expand the results. There are still several ways The enemy's position is unknown, and we should not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly."

"In addition, the division's reconnaissance company troops have also moved forward and returned to more remote positions to perform deep reconnaissance missions against the enemy. If nothing unexpected happens, feedback should be sent back soon. Reconnaissance at the tactical level of the scouts, and Airborne reconnaissance of the overall battlefield situation is being carried out simultaneously.”

Varosha, who was unable to determine the battlefield situation at the division level, immediately reported the situation to the military headquarters. Malashenko coordinated the higher-level front army command and dispatched air reconnaissance forces in a timely manner to conduct updated battlefield situation awareness.

Thanks to the leader's army's current battlefield command system, which has greatly enhanced timeliness, this advantage of being able to quickly solve almost all unknown problems encountered by the enemy has made the entire battlefield almost unilaterally transparent to the leader's army.

With such a huge advantage in hand, Varosha kept in mind what Comrade Commander Comrade once taught him.

"The more you feel that the advantage is huge, the more you remember to ask yourself, are there really no problems and crises on the battlefield I face? Some people always like to say, "The advantage is mine," but I I hope and feel even more that that person will never be you, not the Varosha that I trust.”

Comrade Commander's teachings still echo in my ears.

Recalling all this, Varosha breathed a sigh of relief, once again concentrated on the battlefield command, and replied to the chief of staff who had just finished the report with a telegram next to him.

"Inform the division's direct reconnaissance company to speed up the progress. I want to find out what these Japanese devils want to do as soon as possible."

"in addition"

Casting his gaze on the battle zone map, the red circle marked as the starting point of his own attack troops, Varosha, who knew that he still had half of the combat troops on hand, spoke immediately.

"How prepared is the rest of the attack force?"

"Preparations for the attack have been completed. Comrade division commander is on standby."

"very good."

Wu Zi nodded and moved his gaze to a more remote position on the map. His eyes were focused on Varosha on the blue arrow representing the incoming Japanese army, and he continued to speak.

"Once the enemy's situation is determined, the third batch of attacking troops will set off immediately. Regardless of whether the Japanese Japs really escape or want to ambush, according to the corresponding situation and the battlefield deployment according to the corresponding combat plan, we have sufficient superior strength to crush all the enemy's machinations. This I’m sure I’ll take advantage of this elite second division!”

Of course Malashenko knew that Varosha had been secretly competing with Kulbalov.

In fact, there were rumors among the leader's army that Varosha's division was like a stepmother compared to Kurbalov's division.

High-quality soldiers could not be obtained, and main attack missions could not be obtained. Even the actual results were achieved by following the Kurbalov division to collect scraps and prisoners.

Although the words are ugly, they are also facts that cannot be denied.

Varosha, who was somewhat embarrassed about his face, not only had to face these gossips, but also had to restrain his troops to avoid any trouble.

So until now, Varosha has been holding his breath, secretly swearing that he must find an opportunity to do a big job to be ruthless, and it didn't take long to catch the opportunity of the second division's attack, so This seems to be the current situation.

Swallowing the second division, which is known as the most elite of the entire Japanese army, Varosha felt that this should be comparable to the previous Kurbalov's first division that fought against the third division and pushed 50,000 Japanese devils away in one day. Compared with the fierce results.

Therefore, once the enemy's true intentions are determined and the current battlefield situation is confirmed, the first thing Varosha has to do is to put the last and only remaining main force of the Second Division into his own hands. In a custom meat grinder.

This duel was almost on the eve of its climax, but neither Varosha, who was arranging his troops in full swing, nor Malashenko, who was commanding from behind further away, expected this.

Someone is planning to do something bigger than the decisive battle planned by the leader army, and it's not Japanese.

Stauffener, who came to the Japanese division headquarters as a guest, was already chatting with Colonel Kentaro Aoki, the main heavy tank commander of the second division.

In order to entertain this guest whom he respected very much and who was of great help to himself and his troops, Kentaro Aoki did not forget to instruct his men in the camp of his joint headquarters to give orders to the German army even at such an urgent moment. The lieutenant colonel had a cup of tea and practiced tea ceremony.

After waiting for the tea to be served and placed on the table, Kentaro Aoki, holding his ancestral command sword, the Damascus, sat down on a chair and came to Stauffener before he spoke with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant Colonel. The situation on the battlefield is tense, and I can only do so much for you. Please don't mind."

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