Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3139 How many troops are left on the gambling table?

Including Stauffener, all the German troops present had actually never had any experience of fighting against the previous leader's division, and their understanding and knowledge of the "Steel Butcher" was limited to rumors.

This is no wonder, after all, if not all, at least more than 80% and nearly 90% of the German troops who fought against the leader's division were either killed or captured and sent to labor reform.

If they really had to fight Malashenko, then Stauffener and his group of people would not have the chance to go to Japan again. They should choose a place in the cemetery or a prisoner-of-war camp.

This also leads to a very direct status quo problem.

Staufener and his group of people only have textual descriptions and hearsay about the new trendy gadget BMP43.

Now I see that this kind of object has such high mobility and fully enclosed armor has excellent protection for vehicle-mounted infantry. Incidentally, it can also provide powerful accompanying fire suppression against enemy infantry after its own infantry dismounts. This shocked and opened the eyes of the German armored soldiers who had never thought that infantry-tank coordination could be used in this way.

Moreover, it is the first time that I have actually seen a BMP43, and encountered it in a battlefield environment.

What's more, I didn't expect that for the first time in my life, I encountered a Russian infantry fighting vehicle on the battlefield. It was actually a friendly force coming to rescue instead of an enemy.

This feeling of horror and surprise really made Staufener and the others feel dumbfounded.

"I must be crazy to expect the Russians to save us. And the Russians not only agreed, but actually took action to do it."

"So you should climb out of the tank and go outside to say thank you to the Russians? If you go, please say so for me. One representative from each crew is enough."

"I, I don't understand what it is, a tank with a full load of infantry? That chassis is exactly the same as their new medium tank."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! The support promised by the Russians has arrived. Hurry up and fire to knock down the Japanese! Gunners are ready!"

The armored soldiers were tired of hearing that their men were a ragtag group of people who had been put together on the fly and had almost no tacit understanding among the crew. They talked nonsense when they went to the battlefield.

Stauffener, who felt that he had been embarrassed by asking the Russians for help many times, didn't want to think about anything else.

The face thing is just like the shells loaded into the 88 cannon. It has been fired long ago. If you can survive and win, why do you care about anything else?

The German armored soldiers who were also aware of this problem just lacked organization and cooperation. In addition, after becoming slaves to the subjugation of the country, they lost the enthusiasm, laxity and depression they had in the past.

But now it's your turn to fight for your own life. If you should be concerned about it, you should be concerned about it. If you really don't even care about your own life, then why "rebellion before the battle", right?

With the rapid arrival of reinforcements from the leader's infantry, the self-defense capabilities soared, and powerful small-arms firepower was instantly launched, which was enough to block the approaching Japanese troops. The German armored soldiers suddenly became frightened.

The 88 cannon loaded with high-explosive bombs fired continuously at the Japanese troops. The Japanese troops who were rushing upwards were already in a precarious state. When they were close to their faces, they were hit by a dense fire net woven by small arms and their losses immediately soared.

At the same time, in the Japanese army's ranks, they waved their swords and ordered the soldiers to charge. However, the captain of the Dazuo Alliance, who was commanding from the center and not too far forward, was so angry that he almost burst into rage on the spot.

"Baga! These Germans have really gotten together with the Russians! These traitorous scum, garbage scum without any sense of honor! Have they forgotten who conquered their motherland!?"

Who captured Berlin is one thing, and the captain of the Japanese Army was indeed right.

But "He who knows the current affairs is a wise man" and "Choose one between the Russians and the Japanese", this is another matter that has nothing to do with the former.

No matter what the Japanese colonel leading the team thinks or scolds, it is a fact that the situation is stronger than the people.

When the Russian infantry reinforcements arrived, even a fool could see that it was impossible to rely on pure infantry to attack the tanks in the hands of the Germans.

But it was too late to retreat at this time. The leader's purpose of using these German armored troops as a tactical fulcrum had been achieved.

As long as the two-legged Japanese troops rush up, there will be no way to withdraw.

"Continue the attack! Fight these Japanese devils down, they can't hold on any longer!"

Comrade Comrade Battalion Commander, who was still directing the onslaught with the advantage of high mobility and mechanization, gave additional orders. The steel torrent with iron walls and infantry follow-up continued to concentrate firepower and rush towards the Japanese flank.

In front of him was the traitorous Kraut who had been reinforced by the Russians, and he couldn't even attack him. On the flanks was the Russian steel army that was rushing towards him at a fast pace, and he was even more unable to withstand it and couldn't fight head-on.

I originally expected to be able to quickly deal with the Germans who had almost no infantry support before the Russians came, but now it seems that the status quo of purely overthinking has become a reality.

The captain of the Japanese Army, unable to advance or retreat, could only order the infantry to defend and resist on the spot. At the same time, on the other side, seeing that their own infantry could not withdraw, the remaining Japanese tank troops seemed to have no choice. After receiving the order, they rushed to kill again. Came to attempt rescue.

The battle has almost become a gambling game with constant additional bets.

The more the Japanese army wanted to fish out the troops that could not be withdrawn, the more they had to send reinforcements to fish out the troops. As a result, instead of retreating and disengaging, the Japanese troops on the battlefield fought more and more.

Varosha, who saw such a scene through the telescope, just smiled knowingly.

"It seems that the Japanese are still reluctant to part with their troops. That's fine, they can't part with them, so let's do it for them."

"Ask the attacking troops on the contact line to retreat, and the Germans will follow suit. Use the radio to inform them. In addition, notify the artillery to fire on the rear of the Japanese troops that have just been reinforced, and let the mobile reconnaissance units on the periphery move up to calibrate the artillery fire. coordinate."

"The primary goal is to use artillery fire to cut off the Japanese army's retreat path, pull the barrage from back to front, and sift the Japanese devils' faces from their buttocks."

"The retreating attacking troops will take a temporary rest in place and reorganize their offensive formation without retreating too far. When Xu Jin doesn't, this should be called Xu to retreat, after the barrage ends, rush forward immediately! Clear out the remaining Japanese Japs. Send away."

"After this fight, the Second Division will be doomed. I want to see how many troops they have left to throw on the gambling table."

The order from the division commander supervising the battle and inspection on the fire line was immediately sent to the attacking troops in the fierce battle ahead and the waiting artillery positions in the rear by the vehicle-mounted radio station beside him in an instant and efficient manner.

Almost at the same time that the leader's attacking troops in front had just tactically retreated and disengaged, the Japanese troops, who were sighing that they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, had any chance to breathe.

The overwhelming artillery barrage roaring from the distant horizon had already leapt over the heads of the Stalin heavy tanks that were rumbling in retreat, and fell straight on the heads of the Japanese troops who had not yet had a chance to retreat.

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