Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3133 Three-party melee (Part 2)

They moved forward to a position further forward than the Japanese army, but were not attacked by the Russians within the normal combat distance.

Perhaps this seemingly abnormal situation gave the crew members confidence, or perhaps Stauffener's firm order had an effect.

In short, the crew members who were ready to go finally carried out the order from the commander. The Russian heavy tank, which was the largest on the opposite side, did not even know its specific model, and was the first to see it with his own eyes, opened fire.

"Damn it! Then I'll listen to you. At least I won't go to hell alone! Let's die together!"


Stauffener, who had no time to pay attention to the gunner's depressing nonsense and focused all his attention on observing the battlefield situation, was still staring intently at the commander's periscope in front of him, clenching his fists and sweating.

The next second, only the roaring sound of cannon fire could be heard quietly in my ears.


call out--

The 88mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing projectile loaded into the chamber roared out of the muzzle brake instantly, breaking through the huge muzzle flash and flames and heading straight towards the target.

The unmoved Russians were still parked. They just drove the turret around and kept aiming, as if they were selecting a suitable target to attack. However, they were already attacked by the enemy before they seemed to have a chance to fire. Strike first.



call out--


Staufener, who was holding the commander's periscope tightly, marveled in his heart. He was watching the armor-piercing projectile with a white tracer trail, just like a hand-thrown pebble hitting the steel plate. The moment it came into contact with the huge Russian heavy tank, it was bounced away by a ricochet and shot straight into the air, leaving an air-piercing scream still echoing on the battlefield.

"Damn it! It's not penetrated! It really can't be penetrated! Will the Russians retaliate!? Damn it! They will open fire and blast us!"

"Shut up!!!"

Stauffener, who couldn't bear the continued carelessness of the gunner next to him, gave the order and started shouting.

After all, he was considered a veteran, but his mentality was slightly out of control. He felt that his side was simply seeking death. Hearing this, the gunner also shuddered. But he was soon surprised to find that the Russians actually did not retaliate.

"Oh my God! You're telling the truth, Stauffener! The Russians really didn't fire, they--wait, they started to advance!"

Although it is not very fast in the acceleration stage at the beginning, those Russian armored units that were still on the battlefield just now, like a steel city wall, have indeed started to move again. After being attacked, they did not immediately fight back but keep going.

At the same time, taking the firing of Stauffener's command vehicle as a signal, the other Tiger tanks under German control also opened fire one after another, smashing huge armor-piercing projectiles at the Russian heavy tanks rushing towards the opposite side.


call out--

The result was as expected, just like the situation Stauffener encountered when he started the test.

Except for a few projectiles that missed the target or a near-miss that hit the ground.

Most of the remaining shells that hit the monster-like heavy tanks of the Russians were bounced away instantly without any suspense, or they simply smashed the warheads and fell to the ground together with the remains of the projectiles.

Departing for Japan in mid-1944, this meant that Stauffener and all the German troops under his command had never seen IS7 killing all sides on the battlefield, or even heard about it.

But Staufener was an exception. As the head of the German Army Instructor Corps, he still maintained a considerable degree of contact with the country even after arriving in Japan.

And unlike those subordinates who "can only know the information that their superiors approve, hope, and want them to know", as the leader of the instructor corps and a Junker noble, Stauffener is really qualified and has the channels to know some of the latest news on the front line. War situation.

For example, at the end of the war, the Russians invested in a newer, more terrifying, and almost despairingly powerful super-heavy tank.

It has absolutely indestructible armor, devastating large-caliber main gun firepower, and light tank-like speed that can make people's jaws drop to their feet.

It’s hard to imagine how the Russians built such a super heavy tank that seems to only exist in legends.

But its undoubted combat effectiveness caused almost all German soldiers who encountered it on the battlefield to be either turned into cannon fodder by its devastating firepower, or crushed into pieces by its terrifying size and extremely fast rolling tracks. Discus of flesh and blood.

Stauffener, who had neither seen nor had the opportunity to see such a super-heavy tank at that time, only learned a few general identification features from the text descriptions sent by his comrades.

For example, it has a huge body that far exceeds the IS6 heavy tank, a destructive main gun with a larger caliber and longer barrel, and a huge turtle-shell-shaped turret that is almost seamlessly connected to the body of the vehicle.

Match these descriptions in my impression with the monster tank I saw for the first time.

Stauffener knew that what he was facing now was the latest Russian IS7 heavy tank, and he also knew that the Tiger tank's attack would not have the slightest effect on it and would not be able to penetrate it at all.

The abnormal defense of that thing can't even hit the Jagdtiger's 128mm main gun. This was already the most powerful anti-armor barrel artillery in the entire German Army before Staufener led his team to leave Germany. The Jagdtiger type The power of the tank's short 88 gun is more than one level higher.

A Slavic steel monster that even a hunting tiger can't penetrate, do you still want to penetrate it with just the tiger style?

Stop joking. This joke is neither funny nor meaningful.

It was precisely because he was sure that his attack was completely ineffective against the Russians that Stauffener dared to attack boldly even though he had already sent people to give the leading army a chance to pass, so as not to hurt the Russians on the opposite side and at the same time deceive them. To the Japanese behind.

"We are firing! Hurry up, the Russians are on the move! Use this opportunity to outflank them, quick!"

Stauffen's fluent Japanese was clearly audible on the radio channel.

Seeing that the Germans had already taken the initiative to lead the way and began to fight tooth and nail, the Japanese tank commander, knowing that he could not wait any longer, immediately gave the order.

He commanded the remaining few copycat tigers under his command, and cooperated with the accompanying Type 3 medium tank troops to outflank the Russian offensive troops under the cover of direct German artillery fire.

At the same time, on the opposite side, the heavy tank crews of the Leader's Army, which were advancing faster and faster and attacking at high speed, were mostly yelling angrily.

"Damn it, Sukka! How long are these German guys going to keep showing off!? If they dare to come over with artillery shells again, I swear I will blow up their broken cars!"

"Don't worry! Ivan, wait, wait!"

The gunner's angry words had not yet finished, and the driver's reminder was still echoing in his ears.

But the commander, who was watching the battlefield intently, suddenly spoke with a hint of surprise.

"Yes! Look! The Germans are turning the turret, and they're aiming at the Japanese's ass!"

This climax part is not easy to write. I deleted, deleted, and revised the details several times before finally releasing it to everyone when I was satisfied. So it took a little more time than usual to type, but it will be guaranteed to be exciting.

It will be updated early tomorrow, so you can look forward to it.

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