Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3135 Why haven’t the Russians come yet! ?

Otherwise, it is really beneficial to have more skills and not be overwhelmed, especially if you master a few more foreign languages, it will be very useful when needed.

For example, Staufener is now.

His experience as a military attache stationed in the Soviet Union in the early years, coupled with his continuous fierce fighting on the Eastern Front and numerous encounters with the Red Army, enabled Staufener to master Russian in addition to German and Japanese.

When needed, he opened his mouth and spoke fluently. Coupled with the shouting at the top of his voice, Comrade Commander and Commander of the heavy tank battalion who was sitting in the IS7 immediately frowned.

"These German guys shouted for help louder than anyone else, yet we still had to go up to rescue them. It's really Suka!"

I feel reluctant, but orders are orders and must be carried out.

In addition, given the current battlefield situation, it is indeed one of the best tactical options to cooperate with the Germans, cooperate inside and outside, and attack the Japanese army from both front and rear.

Comrade Commander, who picked up the radio handset, immediately pressed the call button and replied to Stauffener, who was yelling at the other end of the radio.

"You continue to fire and attack the Japanese army from behind! We will charge to cooperate with you. Hold on! Reinforcements will arrive soon!"

"Please hurry up! We only have a handful of infantry and can't hold out for long. The Japanese are going crazy! They're coming towards us! Damn it, fire!"


The rapid radio conversation was interrupted by the sound of an 88-gun gun.

Not long after setting off, the Japanese army was stabbed in the back by friendly forces. In anger, they stopped even charging at the Russians on the opposite side. Without saying a word, they turned their guns and charged directly towards the obviously weak Germans.

Stauffener, who wanted to do things thoroughly, not only mobilized all his armored troops to participate in the operation.

Together with all the other guards in the instructor corps, the infantry instructors responsible for infantry-tank collaborative training, and the communication technicians responsible for liaison with the country, they all picked up their weapons and acted as infantrymen and followed the armored soldiers to "uprising on the battlefield."

Even when he first came to Japan, in order to prevent the German army in the instructor corps from being accustomed to Japanese food and having a taste that was too monotonous, the cooks brought from Germany were also forcibly recruited and captured by Stauffen. Guns came to make up the numbers when the infantry rushed to the front.

According to Stauffener, if we fail, the Japanese will definitely not let you go.

Rather than being killed then, it is better to add more people and help now. One more person can increase the chance of winning. Even if you die on the battlefield, you will die for yourself and die well. It is better than settling the scores afterwards and being slaughtered by the Japanese.

The rhetoric made sense. In the end, even the cook who had only received basic self-defense training took a Mauser 98K. After a brief review of how to pull the bolt, load the bullet, and aim at the three-point and one-line targets, he rushed to the battlefield together.

After scraping together, they managed to pull out an infantry team of about a hundred people, which was slightly larger than the armored team that was also scraped together. With the 22 Tigers in hand, it should be enough to withstand it for a while, at least Staufen. That's what I thought at first.

But the actual situation on the battlefield now slapped Stauffener in the face, telling the Wehrmacht Armored Corps lieutenant colonel with the painful truth that you are simply overthinking.

The infantry detachment of a hundred or so people could not achieve the expected synergy effect between infantry and tanks.

Because they were just guards of the instructor corps at first, these 100 or so infantrymen didn’t even have machine guns, let alone mortars and other heavy infantry weapons. All they had were pistols they brought with them. , rifles, submachine guns, and even things like STG44 that had not yet been equipped with equipment at that time could not keep up.

Seeing that the firepower of this infantry was too shabby, Stauffener had no choice but to find a way and find an excuse to go to the Japanese to cheat some Type 96 light machine guns and ammunition.

This looks like a Czech-style machine gun, but at its core it is actually a new Japanese machine gun with a crooked handle. It is not so outrageous that it cannot be used.

After getting familiar with it, the German machine gunners now lay down on the ground with their arms around this thing and started shooting. However, they had just finished firing one magazine and before they could put in the second magazine, they were greeted by the Japanese army. "artillery bombardment".

Faced with the severely sparse firepower of these German infantry, the Japanese grenade launchers that looked for opportunities and picked out soft persimmons could be put to use.

Boom boom boom——



"Shasen! Grenade, concealment!!!"

Several grenade grenades were fired over, directly knocking down the German infantry who had sparse firepower and lacked countermeasures.

Seeing that the Japanese grenade could ignore the cover of the tanks and use parabolic trajectories to hit the infantry hiding behind the tanks, Stauffener, who had not enough infantry on hand, suddenly became anxious and could not immediately count on the Russians for rescue. Be able to rely on yourself first and give orders quickly.

"Machine gun! Machine gun cover, suppress the Japanese grenade! Quick!"

The anxious shouts here had not yet finished, but the electromechanical man in the car who was responsible for controlling the heading machine gun also began to yell and curse.

"Damn it! This Japanese broken gun has jammed! I'm repairing it, wait a minute!"

The stubborn Japanese cut corners and engaged in self-castration when imitating the Tiger. On the grounds that the original MG34 vehicle-mounted machine gun on the Tiger fired too fast and wasted ammunition, they directly changed it into their own vehicle-mounted version of the Type 97 heavy machine gun. It was installed.

It would have been okay if this was not changed, but once it was changed, it directly caused hardship to the Germans who had never used this thing in actual combat.

The electromechanical man, who didn't know why this thing suddenly jammed, was sweating profusely. He took a screwdriver he found casually and started tinkering with this big, clumsy, slow-shooting machine gun. It was so difficult to really troubleshoot the problem. I don’t know how long it will take to reach the firing state.

Seeing that the directional machine gun could not be counted on, Stauffener had no choice but to order the direction of the turret to be turned so that the coaxial machine gun could provide fire support.

But he didn't expect that before the words could be spoken, the Japanese on the other side who was kicking his nose in the face had already sent the whistling shells to his face.

call out--


"Shasen! We were hit, but not penetrated!"

The Japanese Type 3 mid-fighter, which has a maximum penetration of just over 100 meters, is still unable to penetrate the angled frontal armor of the Tiger at a distance of less than 500 meters. Its defensive power has long been outdated on the Eastern Front battlefield. There's nothing you can do about Tiger style.

But this shell, which did not penetrate and made a loud noise, reminded Stauffener who was suddenly startled.

I once again approached the commander's periscope and took a look, and found that Japanese infantry and tanks were surrounding me from all directions. The small high ground that I was holding on to was about to be surrounded by the Japanese.

Stauffener, who was so anxious that he almost wanted to rush forward and fight the Japanese, decided to make one last attempt, and then pressed the microphone on his throat and roared loudly.

"Russians! Where are you!? There are so many Japanese monkeys that they are going to eat us alive. Are you going to help?"

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