Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3134 Three-party melee (Part 2)

When the Japanese really began to try to outflank the leader's attacking force, Stauffener, who had just pretended to provide direct fire support, stopped acting.

The 17-ton turret drove the 88mm main gun and immediately began to aim at the back of the Japanese tank's head.

Such a scene was immediately seen by the oncoming leader's attack force, but it was still not enough to prove that the Germans really fulfilled their promise and started to fight back against the Japanese's ass.

"What should we do? Open fire and help the Germans? Why the hell are you helping the Germans? It feels a little weird to say this."

"Don't worry, wait! Wait for the German to make a move, hold still!"

The comrade commander, who was not afraid of rabbits, was still waiting for the moment when those German Tigers really took action.

At the same time, on the other side, Stauffener, who did not want to wait any longer and knew that he had no chance to wait any longer, was determined to seize the opportunity. The gunner who had already taken aim could not help but make a final confirmation before firing.

"Are you sure? Do you really want to fight?"

"Fight! Why don't you fight? The only consequence of not fighting is that the Russians come and attack us! Do it quickly!"


The gunner, knowing that he had no other choice, had no choice but to pull the trigger and fire the electroshock main gun after Staufener gave the final order.


The huge projectile flew out from the muzzle brake and headed straight for the "friendly tank" ahead.

If he didn't take action, Stauffener, who focused on hitting high-value targets of the Japanese, directly targeted the few Tigers in the hands of the Japanese as the first target of fire bombardment.

I saw that the Japanese copycat tiger was completely unaware of the "friendly attack" from the rear. It did not dodge or evade, and was hit on the back of the turret's head by the whizzing projectile.


The external storage box placed at the rear end of the turret was first shattered by a full-caliber armor-piercing projectile. The vehicle repair tools stored in it were knocked out on the spot and scattered all over the sky.

The high-speed whistling projectiles continued to surge forward along the ballistic trajectory, penetrating the armor at the rear of the turret and pouring directly into the interior of the turret.

There were 3 people in the turret and 2 people in the vehicle, a total of 5 people, who did not know what had happened. Before the Japanese vehicle crew had time to react, the projectile that successfully triggered the warhead charge exploded in the turret.


The Japanese Tiger, which was under high temperature and high pressure inside and was in a fully closed combat state, immediately began to erupt volcanically. The turret roof was directly impacted outwards, spraying hot and uninterrupted flames from the inside out.

But this was just the beginning, as more violent ammunition explosions followed.

The 88mm fixed grenade, which could not withstand the continuous heating of the propellant, exploded loudly. This explosion caused the entire vehicle's ammunition to explode in an instant.

More violent ammunition exploded, directly tearing the Japanese Tiger, which was shot in the back of the head, into fragments flying all over the sky.

Even the surrounding Japanese infantry who were unable to dodge were swept away in pieces like wheat. Large pieces of high-speed impact fragments and armor collapse killed these Japanese infantry almost instantly, without even a chance to groan. There is no need for rescue.

"Car No. 115 was hit! It exploded! We are under attack!"

"Baga! What's going on!? The Russians didn't fire. Where did the shells come from-"

Boo hoo hoo——




Before the Japanese army's shouts on the radio could finish, more artillery shells were roaring one after another.

Taking Staufener's command vehicle to fire as a signal, the rest of the German crew who knew the battle plan in advance saw that the boss had already taken action. If they continued to stare at it, it was like sitting and waiting for death. They also immediately aimed their guns at the front exit. The outflanked Japanese troops fired suddenly from behind.

There were no exceptions for the well-prepared German vehicle crews. They all aimed at the target in advance and were fully prepared.

Only this round of precise fire came, and the Japanese troops, who had not yet realized what was happening, suffered heavy losses immediately.

In particular, the remaining Japanese Tigers, which were regarded as thorns in Stauffener's eyes and thorns in the flesh, were all killed from behind in the first round of salvos. They either exploded on the spot or burst into smoke and fire, and were quickly turning into a violent force. Burning torch.

The reason why Stauffener did this is also very simple, because the armor of the Tiger tank is not enough to withstand the bombardment of its own main gun, at least not at an angle.

Stauffener, who had no intention of playing an angled shooting game with the Japanese, decisively chose a more straightforward method - concentrating fire to kill all the remaining Tigers in the Japanese hands, so the Japanese would naturally no longer be able to use 88 cannons against themselves. threatening.

The method is simple and crude, but effective.

He didn't expect that the Germans would suddenly backstab their own Japanese soldiers before they could actually react. He had already lost the last few Tiger tanks he had for his own use.

However, until now, the Japanese soldiers, who were in extreme shock, still couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Immediately afterwards, angry questioning came from the radio channel at the speed of light.

"Baga! Germans, what are you doing!? We are friendly forces, friendly forces! You have hit us! Stop it!!!"

"Fuck your friendly forces! Damn Japanese bandy-legged monkeys!!! It's over between us, today is the day you die!"

Stauffener, who had a fierce expression, pressed the microphone on his throat and cursed directly, completely losing the aristocratic manner he showed when he was joking with Kentaro Aoki over tea not long ago.

The anger that had been against the Japanese for a long time and was oppressed as a subjugated slave was completely released at this moment, just like the 88-meter gun of the Tiger tank.


call out--

Another full-caliber armor-piercing round accurately hit the back of the head of the Japanese tank. The Type 3 Chinese tank that had just stopped and was turning the turret was already crispy and full of stuffing. Even the power of his own 75mm main gun, which has a maximum penetration of just over 100, can't stop it. This is the main armor belt with the best protection performance.

At present, being hit by a Tiger 88 cannon in the back of the turret's head will only produce one result.


The hull was torn to pieces and the turret was blown off.

The steel monster is not effective against the Russians, but the crispy tank against the Japanese is very powerful with its 88-gun cannon, which directly brings back the "punching Sherman and kicking the cross" in the North African desert. The majestic pleasure of "military".

Stauffener, who had already expected that the Japanese's broken car would never be able to block the 88-gun, was not surprised at all. He dialed the pre-arranged public radio channel, regardless of whether the Russians on the opposite side could hear the roar.

"Russians, listen! Come up and help, we have fulfilled our promise, now it's your turn!!!"

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