Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3143 How to piss off the Japanese division commander with just one sentence?

"Onboard you Suka onboard!!!"

Da da da da——

He didn't even have a chance to get up close and personal with the enemy. Before he could rush to the enemy and get up close, the chief of staff was knocked to the ground by a hail of bullets fired at him. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

The last batch of Japanese officers who were also in the camp were shocked when they saw this. They either wanted to pull out their pistols or pulled out their command swords and stepped forward to stab them.

The soldiers of the leader's army, who only had an AK in hand, obviously would not give their opponents this chance. They were killed or wounded instantly with a random shot. The Japanese officers who were desperate one second were already lying all over the ground in a mess, and their not-quite-dead wails resounded throughout the camp.

"He's still alive! Comrade Company Commander, this Japanese pig who wants to commit suicide is still alive!"

Both hands were already firmly trampled by the large military boots at the same time, and they were pinned to the ground unable to move. Even if Taketake Okada wanted to struggle some more at this moment, he could not do anything.

He could only watch helplessly as the Russian soldiers gathered around him, like monkeys in a zoo, surrounding him who was lying on his back.

Okada Yiwu, whose mind went blank, didn't even know how he was carried out of the tent like a pig in the end. But the moment he was escorted out of the camp, he witnessed a scene that he had never seen before.

"Kneel down! Kneel down, you Japanese pig!"

"You! Raise your hands above your head and don't move! Do you want to take a shot, Sukka!"

"This guy can't be saved. Throw him over there with the dead. Ask those Japanese soldiers to come over and lift him up and tell them to move quickly!"

It was almost at the same time that the division headquarters camp was breached, less than ten minutes apart.

The remaining Japanese soldiers guarding the area saw that the situation was over. The ferocious Russians had completely overwhelmed the division headquarters, and the last line of defense that they had been struggling to support collapsed in an instant.

Except for a few fanatics who were still resisting desperately, the vast majority of the remaining Japanese soldiers who had witnessed "what the power of destruction is" finally put down their weapons and chose to surrender. This is when Okada Yiwu was escorted out of the camp. Saw this scene.

"It's over, everything is over. Everything, everything, completely over."

Okada Yiwu originally hoped that the remaining troops would fight to the last moment so that he could fulfill his promise of "all being broken into pieces" in his farewell telegram sent to the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

But the facts turned out to be that Taketake Okada was simply overthinking.

Among the remaining Japanese soldiers who suffered countless casualties, almost all of them witnessed with their own eyes how brutal and ferocious the Russians were.

How to bring down destructive power beyond the scope of common sense and understanding, just like the scenes described in myths and legends.

Some Japanese soldiers who were too superstitious and uneducated even began to believe that the Russians were "helped by gods."

Even after being captured, he still kept talking like a god, and he didn't know what he was talking about. They look just like the creatures that just escaped from the mental hospital after the wall collapsed, and there are actually quite a few such Japanese soldiers.

Rounding things off, the German troops on the Eastern Front were also frightened and spread all kinds of unbelievable horror stories to Malashenko, and in the end they became more and more outrageous. It's more serious than the Germans did back then.

When many negative emotions such as despair, collapse, and incomprehension spread crazily among the remaining Japanese troops like a plague.

Okada Taketake's "all jade is broken" delusion naturally ends here, and in the end it is nothing more than his own wishful thinking.

"It's finally over, we survived!"

As soon as the battle is over, some will be happy and some will be sad.

However, the ones who are rejoicing now are not only the Red Army who are the victors, but also the Germans who finally saved their lives after a bloody battle and a deadlock.

He raised his hand to open the commander's hatch above his head, got out of the car, and sat on the Tiger turret with a cigarette in his mouth like a street kid sitting on the curb. After witnessing the brutal fighting in front of them, the battlefield ruins that had been blown up by the Russians looked like the surface of the moon.

Stauffener had to be grateful once again for how accurate his original judgment was and how wise and correct the final choice was.

If you really want to follow these crazy Japanese bandits and fight to the death with the Russians, I'm afraid you will definitely have a share among the corpses and ashes on the battlefield.

"When are those Russians coming to capture us? Honestly, I can't wait to be captured by them, at least so I can go through the final process with peace of mind."

"Like now, I'm always a little afraid that they will come and kill us, just like toilet paper being thrown into the toilet after wiping our butts. We have lost our use value to the Russians, haven't we?"

He was the most experienced driver. He had been a member of Staufener's crew on the Eastern Front. Now he climbed into the battle-scarred Tiger and leaned against the turret. As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to ask Staufener for a cigarette. .


Silently, Stauffener raised his hand and threw the few remaining cigarettes in the box to the driver. After shaking the few cigarettes left in it, the driver took out one and put it in his mouth. Then he heard someone sitting on the turret behind him. Stauffener spoke quietly.

"The Russians shouldn't be so unreasonable. They can definitely see that we fought so hard with the Japanese just now. This alone has saved them a lot of trouble. I believe they won't kill them all. "

"You mean, do you trust the Russians? Trust them?"

After hearing this, Staufener glanced at the driver and saw the driver with a cigarette in his mouth and a somewhat unbelievable expression of astonishment.

Stauffener, who had no choice but to spread his hands, just spoke without thinking.

"Otherwise? If you have a better way, I'm all ears. Apart from trusting the Russians, what else can you do now?"


The soldiers of the Leader's Army who were still staying around these German Tiger tanks received the order and did not immediately take coercive measures against these Germans who worked hard for their side on the battlefield.

Instead, they just kept a certain distance and watched closely, giving these Germans who had really helped a lot a little reward time and space. They had to let them rest and take a breath before talking about taking away the potatoes.

As for fear of German rebellion?

No, not really.

As long as the Germans are still blind, looking at the more than a hundred T43As, IS6s, and IS7s that are arriving one after another and parked not far away is enough to instantly dispel any unrealistic thoughts of committing suicide.

Especially after seeing with my own eyes how the Japanese died and how powerful the leader's army was.

A moment later, Stauffener, who was flying down from the turret, was about to ask the leading officer not far away what to do next.

He turned around unintentionally and saw a familiar figure being escorted by Russians, and he quickly walked towards him.

"You, are you still alive?"

Okada Taketake, who was already angry at the German guy, heard this, and combined with Stauffener's really surprised and vivid expression, he was so angry that his blood pressure exploded and he fainted on the spot.

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