Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3147: Evil people still need to be punished by evil people

After entering the city, the convoy drove slowly on the main roads in the city that were already controlled by the Red Army. Tanks and infantry fighting vehicles of the Leader's Army were stationed at major intersections and relatively open areas.

Malashenko, who knows the special nature of this city, has always believed that a sufficient display of strength is necessary. If some people don't see the power of the Red Army, they won't understand what it means to be a low-key person.

Even so, there are still idiots who have no eyesight.

When he arrived at an intersection, Malashenko, who was waiting for the temporary checkpoint set up by the leading army troops to move into the city, to remove the roadblocks and let him pass, saw at a glance the scene of commotion on the sidewalk not far away.

"Damn it! You Russian pigs! Slavic barbarians! Don't touch me, stay away from me! I'm-"


I saw a certain bald middle-aged white man performing performance art on the street, shouting and dancing, openly insulting and discriminating against the Red Army.

After receiving an AK butt shot from the patrolling Red Army soldier, he was immediately put down straight on the ground, face up to the sky, and no longer jumped up and down like before.

"Who is that person over there? Have you asked clearly?"

Malashenko took the initiative to roll down the window and reached out to call the second lieutenant who was leading the team on duty at the roadside checkpoint.

He raised his hand and pointed at the two soldiers on the street who were dragging a dog to death, each grabbing one foot and dragging them away, and asked.

Looking back in the direction of Malashenko's finger, the second lieutenant who had been on duty at the checkpoint and had indeed witnessed the entire incident immediately replied with a smile.

"Back to Comrade Commander, that man seemed to claim to be some kind of consul. His Russian skills were so poor that I couldn't hear clearly. Anyway, our soldiers came forward to interrogate him and started making trouble. Who the hell is he? He really thinks of himself as a consul. character."

"Well, keep on duty, comrades, thank you for your hard work."

Malashenko, who gave a casual salute and greeting before leaving, leaned back on his seat. Under the watch of the return salute of the second lieutenant who was leading the team, he immediately spoke to the political commissar who was riding in the same car beside him.

"You heard me, I'm telling you there will definitely be trouble. These bastards whose hometowns were raped by the Germans are still making trouble with us. It's polite enough not to invite them to take bullets."

The Comrade Political Commissar smiled after hearing this. He was not surprised by the scene just now, and immediately asked questions.

"Then what are you going to do with these people?"

"How to deal with it? How else to deal with it? Those who make trouble are detained, and those who are not making trouble are left to their own devices. Do you still want me to give them special privileges? Damn Suka's dream!"

Due to the unique development history, looking back on the history of Harbin, more than a dozen countries have opened consulates here.

Among them are Western countries such as France, Germany, Italy, and the United States. After some European countries were invaded by the Germans, the consulate personnel in the East became homeless.

Some people who were still willing to accept the Nazis returned to China, others left Harbin and went further away, and the rest who didn't want to go back and had nowhere to go stayed. Mixed among all kinds of white faces in the city of Harbin, I live a life of "as long as the Japanese don't trouble me, I can live day by day."

As a result, when the Red Army arrived, some of the second forces who knew that the Nazis had been destroyed and the Japanese were doomed thought that the day they had been waiting for had arrived.

He began to openly show off, daring to point his nose at the Red Army and call them "Slavic barbarians" in the street, and even used his former consul status to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf.

I can only say that the brains of some prostitutes are really incomprehensible to normal people’s brain circuits.

Malashenko naturally has no need to be merciful to these idiots who have high self-esteem and regard themselves as superiors. He will deal with them as they should.

Flip over the butt of a rifle in the street and drag it away like a dead dog. This is the end of a blind second-guess.

If any of you feel that your face is harder and more resistant to beating, you can come and try to see whether the butt of the gun is harder or the plate of your face is harder. I, Malashenko, welcome it very much.

But among these foreign consuls, there was only one group of people for whom Malashenko wanted to use special methods, and that was the group of Japanese devils.

Malashenko knew what kind of outrageous and shameful things were done in the Japanese consulate.

Now that these Japanese devils can't escape and are all in their own hands, they can clean their necks one by one and wait for the final moment.

"We are here, Comrade Commander."

"Well, stop the car and get off here."


The convoy escorting the comrade commander and comrade political commissar slowly stopped on the street. From the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle that was leading the formation, a whole team of vehicle-mounted infantrymen immediately filed out.

And they are not ordinary mechanized infantry, but combat engineers. The leader of the team is Alsim, who was brought here by Malashenko's name.

"Do you know why I specifically asked you to lead the team here?"

Malashenko, who had just gotten out of the car, asked Alsim, who was already leading the team in front of the car and following orders.

"I know, Comrade Commander! Give those heinous Japanese militaristic scum a look, Alsim is always waiting for your orders!"

"Well, that's about it. Be prepared."

"Yes! Comrade Commander!"

There is a saying that "evil people need to be punished by evil people." This is what Malashenko brought Alsim here for.

Aren't you Japanese devils ruthless and do all kinds of evil?

Okay, then let's test your quality and see who is more "evil" between you guys and me.

Malashenko, who was already tall, took Alsim, who was slightly shorter, into the building. The accompanying combat engineers wore helmets and armor and were armed with AKs.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the Japanese consulate had been captured by the first wave of troops entering the city as the primary target. In the corridor, beside the door, and even on the stairs, there were still various kinds of things that had not been taken away. Disposal of corpses.

Some were wearing Japanese military uniforms, accounting for the vast majority of the corpses. At a glance, it was obvious that they were the corpses of the guards responsible for guarding this place.

Others were in suits and leather shoes and looked like dogs. In the fierce firefights, they were killed on the spot by the soldiers of the leadership army because they were also armed with guns or because they were unwilling to be captured.

Malashenko, who stepped forward through the gap between the piles of corpses at his feet, had just taken a few steps out when he saw a major who was leading a team to clean up the place. He hurried down from the second floor and came to report.

Before the major could say anything, Malashenko took the initiative to ask.

"Is there anyone alive? Did you find anything valuable?"

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