Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3127 The Way to Attack the Heart

As a Japanese military elite who returned from studying in Germany in the early years, Kentaro Aoki is one of the few Japanese soldiers who has a relatively clear understanding of how Japan's own strength compares with Western powers.

What he saw and heard in Germany severely damaged Kentaro Aoki's self-confidence, which was once extremely proud and arrogant, even to the point of arrogance.

The Germans casually pulled out 20 armored divisions and 5 million troops and marched across Europe, advancing deep into the Soviet Union and advancing unstoppably.

Looking back at our own Imperial Army, it's almost funny in comparison.

The competition for steel resources was too steep to compete with the Navy. They were scratching the ropes to build tanks for fear of wasting even a gram of steel. They built a lot of them that could only be regarded as reconnaissance vehicles for the German army, and they might not even reach the level of reconnaissance vehicles. The "tin toys" that arrived.

Yes, that’s right. Kentaro Aoki, who was invited by the Germans to the Soviet-German battlefield in 1941 as a military student, felt that his so-called tanks would be nothing more than "iron toys" when placed on a battlefield of this level. ".

Not to mention the Germans, those tanks made by Russia have been surrendered and defeated by the Germans.

Kentaro Aoki will never forget the overwhelming visual impact when he first saw the KV-1\\2 heavy tank captured by the Germans on the battlefield.

It's really like comparing their own tanks. This thing made by Russia is simply a steel monster from hell, the kind that just crawled out of fairy tales.

Listening to the German tour guide leading the team, he explained how difficult and thick-skinned this thing was. How the heroic German soldiers used anti-tank grenades, engineer explosives and heavy anti-aircraft guns to finally destroy this thing. The terrifying steel behemoth.

Kentaro Aoki knew from then on that the Imperial Army, which he was once so proud of, was actually completely incompetent.

Even compared with the French Army, which had been stepped on by the Germans, it was still far behind.

Looking back at the smaller tanks like the Soma S35 made by the French, Kentaro Aoki, who still felt that they were very powerful, just sighed and felt helpless.

"Colonel Aoki, are you distracted, or are you thinking about something? I wonder if you can share something with me."

Stauffener actually spoke Japanese. As a professional military personnel, he had direct communication with the Japanese who were also military attachés in the Soviet Union since he served as a military attache in the Soviet Union.

Stauffener, who has enjoyed an adequate supply of high-quality educational resources since he was a child, can certainly learn Japanese easily.

It's just a matter of whether you are willing to take the initiative to talk about it. That is a completely different matter. It is another matter to "act by ear".

When talking to people he is not interested in and thinks he is not worthy of speaking Japanese, Stauffener will of course assume a superior attitude as a "Feng noble". Even when the situation is stronger than others, he will not forget to continue to abide by his noble dignity. .

If I don't speak Japanese to you, I won't speak it to you, even if you are the commander of the Second Division, unless you put a gun to my head and force me to speak.

But for Kentaro Aoki, Stauffener, who is convinced that this person plays a very important role in his plan, will of course take the initiative to speak Japanese out of a very strong purpose, and the effect of this is of course visible to the naked eye.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Lieutenant Colonel, I was a little distracted just now. To tell you the truth, I actually recalled my experience of studying in Germany in the early years. Your army's tactical literacy and powerful equipment level really impressed me at that time. I’m still impressed by it even today.”

"Uh this, hahahaha, hehehe——"

It can be seen that Kentaro Aoki is not deliberately making a disgusting joke on himself, but he really shows an expression of admiration.

Stauffener, who had long been reduced to a literal "subjugated slave", could only smile when he heard this. He laughed so hard that he felt embarrassed. He could only quickly change the topic to cover up his embarrassment and continue talking.

"I wonder what the current battlefield situation is like? Sir Colonel, is there anything you need my help with? If so, please feel free to ask. My subordinates and I are willing to help you."

Stauffener kept his posture low enough and his tone of voice was good enough.

Upon hearing this, Kentaro Aoki immediately became energetic and beamed with joy, and this was exactly the expression that Stauffener expected to make it easier for him to implement his next plan.

But he didn't expect that before Kentaro Aoki could speak, a hurried-looking major on the side was already holding a freshly prepared telegram.

He walked quickly to his co-captain, covered his mouth in front of Staufener, and whispered into the co-captain's ear.

"Nani!? Is this true!?"

After hearing the ulterior report, Kentaro Aoki's expression immediately changed from a smiling face to a state of shock, like a face change in a Sichuan opera.

The lieutenant on the side didn't dare to show any slights, and quickly nodded with that aggrieved mother's face.

Kentaro Aoki's expression changed again and again. In a short period of time, he turned from shock to anger, and then from anger to helplessness. It was as if half of his strength had been taken away in an instant. In the end, he could only wave his hand feebly. Signaling the major to leave.

"Your Majesty Colonel, what happened?"

Still wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel of the Wehrmacht Armored Forces, Stauffener took off his big-brimmed hat, revealing his blond hair, and spoke quietly in a soft questioning tone.

I saw Kentaro Aoki shaking his head with a look of helplessness and self-pity. He seemed to want to say something but couldn't say anything. In the end, he spoke even more weakly.

"We have lost half of our Tiger tanks now, Lieutenant Colonel. The first wave of attacking troops has been pinned down on the battlefield by the Russians. They relied on mobile warfare to quickly separate and surround them. They have been completely wiped out."


Stauffener, who pretended to be shocked, did not feel the slightest surprise in his heart, and even felt that the annihilation of the entire army was the most reasonable situation.

Just kidding, what kind of existence is the Russian Stalin Division? Your division commander refuses to listen and insists on fighting to the death with these idiots crawling out of hell. If you don’t annihilate your entire army, who will? At what level would you dare to fight with that steel butcher who eats people without spitting out their bones?

I think so in my heart, but I can't say it with my mouth.

Staufener, who was still counting on Kentaro Aoki to help him complete his plan, continued to use the tone of shock, and after thinking for a moment, he took the initiative to speak.

"Your Excellency Colonel, I suggest that you immediately integrate our personnel into your army and fight side by side with your soldiers."

"My subordinates are elite armored soldiers of the National Defense Force who have rich practical experience. Each of them has destroyed a tank at least once in actual combat, so he was selected to join the instructor corps and come to Japan."

"Please allow us to drive Tiger tanks and fight side by side with you, just like you and I are like-minded. As close friends, this is what I hope for, please!"

Before he finished speaking, Stauffener bowed slowly to Colonel Aoki as he did in his hometown, and sat on his chair without getting up.

This made Kentaro Aoki feel a little touched and flattered.

His heartfelt sympathy, admiration, and respect for the German soldiers made Kentaro Aoki, a literally "Japanese-style German stick", quickly speak gratefully.

"Thank you Lieutenant Colonel for your kindness. It is really touching and admirable! It seems that even in the far east, Your Excellency Lieutenant Colonel and the armored elites under his command have still not lost their fighting spirit and courage. It is really admirable!!! "

Kentaro Aoki knew what kind of character his gang of erratic chariot soldiers actually were. There's no way to compare with the level of the Germans, it's not on the same level at all.

Given the Japanese army's environment of treating lower-level soldiers like pigs, Kentaro Aoki was helpless. Now he heard that his best friend Staufener actually offered to fight alongside him and help him.

He barely hesitated. He thought that he couldn't hesitate now. Hesitation would lead to failure. Then he blurted out the words.

"Then please Lieutenant Colonel, please fight side by side with the Imperial Army! Please!!!"

The exciting show is about to begin, and everyone should have guessed what will happen next.

Just one word, joy.

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