Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3130 You admitted the wrong person

"So, tell me, how does your lieutenant commander plan to carry out the "pre-battle uprising", and how does he plan to prove himself to the Red Army?"

The military rank was promoted to major general, and he was assigned to the position of division commander of one of the only two heavy synthetic divisions with full combat effectiveness in the entire Red Army.

It stands to reason that at Varosha's level, status, and status, it is neither necessary nor necessary to personally interrogate a small German captain.

But today is different, things are not trivial.

Varosha, who took action personally, ordered the frightened German captain to be brought to his division headquarters for interrogation.

The frightened little German captain had never seen this battle before. He had never seen a Russian commander in person in his life. Now he was directly meeting a Russian general as a prisoner, and this Russian general In front of the major general, there were a bunch of school officers surrounding him like stars holding the moon in front of him.

The young captain was trembling even as he spoke. It took him a while to straighten his tongue.

Seeing that the tall Russian major general in front of him was still waiting for him, he immediately spoke without hesitation.

"Lieutenant Colonel Staufener asked me to convey that he will lead the team to seize the Japanese Tiger tanks through a strategy, and then personally lead the team to cooperate with the Red Army on the battlefield to launch a fatal blow to the Japanese and fight side by side, thus reducing losses and casualties for the Red Army. , win faster.

"Well that's it, I understand."

While taking notes himself and recording something in his notebook, Varosha, who spoke at the same time, followed closely and wrote and talked.

"Then let us believe that this is true, assuming this is true. But how can you distinguish it from the Japanese? How can I distinguish which Tiger tanks are driven by your Germans and which Tiger tanks are driven by the Germans? It’s the Japanese who are driving, so we won’t have to deal with you and those Japanese devils as well.”



The German captain, who was sitting on a chair with his hands tied and being held by two big men with guns on the left and right beside him, swallowed and spit.

The Russian major general said "let's clean it up together", which made people feel murderous just listening to it.

Knowing that he was on the territory of the Russian Stalin Division, the German captain could not help but feel greater fear and doubt at the same time.

Before answering the question, he finally had the courage to speak in a shaky voice without answering the question.

"Excuse me, are you the "Steel Butcher"? No, are you the "Malashenko"? Is that you? The commander of Stalin's division."

"Commander of Stalin Division?"

After hearing this, Varosha suddenly raised his head in confusion. After a moment of thinking, he understood why the German asked such a question. Then he looked at each other and the chief of staff who was on trial with him and spoke with a smile.

"I can answer your question, but you have to answer mine first. When did you leave Germany for Japan?"

"At the end of June, I set off at the end of June 1944, and for some others, we arrived in Japan on the navy's ocean-going U-boat in early July. Anyway, the time is very close, so they are not far apart."

"No wonder, then I guess your understanding of Division Stalin is still in the first half of 1944 and before, right?"

When asked by Varosha, the German captain immediately nodded hurriedly, looking like a chicken pecking at rice.

In mid-1944, it was the last moment before the Red Army launched a large-scale strategic counteroffensive and ten Stalin assaults reached its climax, driving the Germans completely out of the country.

This was also the period when the leader of the division had already fought through obstacles on the battlefield, killing the elites of various Lutheran armies, and had become famous along with the ferocious name of the "Iron Butcher".

And the German captain's understanding of the leading division stopped there.

Although I could still see some German newspapers from time to time after arriving in Japan, they were all compiled under the instruction of Lieutenant Colonel Staufener, and were specially prepared for the German soldiers who were in far away foreign countries.

Any news that is not conducive to the stability of the military's morale has been artificially filtered out in advance. The military reports these people below even read in newspapers are "the German army wins, wins, wins all the way." If they keep winning, they will return to Moscow and fight The Ural Mountains.

Naturally, let alone any specific and true information about what happened to the Russian leading division. The real understanding of the leading division is limited to the middle of 1944 before leaving Europe.

This is why even now, the German captain can still say such outdated information as "Stalin Division".

There is no way, the information cocoon is too thick, and it is like living in the "special version" battle report all day long.

At least in this regard, they are exactly the same as their Japanese allies who also "win, win, win all the way to Tokyo Bay."

It doesn’t matter how the battle goes, anyway, winning is a necessity. Win first and then talk. Don’t say anything that is not conducive to winning.

Varosha, who had probably figured out what was going on, was already amused. Sitting at the interrogation table, he smiled brightly and sincerely.

He was smiling and laughing, and even confused the German captain who was sitting on the chair opposite him and was being interrogated. He didn't understand the point of the joke at all, and his facial expression was just a German copy of "Why is the Prime Minister laughing?"

"Okay, you answered my question, now I'll answer yours."

"I am not the "Iron Butcher" who killed your bastards, nor Malashenko; there is no Stalin Division now, only the Leader's Army, do you understand?"

"Leader's Army? God, Army? Have you become a military-level unit? Damn it! Why no one has ever mentioned it, I have no idea."

The shocked German captain was puzzled and even more unbelievable. However, Varosha's speech did not end there.

"As for me, I am the commander of the Second Combined Division of the Leader's Army, Major General Varosha. The troops and force composition under my command are approximately similar to the Stalin Division you have known before. And a division like this, the Leader's Army There is another one exactly like that.”

"As for the "Steel Butcher" Malashenko you mentioned, that is the name of our comrade commander. Maybe you should be lucky that I don't have a man named Alsim standing here. He never likes to hear about you. The German called his comrade the commander by his first name and by his nickname."

"If not, you would have been torn into pieces by now, one piece here and one piece here and there, and left everywhere outside my tent, instead of being able to continue sitting here talking to me."

"So let's get back to the question. How do you plan to differentiate between yourself and the Japanese? It's time to tell and let me listen. Time is limited."

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