Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3128: Dead Taoist Friends Don’t Die Poor Taoists

It should be said that the whole process went quite smoothly.

Relying on his verbal skills and a little bit of tricks, Stauffener, who knew Kentaro Aoki's weaknesses, successfully captured him and successfully achieved what he wanted to achieve - taking over control of the remaining Tiger tanks.

This is the most important part of Stauffener's entire planning process. Without the control of those Tiger tanks, the second half of the plan cannot be continued.

Our entire group has been bullied by these short Japanese bow-legged men for so long. Since the fall of Berlin, I haven't received a single wink for a single day. I have been bullied by these bandy-legged Japanese monkeys all day long, as if they were slaves to the subjugation of the country.

Staufener, who had been holding back a fire in his heart for a long time, was just waiting for this day to come.

Now that he finally got his wish, he had the opportunity to deal a cruel blow to the Japanese and avenge the revenge he had accumulated for so long. Then he would have to make these inferior monkeys pay the price for their stupid behavior.

Thinking of this, Stauffener was actually sneering in his heart, but on the surface he still maintained a graceful posture exclusive to the Feng family nobles.

Holding his shiny blond hair, he smiled at Kentaro Aoki in front of him and spoke.

"In that case, I will prepare for battle, Colonel. My people will form a total of 22 combat vehicle groups and take over most of the remaining Tiger tanks to increase combat effectiveness and help you.

Kentaro Aoki certainly knew the quality of the German armored soldiers under Stauffener. Compared with his own tank soldiers, there was a huge difference.

Not to mention the Type IV heavy tank, oh no, it should be said that the Tiger tank itself was developed and manufactured by the Germans.

In terms of their understanding and mastery of the equipment, Stauffener's men were far superior to his own chariot troops who had taken over the first mass-produced Tiger type and had been training for less than half a year.

Kentaro Aoki beamed with joy now that he was able to receive the voluntary help of these German armored soldiers. He felt that the combat effectiveness of his troops could be increased by at least 50% in an instant.

He was so happy on the spot that he watched Stauffener leave amid laughter and conversation to make what he claimed was his final preparations for the battle.

"Your Excellency, Colonel, is it inappropriate to directly hand over the use of heavy tank troops to these Germans? If the division commander knows that we are making independent decisions, I'm afraid this matter will be..."

The chief of staff who hurriedly approached him as soon as Stauffen left had not even finished speaking. Kentaro Aoki, who could guess what he wanted to say next, had interrupted his speech and spoke quietly.

"Don't worry, Watanabe-kun, you are worrying too much. You know, Lieutenant Colonel Staufener, but there are guests who have the authority to meet with the division commander directly without reporting the matter."

"Just now, I also learned that Lieutenant Colonel Staufener participated in the combat meeting convened by the division commander. He made suggestions and played an important role in the meeting, and was praised by the division commander in person. This is enough to show that Stauffen Lieutenant Colonel Er's importance in the eyes of the Division Commander."

"I bet that the division commander would be very gratified and happy if he learned that Lieutenant Colonel Staufener and the elites under his command are willing to fight side by side with the Imperial Army and serve His Majesty the Emperor."

"Too many worries are actually unnecessary, Watanabe-kun. Why not quickly formulate a new battle plan so that we can cooperate well with Lieutenant Colonel Staufener and the others and fully demonstrate the strength of our imperial army? What do you think? "

The rank of officer is overwhelming, and seeing the commander of the unit talking about his job as chief of staff, it is true that there is no other way.

It would be uninteresting to continue talking. It was not a wise move for a smart person. Thinking about the words of the commander, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. The logical chief of staff could only nod in response.

"Hi! I'm going to formulate a new combat plan right away. Please rest assured, Captain."

"Yo Xi! Watanabe-kun is an outstanding staff officer who graduated from the University of Mainland China, so I'll give it to you."

Kentaro Aoki, who saw the chief of staff taking the order, felt quite refreshed now, as if every pore in his body had just been washed in a hot spring and relaxed.

With the support of Stauffener and his armored elites, Kentaro Aoki, who knew how powerful the German heavy armored battalions were, couldn't help but feel more confident.

It was as if he now had a majestic German heavy armored battalion in his hands to command. This unprecedented feeling of relief was beyond imagination.

"This is a good opportunity to contribute to the empire's hegemony! We must show some shame to those arrogant and arrogant Russians!"

Kentaro Aoki, who had a grimace on his face, was still thinking about his dream of winning the war. He had no idea that as a "Japanese-style German stick", he had become too superstitious about the combat effectiveness of the German army, to the point where he ignored reality and only cared about his own wishful thinking.

At the same time, Stauffener, who hurriedly left Kentaro Aoki's regiment headquarters, accelerated his pace even more and headed straight for the planned assembly point of the Japanese tank troops.

Time is running out. According to Staufener's own prediction, the Russians who have seen through the Japanese's true intention to retreat should soon arrive in a frenzy.

By then, the helpless Japanese will no longer be able to withstand the fierce attack of the Russian Stalin Division, and that will be their last chance to save themselves and their companions, and they must not be missed.

Since the outcome of falling into the hands of the Russians could not be changed, such an ending was already doomed from the moment they were forced to go to the battlefield together by the Japanese.

So the thoughtful Stauffener asked himself that under such a premise, all he needed to do was to do whatever it took to find a good ending and a good future for himself after falling into the hands of the Russians. Use practical actions to prove your own value, and by the way, use these Japanese as a pledge of honor for the first and last time.

"I'm sorry, Aoki. If you can survive, I believe we will still be friends in the future, provided that you can really survive."

Stauffener, who was whispering quietly in his heart, had arrived at the preset assembly point of the Japanese heavy tank regiment, where all the remaining Japanese Tiger tanks were parked.

Moreover, because of the order he had given to his deputies earlier, he was in a state of being unable to dispatch, which made the Japanese tank soldiers really confused and unclear.

"Excuse me, instructor, why is the tank now in a state where it cannot fight? Please explain clearly."

"Oh, this is a very complicated matter. There are many subsystems and equipment on the Tiger tank, and they all have some problems, which require a final pre-war inspection by our team of instructors. This will take some time. Please continue to wait patiently.”

"How long will this take? We may receive an attack order at any time. Please give us a specific time."

As the saying goes, what kind of commander brings out what kind of soldiers.

Kentaro Aoki respected and admired these German instructors, and his soldiers' attitude towards these Germans was naturally not much different.

It was impossible to break out and yell, let alone get into a fight over an argument. Being able to pester the German instructor to ask for explanations was already the limit.

Seeing this, Stauffener only raised the corner of his mouth, and then walked quickly towards the deputy who was still dealing with the Japanese's questioning to delay time.

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