Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3138 Hurry and help! Russian!

After receiving the timely rescue from the leading army, the Germans who were about to be swallowed by the Japanese immediately became frightened.

Although they did not dare to rush too far forward due to the lack of infantry and had to keep a certain distance from the Japanese army at all times, the combat performance of these Tiger tanks with blue flags was really completely different from the previous ones.

The Japanese army, unable to withstand the high-pressure and onslaught of the Red Army, fought and retreated. The German army, backed by strong backers, pressed forward step by step.

As far as the Japanese army retreated, the German army pursued them forward. These Tiger tanks, hanging on the back of their buttocks like a piece of brown candy, suddenly became a serious problem for the Japanese army.

The directional machine guns and coaxial machine guns, which were not very easy to use, fired continuously. As long as they did not jam or malfunction, they would always pour firepower at the back of the Japanese army.

The 88-8 cannon with its full battle rate of fire fired one round after another. The muzzle brake's fire flashed continuously. The high-speed roaring artillery shells were mixed with the machine gun barrage. When they exploded, several Japanese soldiers may have risen to the sky, taking the surroundings with them. The Japanese soldiers who were swept down by shrapnel suffered at least a dozen casualties.

The Japanese army, who were already furious after being backstabbed and betrayed by the Germans, couldn't swallow this breath. The Japanese infantry commander, who vowed to give these traitors a taste of their own sex, was about to draw his sword and give an order, but saw that one of his captains was already rolling and crawling, He ran towards him with blood on his face.

"Your Excellency, Captain! We, our soldiers are almost dead! My brigade is almost completely wiped out!"

"The entire army has been wiped out!? Since Baga's entire army has been wiped out, why are you coming back!? I'll take command, you go die!"

After saying that, without waiting for the injured captain in front of him to reply, the furious captain directly pulled out the command knife from his waist, held the handle of the knife with both hands, rounded his arms, and aimed at the opponent's forehead. The knife struck down fiercely, and a shrill scream suddenly sounded.



Looking at the captain who had been chopped alive by his own knife, he had fallen to the ground on his back. A deep knife mark had been cut along the axis between the eyebrows and down to his chin. His eyes were looking towards the sky, and blood was pouring from his face. He was already He couldn't die any more and died suddenly on the spot.

Knowing that he had no way to retreat, the Japanese colonel gasped, his chest heaved up and down to hold back his anger, he raised his head and looked straight ahead with a fierce gaze, and the next second he raised his knife and screamed at the sky.

"Warriors of the empire, charge with me! Give me Tuss!!! Onboard!!!"


"Suka! Here we go again! These Japs aren't done yet, are they!?"

Looking at the Japanese troops that had just retreated and were swept back again, the battalion commander, who knew that he could not stand still at this time, quickly ordered to slow down the attack speed, keeping a distance from the oncoming Japanese troops while using full firepower. .

"Fire! Stop them! Don't let them rush to us!"

I originally thought that the Japanese army's crazy counterattack was coming towards their own side, but the battalion commander soon discovered that this was not the case. The real targets of those Japanese soldiers who were yelling and shouting, charging with bayonets and rifles, were actually those who had not many soldiers around them. A kraut the infantry could rely on.

"Damn it! Japanese monkeys are coming for us, help us! Russians!!!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Stauffener, who had just taken a breath, shouted at the top of his voice again on the radio channel.

Although I frowned when I heard this, I really had no choice but to ignore these Germans who were already showing their value.

As for what the specific value is.

You see, now that's the value.

The Germans' ability to draw hatred is, at least for now, really higher than that of the leader army.

The Japanese, who were stabbed in the back and felt that the Germans had few tanks and no infantry cover, were easy to bully. They would rather give up their original main opponent, the leader army, rather than fight, but first defeat these traitors who "picked the inside out."

And as long as the Kraut remains on the field, this "you must attack the minion with the taunt effect first" situation will continue. Even if it is placed in front of the Japanese to create hatred, it is very useful, not to mention the supporting firepower of the 20 Tiger tanks is really not weak, it is a considerable combat power.

This was enough for the battalion commander who led the team to order a rescue.

"I got it, reinforcements are coming! Hold on!"

It is estimated that even if they use artillery fire to blow up the Japanese army, as long as the remaining troops are not dead, the Japanese will continue to launch wave after wave of charges, specifically targeting the Germans, who look like easy-to-open cans.

Instead of listening to the Germans calling for help on the radio over and over again, they provided fire support over and over again.

Just thinking about it felt like it was troublesome enough. Varosha, who also witnessed this scene and heard the radio call not far behind the fire line, decided to take a more direct approach to solve the problem once and for all.

"Send a mechanized infantry battalion up there, cooperate with these German guys on infantry and tanks, and temporarily form a mechanized battle group. Stop letting these German guys fool around on the radio, it's annoying enough."


The comrade leader on the side is not questioning the order, but the details of its implementation at the specific implementation level have yet to be confirmed.

"Comrade Division Commander, our soldiers have never cooperated with the German armored forces. Even if the temporary formation is completed, it is impossible to display their combat effectiveness."

"Then you can use as much as you want! No matter how much offensive energy you have, at least don't let the tin boxes opened by these Germans be smashed by the Japanese suicide bombs. That's enough! This is the minimum requirement, and the rest can Just do as much as you want.”

"Yes, comrade division commander, I will convey the order right now."

Seeing that his captain was about to take the order and leave, Varosha, who had his own judgment on controlling the battle situation, did not forget to add something.

"Don't think of these Tigers as tanks, just think of them as self-propelled artillery. Our infantry is now protecting the artillery positions."

"As long as these 20 88 guns can continue to fire at a high rate of fire, can continue to advance with the front, and can attract the Japanese to attack them, thereby creating better offensive opportunities for us, then investing in this mechanized infantry battalion will be It’s worth it, do it!”

The renewed orders from Varosha were quickly implemented.

A mechanized infantry battalion riding a BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle performed rapid cross-country maneuvers. While maintaining radio communications and communicating with the Germans in a timely manner, they quickly arrived around these Tiger tanks. The infantrymen carried by them immediately opened the door and opened the door. Che quickly jumped into battle with his sidearm.

This scene was really shocking to Stauffener and his group of German armored soldiers who had never seen an "infantry fighting vehicle", this new toy of the Russians, who was sitting in the car shouting.

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