Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3146 Someone couldn’t escape

Although the Kwantung Army Headquarters had received the news of the destruction of the Second Division, it was the farewell telegram sent by Lieutenant General Taketake Okada, the commander of the Second Division earlier. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

However, according to Yamada Otsuzo's vision, since the Russians were able to annihilate the Second Division and defeat the Second Division's cooperating operational troops, the entire Japanese mobile battle reserve force was defeated in a short period of time until it completely lost its combat effectiveness.

Then the losses suffered by the Russians in this process should not be small, at least compared to previous battles, they were greater than the losses after fighting the Kwantung Army's conventional divisions.

Although this will not lead to the collapse of the Russian offensive, one should not expect so much.

But I think it will take at least some time for the Russians to reorganize their troops and wait for supplies to be in place after a big battle before launching a new offensive.

This process can be as short as two or three days, or as long as ten days and a half month. During this period, one's own defense line and control area should be safe, at least temporarily.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Yamada Otsuzo's thinking and reasoning are indeed correct. This kind of prediction analysis can even be applied to ordinary Red Army tank corps-level units.

But the key to the problem is that the leader's army is not ordinary, and far exceeds the common understanding of the Japanese army at this stage. A battle execution unit such as the heavy combined force of various arms is simply beyond the understanding of the Japanese army at this stage.

Based on completely wrong judgment, understanding, and reasoning, the final result was even more outrageously wrong.

Three attacks, five divisions and two divisions eliminated the leader's army after the second division, but it still retained strong offensive energy.

As the military chief of the leading army, Malashenko had clear goals and firm determination. He had a clear grasp of the overall situation and accurate judgment. He made the decision to continue to move forward and pursue victory in a very short period of time after the battle. .

One side fights badly and fights in a confused and unclear manner, while the other side fights well and fights clearly and step by step.

What the outcome will be when comparing the two, it can only be said that this is completely predictable.

The moment he received the bad news, he almost couldn't hold himself back. In the end, Yamada Otsuzo slumped on the chair. It took him a while to regain his composure. As soon as he cheered up, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly moved toward him. The chief of staff nearby kept asking questions.

"Consulate, how is the evacuation of the consulate going? Have all the consular staff been evacuated now!?"


The Chief of Staff was also suddenly startled when he was asked about it by His Excellency the Commander. A piece of bad news that sounded even more terrifying to Yamada Otsuzo, and then he spoke it out of his mouth very reluctantly but had to say it.

"No, no. Your Excellency, Commander, the evacuation operation has only been partially completed so far. There are still many consular personnel stranded in the consulate and the city."

"Ah! Baga!!! These damn Russian pigs!!!"

Yamada Otozo was so angry that he gritted his teeth and trembled. It was not convenient for him to take out his anger on the chief of staff and the people around him.

After all, if we really want to blame this problem on someone, it would have to be himself, as the highest military officer of the Kwantung Army. He made a major mistake in predicting and analyzing the battle situation, which led to the situation where he is now half angry to death. situation arises.

The Japanese Consulate, which was originally scheduled to be basically evacuated today, had no idea what to do now. If the Russians, who roared their tanks into the city early in the morning, could really let them go, then Yamada Otsuzo felt that the Russians The commander may be somewhat mentally ill.

"Hey, why are the Russians attacking so fast? And there is almost no need to take supplementary rest. Why is this? What went wrong? Why?"

After yelling blindly but to no avail, Yamada Otsuzo realized that his behavior was no different from that of the monkey in the tree, so he had no choice but to stop.

He began to ramble with self-pity and think about how those Russians managed such a super-fast attack that he couldn't understand at all.

After thinking for a long time, there was no further movement. The chief of staff, who had been by his side and did not interrupt his thoughts, did not tentatively speak until then.

"Your Majesty Commander, what should we do next?"


Yamada Otozo, who felt like his mind was in a mess, could hardly think of any good solution, but saying nothing or doing nothing was not the solution.

In desperation, he had no choice but to choke out a sentence that even he felt was very unsatisfactory, and rounding it off was almost equivalent to farting.

"Update the combat map and cross out all the areas that have been occupied by the Russians. As for the specific adjustments to the combat deployment, I will consider it carefully."

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander."

The chief of staff went to draw the map with a heavy heart, knowing that he was not qualified and had no need to laugh at the commander, whether it was openly or privately.

It is an obvious fact that the war situation has developed to the extent that it is completely out of control, but everyone has tacitly acquiesced to it, and it is not convenient to say it even if they don't want to say it.

Even if someone were to replace Yamada Otsuzo's position now, he would not be able to perform better or do a better job than him. On the contrary, no one would dare to sit in that position because it is too hot on the butt.

What to do next? I don’t know, not only Yamada Otsuzo doesn’t know, but no one in the entire Kwantung Army headquarters knows.

Just because once you say "know", you must face the bitter consequences of failure and destruction, which is really too difficult to accept.

At the same time, on the other side, Malashenko, who had no idea or interest in knowing what kind of bad work was going on in the Kwantung Army headquarters, had just driven to the outside of Harbin, looking at the building that he had built in his previous life. Visited and traveled to beautiful cities several times.

Because it is not an ancient city with a long history, the city outside Harbin does not have wide and thick city walls like those ancient capitals of the past dynasties. This makes it easier for Malashenko to take a look before entering the city.

"This city looks prosperous and not small. No wonder you would say this was the first big city liberated by the Red Army after it went south."

Malashenko, who saw many Western-style buildings as far as he could see, heard the words of the political commissar next to him, and immediately put down the telescope in his hand and smiled.

"Let's go. I heard that the vanguard troops captured a bunch of Japanese who didn't have time to escape in the city. Let's go in and see how the situation is."

Malashenko did not know in advance that there were so many Japanese Japs in the city who had not had time to escape.

However, in line with the principle of high troops and high speed, the troops are required to step up their advance under conditions that are capable and executable. It can only be said that it is an unexpected surprise to be able to block a large group of Japanese devils.

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