Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3144 Say Goodbye to the Past

It's not that Stauffener meant to make the old devil Okada Yiwu angry to death, but he was really surprised, surprised, very surprised that this old guy was not killed by the Russians.

"You traitor! Scum! Scum! Red deer! Bastard with no sense of shame or honor!!!"

Originally, Taketake Okada was still in a wilted state, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

But when he saw Stauffener, he immediately started to go crazy on the spot as if he had stepped on a switch, and cursed at Stauffener with all kinds of elegant and easy-going words.

The two leading soldiers responsible for escorting him were startled, and they quickly used their hands to hold down the crazy old devil.

It doesn't matter if it's not hard. The hard work and Okada Yiwu's own movement range is not small, which directly causes the incision on the stomach that was stabbed by the short knife to be torn again. Okada Yiwu, who was in pain on the spot, stopped going crazy on his own. Not to mention, he even bared his teeth and whined again and again.

"This old devil is really crazy! Get him away quickly, quickly!"

"Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander."

The battalion commander, who was attracted by the screams to check the situation, frowned and immediately ordered that Taketake Okada, who would not have any more chances of going crazy, was taken away on the spot.

Looking at the back of the man who wanted to eat him alive, he was dragged down and taken away by the Russians like a dead dog.

Except for the sentence "Are you still alive?" that made Okada Taketake half-dead, Stauffener, who didn't say a word, couldn't help but feel a little confused in his eyes.

The Japanese have already ended up like this, what next? Will it be my turn and that of my comrades?

Stauffener didn't know and fell into deep thought for a while.

However, the major battalion commander of the leading army who had just given the order beside him did not give him much chance to think.

"Are you the German commander?"

"Ah? Well, yes, it's me, Mr. Major. I am the Wehrmacht, er, the former German Wehrmacht Armored Corps Lieutenant Colonel Staufener. I made a plan and led all my colleagues in the instructor corps to rise up and surrender."

"We have faithfully fulfilled our promise to you and fought tenaciously with the Japanese army until the last moment of the battle. We also hope that you can give us the treatment we deserve as prisoners of war. Please do not treat us the same as those scum of the SS." "

Stauffener, who was clear and logical, focused on the key points as soon as he opened his mouth.

Not only did he emphasize that he was the maker, decision-maker and leader of the entire plan, but he also directly drew a clear line with the SS, which the Russians hated most, pointing out his own battlefield achievements and hoping to receive corresponding prisoner of war treatment.

As for why we talk about the treatment of prisoners of war instead of the treatment of surrendering during the uprising?

Stauffener could probably guess that it was unrealistic to expect too much at this time. If the Russians could really be merciful and spare themselves and their comrades, they would be extremely lucky.

If you expect anything more, it would be a bit too much and not knowing what is good or bad.

"Well, your level of Russian is pretty good. There were few people in the prisoner of war camp who spoke so fluently. Are you self-taught?"

Although he was a lieutenant colonel and the Red Army in front of him was a major, Stauffener still did not dare to hold on to his identity and pretend to be incompetent.

To be honest, I am already a prisoner, so I don’t need to pretend to be a grandson as long as I can save my life.

Without thinking, Stauffener quickly replied after hearing this question.

"Yes, I am indeed self-taught, Mr. Major. I served as a military attache stationed in your country in the early years, and I have a very solid foundation in Russian. Not only that, I can also write Russian. In addition, I also mastered Japanese. I am proficient in three languages.”

"Hey, you know a lot now! I didn't expect to catch a senior German intellectual here, huh?"

"Pfft hahahaha——"

When the soldiers of the leading army who were watching heard what their comrade battalion commander said, they all laughed on the spot. No one thought there was anything wrong with making fun of a German in public.

Stauffener, who neither dared to get angry nor speak out, didn't even want to lose face. As long as he could save his life, he couldn't care less about these things. Just laugh if you like. It’s okay to laugh all day long. It’s okay even for me to laugh with you guys.

"I didn't mean to make fun of you. Don't get me wrong. It's just that your skills may be of great use in the prisoner of war camp in the future. Maybe I can arrange a small official for you, responsible for taking care of those Japanese monkeys and disobedient people. What do you think, Mr. Surrender?"

Of course, Stauffener knew that the major in front of him was just saying it casually. A person of his status certainly did not have the authority to care about such a big matter as the allocation of positions in the prisoner of war camp.

However, he thought so in his heart, and Stauffener, who did not dare to neglect on the surface, still hid his true thoughts very well. For a while, he was smiling and agreeing.

The battalion commander, who did have a pretty good impression of the German lieutenant colonel, then smiled and patted the other man on the shoulder, and then spoke.

"Okay, you have killed a lot of Japanese devils, so I won't tie you up with ropes. Pack up, hand over the gun and leave it here, and take the people down to the Prisoner of War Holding Center. Remember not to do anything that could easily cause misunderstanding. Even if I give you a warning with good intentions in advance.”

"Understood, Mr. Major. Of course, please don't worry!"

Watching the Red Army major who had finished handling the affairs here leave, Stauffener's eyes were somewhat complicated and he didn't know what to say for a moment, but he heard the driver behind him suddenly come up and speak quietly.

"So is this the end? The Russians aren't going to kill us? Really?"

"If you really want the Russians to kill you, it's not impossible. There are so many Russians here. If you go and ask them yourself, they will most likely be happy to reward you with a bullet."

"That still doesn't work. I think this is good, good, really good."

He led his men and threw everything related to weapons, including firearms, ammunition, and knives, on the ground as required, and threw them together in a pile.

When it was his turn to hand over the gun, Stauffener held the unloaded Ruger P08 pistol in his hand and suddenly felt a sense of loss.

Throwing the gun away now, I don’t know if there will be a chance to pick it up again in this life.

But if you don't throw it away, it's not just a matter of the gun but your life.

Stauffener, who still knew what was more important, had no choice but to be cruel and put down the Ruger P08, which was given to him by his father and had been with him for more than ten years since he joined the army. He immediately turned around and left without looking back.

To use the words of Stauffener, who after many years has become a major general of the tank corps of the East German People's Army, puts it in his own words.

At that moment, he said a complete farewell to his past self as a Nazi, and what he turned around to usher in was another brand-new life that started again.

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