Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3132 Three-party melee (Part 1)

"Are you sure? Do you really want to go there by yourself? Isn't it a bit too risky? Ye Yan"

Before leaving, he was stopped by the deputy division commander and offered some kind words. Varosha, who was determined, turned around and just smiled nonchalantly.

"Hey, think about it, think about when we fought our way out of Stalingrad in 1943. The situation was much worse than it is now."

"At that time, the Nazis almost put a knife on our necks, but we were not afraid and we all survived; now that our family has a big business and has become the world's leading combined arms force, why do we still worry about it? It’s too much.”


Varosha was speechless and didn't know how to answer. In the end, he could only look at each other and reach a consensus with his comrade.

Varosha, who still felt uneasy after much thought, decided to go to the front line in person to "supervise the battle."

It's not that he's worried that his troops won't be able to cope with such a situation. Varosha still has some confidence in this.

It’s just that in the face of this kind of special battle where unexpected variables may occur, Varosha still hopes that his command position can shorten the physical distance from the battle line as much as possible. If any unexpected situation does occur, it can also facilitate command and timely updates. Battle orders.

By the way, it can also satisfy your own personal wishes.

From a personal emotional point of view, Varosha still really wants to see what kind of unforgettable scene "the remnants of the Nazis fight against the Japanese bow-legs" will be.

This kind of good show is really a great show that will never happen again in the future without this store.

The command and overall coordination of the division was handed over to the deputy division commander. Varosha, who rarely rode in armored combat vehicles, asked for a BMP43 to be his car, and then rushed to the line of fire with the accompanying guard.

At the same time, on the other side, after receiving updated combat orders on how to cooperate with the Germans' possible "pre-battle uprising", the forward attack force of the Varosha Division closest to the main force of the Japanese army was also ready.

"I can't believe that the Germans are now willing to take refuge with us, and even help us deal with these Japanese troops. Have these Germans also changed their ways after the Nazis were destroyed?"

"You are overthinking. These cowards are just afraid of death. Otherwise, they have no other way to survive but to do this."

"Okay, everyone, shut up and concentrate. We can already see the enemy's position, get ready to fight!"

The commander, who was holding the periscope and continuously watching the battlefield movements, had already discovered the target. The tiger tank, which was a boxy piece with distinctive appearance, appeared in the field of vision.

The situation was as described in the order received.

The Tiger driving at the front was indeed covered with a bright blue identification flag that was extremely conspicuous on the battlefield.

Blue is neither a camouflage color nor a common color in land combat environments, but it is often used on signal flags as a conspicuous identification color.

The large Tiger tank now has a blue identification flag on its body, almost immediately distinguishing it from other Japanese tanks around it that do not display this flag.

The Japanese army's incoming formation included more than just Tiger tanks. The commander of the IS7 took a quick look and quickly saw a variety of armored vehicles of different types appearing in his field of vision.

What we have seen clearly so far are the Type III Chinese War and Japanese wheeled armored vehicles, and maybe some other junk mixed in. It can be seen that the Japanese army has spent almost all the money they can get. Out.

"The blue tigers are easy to distinguish, and their formation is quite concentrated. They are all on the left side. What should I do?"

The gunner, who was holding the gun mirror to confirm the enemy's situation, was asking for orders. The commander on the other side, who was also watching the battlefield through the periscope in front of him, did not answer directly. Instead, he directly picked up the microphone at hand and pressed the communication button to give orders. .

"Attention all units! Stop advancing, the infantry fighting vehicles stand back and stand by. Each tank crew enters the shooting position at the combat position, loads armor-piercing ammunition and prepares to fire, waiting for my order!"



All armored combat vehicles, from tanks to infantry fighting vehicles, were equipped with on-board radios. The leader's attack force immediately stopped when ordered to do so.

The torrent of steel that was still rolling forward a moment ago came to a standstill, standing on the ground like a steel city wall.

No infantrymen dismounted, and there was no heavy artillery fire. They just parked there quietly as if waiting for something, keeping the final distance of less than one kilometer from the Japanese forward.

Such a strange scene really shocked the unexpected group of Japanese soldiers on the opposite side. They had no idea what kind of medicine the Russians were selling in this gourd and what song they were singing.

"Baga! What do the Russians want to do? Is it a trap!?"

"I don't know, but - look! Those Germans are still going! They haven't stopped yet!"


The Japanese heavy tank captain who was responsible for leading the attack was still puzzled, but after being reminded by the crew beside him, he saw that the Type 4 heavy tanks driven by the Germans were still moving forward.

Before the Japanese, who had just stopped, could ask anything, Stauffener's shouting in Japanese came from the radio channel.

"We are responsible for attracting the Russians' attention and preparing to provide direct fire support! Please ask the highly mobile medium tank troops to quickly outflank the Russians' flanks!"

Not to mention the situation on the Russian side, the German-flavored Japanese coming from the radio channel was very high-pitched in fighting spirit.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with this request. The tactical coordination of heavy tank support and medium tank chartering is reasonable.

The captain, who had indeed received the order to "cooperate as much as possible" from his captain, was thinking about it and was about to issue the order, but Staufener's forward firing was one step faster.

"Load armor-piercing shells, gunner prepares! Distance 800 meters at 1 o'clock, aim at the Russian heavy tank, hit the biggest one!"

"What? Fire at the Russians? Isn't that possible?"

"The Russians will be outraged, Stauffener, are you sure you want to do this!?"

"Our King Tiger couldn't even deal with their IS6 back then. How could the Tiger that the Japanese imitated now be able to deal with that bigger thing? The attack won't be effective, Stauffener, the Tiger tank can't deal with that kind of thing. monster!"

Although the order was issued, the gunner, loader, and driver in the car who also knew the action plan were asking questions continuously, but the rookie sitting in the electromechanical position had not yet opened his mouth.

But Stauffener, who was unmoved, remained resolute and spoke words without thinking.

"It's precisely because we can't penetrate that we have to fight! The Russians know that we will do this, so don't worry about fighting! Show it to the Japanese and open fire immediately!"

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