Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3129 More exciting scenes

Stauffener, who had personally played a big game of chess, not only planned to delay the Japanese army at the same time, but also personally took action to capture Kentaro Aoki.

He even made a third-hand preparation simultaneously, which was to send his right-hand man across the line of fire, risking being blown up by artillery shells and being beaten into a hornet's nest by bullets to inform the Russians on the opposite side.

"What did you say? There are Germans coming to us to surrender!? Comrade Lenin, did I hear you correctly? Germans, in a place like this???"

With a face full of shock, Varosha felt that what he heard was simply a fantasy.

Who would have thought that the German guy who had been beaten to pieces in Berlin would actually appear in this situation at this time, and actually come over and surrender on his own initiative.

Varosha stood up from his chair with a "Teng" sound and immediately asked the chief of staff to continue.

The chief of staff, who knew the seriousness of the situation, did not dare to neglect and hurriedly told all the information he knew. After hearing all the details, Varosha still looked a little unbelievable.

"Oh my god, the Japanese used the gold of the entire submarine to hire an instructor group from Germany? Just because they got the Tiger tank and wanted to form a modern armored division?"

"It sounds unbelievable, Comrade Division Commander, but that's what the captain of the National Defense Forces who came over to surrender voluntarily said.


Varosha, who heard the chief of staff's confirmation reply again, did not think any more, then raised his hand and gave orders repeatedly.

"No need to say more! Bring the Wehrmacht captain to see me immediately. I want to personally ask what is going on with this German guy!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I will do it right away."

Seeing that Comrade Chief of Staff had already accepted the order and went to execute it himself, the deputy division commander who had been listening to the conversation stepped forward and spoke quietly to Varosha, who was still thinking in surprise.

"Comrade Commander, do you think this statement is credible? A group of armored soldiers of the National Defense Force who were hired by the Japanese to be instructors with huge sums of money are now going to revolt on the battlefield and drive a Tiger tank imitated by the Japanese to fight back against the Japanese. In this way, I always feel that this kind of thing is a bit unbelievable. "

"It's just incredible that the Germans could show up in a place like this, let alone what you just said."

Varosha, who had thought a lot in a short period of time but still shook his head in the end, stopped thinking about it and decided that the level of the incident was not something that his division level could handle. He made a decisive decision and issued an order.

"Report it, report this situation to the military headquarters, first see what the attitude of the comrade commander is, and then we will tell you what to do next.


It’s not that you just kick the ball when you encounter a problem.

It's just that the nature of this matter has far exceeded expectations, and is simply not within the range of expectations under various possibilities. Varosha's move is really helpless. On the other hand, after receiving the telegram, Malashenko's side A completely different scene.

"The German instructors are interesting. These Japanese people really know how to spend money in various ways to make things happen. Do you really think that spending some money to invite the Germans can save them?"

It was similar to Varosha's first reaction earlier.

Comrade Lavrinenko, the deputy army commander, was really shocked to a certain extent after learning about this incident. At this moment, he was standing in front of the desk of Malashenko, who was not too surprised and even wanted to laugh. When he heard Malashenko Rashenko asked questions immediately after speaking.

"So what do you say? Do you think what the Germans claim is true? What should we do next?"

"What to do? Ha, easy to handle."


Slapping the telegram he had read in his hand on the table, Malashenko, who was already confident, raised his head, smiled at Lavrinenko in front of him and spoke.

"Didn't the Germans say they were going to revolt on the battlefield? Well, give them this chance."

"Inform Varosha, just follow the way these Germans want us to cooperate with them. When you see the tigers marked by these Germans on the battlefield, just take it easy and don't fight. Observe what these Germans are going to do. , to determine the true intention.”

"If they really want to revolt on the battlefield, then when the leader's attack force appears in their field of vision, they will seize the opportunity to prove themselves in order to win our cooperation; if they wait for a long time without any reaction, then Tell Varosha that you don’t have to wait any longer, just take care of the remaining Nazis and the Japanese militaristic fanatics.”

"The Japanese devils of the Second Division have been dealt with by Varosha and are now almost half-lived. If Varosha can't even deal with the remnants of the Nazis who are playing tricks and the remnants of the Japanese army who are only half-lived, That can only mean one thing.”

"What's that?"

Looking at Malashenko's mysterious and playful expression, Lavrinenko, who could probably guess what his old friend was going to say, also smiled and spoke.

The answer was as expected.

"It can only mean that I, Malashenko, misunderstood and promoted a man who fought through the mountains of corpses in Stalingrad and fought for most of the Great Patriotic War to such an important position as the commander of the combined division under the leadership of the Army. Come up."

In the face of absolute strength, any tricks and tricks will become battlefield performance art. This is the core meaning of Malashenko's expression.

I'm not afraid that the remnants of the Nazis and the Japanese devils will join forces to play some tricks. I'm just afraid that your battlefield performance art performance is not exciting enough, if there is such a performance.

"So, if this is true, after this matter is over, have you ever thought about how to deal with these Germans who attacked the Japanese?"

Except for the military, almost everything was under his control. Of course, a considerable part of the military affairs were also taken care of part-time by his political commissar comrade, who came forward and began to ask Malashenko if he had any back-up plans.

Lavrinenko on the side also became interested when he heard this, and cast a look at Malashenko expecting an answer.

"What else can I do? Let me go to Siberia to dig potatoes. After I finish fighting the war and deal with these Japanese devils, I will go to the prisoner of war camp to meet them."

"Krauser will be happy to get rid of these remnants who were used as dogs by the Japanese. He is worried about having no work now. Then let Krauser go to test their quality first and see if the dogs How many words come out of your mouth are true and how many are false.”

"As for me, I am really looking forward to seeing the interrogation scene of Germans on Germans and what it will be like. Since I last saw Wittmann being interrogated by Krauser, I am still not satisfied with it. I can’t wait to see more exciting scenes soon.”

Hearing this, Malashenko was not the only one who smiled, but Lavrinenko and Commissar Petrov at the desk all laughed.

Something delayed me for a while, so the update is a little late. Sorry to keep everyone waiting.

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