Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3140 Farewell Telegram

"Your Excellency, Division Commander! Let's go! The Russians will be here soon. If we don't leave, it will be too late! Please!"

"Baga! I won't leave! Why should I leave!? The warriors of the empire are still fighting bloody battles at the front. How can I, as the division commander, escape from the battlefield! I won't leave, I won't leave!"

The offensive progress of the leading army was too fast. The Varosha Division's attack troops, who followed Comrade Division Commander's orders from the front and personally commanded them, immediately launched an even more fierce and rapid offensive against the Japanese troops facing the enemy after the artillery fire ended. What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

The Japanese army, which was constantly going up and down, was simply unable to withstand such a fierce offensive. It was defeated in the blink of an eye like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The decline could no longer be stopped regardless of human subjective will.

Now that the war has reached this point, Taketake Okada, who originally held a strong force of 5 combat regiments, has almost been beaten into a bare commander.

Of the five regiment captains, three are dead and one is missing. The last remaining regiment captain is still fighting the Russians on the firing line with the last remaining soldiers.

Thinking about it, only half a day has passed since the contact with the Russians.

Why did the war situation deteriorate into this in just one day? Which link is the problem? Are the Russians too strong or is there something wrong with the imperial army?

Sitting on a makeshift stool made of stacked ammunition boxes with his command knife in his hand, Okada Yiwu couldn't figure out the reason. He just felt desolate and angry. Could it be that the Second Division, which had been on the battlefield for decades, was now going to be ruined by himself? In your hand?

How can I be worthy of His Majesty the Emperor? Why do you deserve the personal recommendation of His Excellency Neji Okamura?

"Where are the Independent Heavy Artillery Regiment and the 112th and 115th Divisions now?"

Recalling that in the original battle plan, he still had cooperating troops and reinforcements, Okada Yiwu, who was unwilling to give up, asked again. He really couldn't count how many times this question was asked in less than a day today. .

But the words he answered were still so weak and desolate.

"Replying to the division commander, Your Excellency, the Independent Heavy Artillery Regiment sent a telegram, saying that it encountered a powerful interception attack by the enemy's aviation unit, and suffered heavy losses in personnel, vehicles, baggage, and artillery. They are trying to find a way to come as soon as possible, but they still need to Let’s keep going for a while.”


For a moment, Okada Yiwu felt that his eyes were black and he was almost ready to fall over.

Although we can expect that once the fighting starts on our side and the formation is so large, the Russian aviation will inevitably arrive in a short time.

But Taketake Okada did not expect that the Russian aviation target was not his second division, but the independent heavy artillery regiment that came to his aid.

This vital heavy towed artillery was blocked halfway, and before the artillery position could be deployed, it was blown to pieces and the ground was in a mess. At this moment, the Mud Bodhisattva could not save himself when crossing the river, let alone reinforcements coming in time. The meaning expressed in the telegram saying "please continue to hold on for a while" was obvious enough.

"What about the 112th and 115th Divisions? Where are their positions now!?"

The unwilling Okada Yiwu still held on to his last glimmer of hope. Even if the independent heavy artillery regiment could not be counted on, he could still make a profit if these two three-digit divisions could arrive in time.

However, what awaited him was still news like a bolt from the blue.

"The 112th and 115th Divisions sent telegrams 15 minutes and half an hour ago respectively, stating that they were blocked by powerful Russian ground forces. The enemy not only blocked the attack, but even launched multiple rounds of counterattacks. 112 and 115 All divisions have been repelled and forced to retreat, among which the 112th Division has already"

"How's it going? Tell me!"

Okada Yiwu, holding a command sword in his hand and eyes slightly closed, was mentally prepared to endure the bad news, thinking that it would just mean that "reinforcement is no longer possible", but he did not expect that what he heard next would be much more exciting than this.

"The 112th Division has lost its combat effectiveness, with more than half of its casualties and equipment losses. The division commander, Major General Masaru Kumamoto, was directly hit by a large-caliber artillery shell from a Russian tank while commanding the defense. He has become loyal to His Majesty the Emperor."

"Nani!? How is this possible!?"

They were obviously here to reinforce themselves and cooperate with the attack, but in the end, the Second Division, which had been beaten the hardest, did not collapse. Instead, the two divisions that came to help were beaten by the Russians first, and even the division commander was killed! ? Shouldn't the Russians just divide their forces to block reinforcements on the periphery? Is there still such a way to block reinforcements? ? ?

Okada Taketake, who lacked the ability to perceive the battlefield in real time, guessed one thing wrong.

The intelligence provided by the Germans was seriously wrong. In other words, even the Germans themselves did not know that the information was wrong when they provided it at the time.

Nowadays there are no Stalin divisions, only the Leader's Army.

Now, it was only half the strength of the so-called "Stalin Division" that was beating the Second Division to death and suffering.

There is another heavy-duty combined arms division with the same specifications, and the leader army has exactly the same, and the personnel's combat quality is more elite.

At this moment, they were responsible for blocking the reinforcements on the periphery of the battlefield. As a result, the Japanese division commander was taken away during the blocking battle. It was the same unit that had earlier set a record of killing three Japanese divisions with three-digit numbers and annihilating 4 enemies in one day. The Kulbalov division recorded more than 10,000 people.

In other words, the group of Russians currently blocking the battlefield are even more terrifying than the group of Russians facing the enemy in front of them.

Fortunately, Okada Yiwu didn't know this. If he had known, he would have fallen down and fainted by now. His imagination alone could not figure out how strong the Russians' fighting power was.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, what should we do? Please give us the order!"

I saw that my division leader was a little drifting, so drifting that he started to look in a trance.

The group of staff members surrounding Okada Yiwu were really afraid that something might happen to their trouble-making boss suddenly.

Looking at the group of subordinates surrounding him who either had uneasy expressions on their faces or looked brave and ready to fight with all their strength, Okada Taketake in a daze could almost see the corpses of the Second Division scattered across the field, defeated and destroyed. The scene at that time, and the arrival of that moment seemed not far away.

"How many troops do we have left?"

I asked one last question before making a decision. The staff members looked at each other in confusion, and finally pushed out the most "highly respected" chief of staff, who was responsible for issuing this message that made people feel desperate. Word.

"Including the slightly injured, there are less than 3,000 people."

"3,000, less than 3,000? Our second division has more than 20,000 elite soldiers, but after half a day's work, there are only less than 3,000 left?"

There are already too many questions and too many things that I can't figure out and understand. Okada Yiwu, who still can't even understand how the Russians fought this battle, was absent-minded for a long time. In the end, he could only stare at that Two blank eyes quietly ordered.

"Fighting to the last moment, immediately send a farewell telegram to the Kwantung Army headquarters, telling them that the Second Division will have no other outcome except that all of them will be shattered."

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