Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3148 Screams in the basement

Malashenko estimated that in such a large consulate, it was impossible for all the Japanese to be eliminated, and there should be more or less left.

And the major's subsequent report was indeed not what Malashenko expected.

"Comrade Commander, we did capture some prisoners, but not many, only 13."

"There are so few people, 13? Are these the rest? Are they all on the ground?"

After hearing Malashenko's question, the major nodded decisively. Except for the 13 captured Japanese, all the others were corpses lying on the ground.

Malashenko, who knew this situation, thought about it and thought it was normal. It was not too outrageous or strange.

As for the virtues and deeds of these Japanese consulates, Malashenko knew it, and so did the Japanese themselves.

Malashenko knew what would happen if such crimes fell into the hands of the Red Army, and so did the devils themselves.

There is no more reasonable explanation than being too afraid of sin and choosing to fight to the end. It's that simple.

"In addition to this, Comrade Commander, this is the transfer list and part of the experimental report we found. They were all found on these Japanese people in suits. It seems that they want to escape with these things. As a result, we blocked them all in this place."

Malashenko knew long before he came and always remembered that the Japanese Consulate in Harbin was deeply connected with the Japanese army’s series of crazy and dehumanizing experiments.

Many innocent people who were arrested and sent to the experimental platform were detained and transported away in this place.

Many experimental reports of the Japanese army will also be sent here for backup and further delivery.

In addition, the Japanese Consulate also engages in many other shady activities, such as intelligence, assassination, etc., which are within the scope of its functions.

In short, this place is a den of evil, the real deal.

Even if any of the Japanese working in this place were killed, they would not be wrongly killed.

After taking the two reports handed over by the major, he flipped through them a little. Malashenko, who couldn't understand the Japanese but knew the importance of these things, immediately gave an order.

"Give this thing to Comrade Political Commissar and say that I personally asked him to take care of it. This is evidence that these unscrupulous militarist fanatics have committed heinous crimes. In the future, these heinous things they have done will be made public. It will be of great use sometimes, so it must be taken care of.”

"Yes, I understand, Comrade Commander."

"in addition"

He raised his foot and kicked the dead Japanese corpse beside him. There were more than a dozen bloody holes in his chest. He didn't know how many bullets he had shot to death.

Malashenko, who didn't mind adding more Japanese corpses, immediately asked.

"Where are those captured prisoners now?"

"It's in the basement, Comrade Commander. I haven't had time to transport him away yet, but I've sent more people to keep a close eye on him. He will definitely not be able to escape."

Looking at the sworn look on the major's face, Malashenko turned to Alsim and gave Alsim a look, and then gave the order.

"Lead the way, I want to go over and meet these scum."

A moment later, Malashenko, who was led all the way down to the basement of the consulate under the leadership of Comrade Major, saw the prisoners in front of him who were herded into the corner of the room like pigs by the soldiers of the leadership army, huddled together. Alsim, who came with us and knew what he was supposed to do, had also arrived with his team and was waiting in line in the basement room.

A group of Russians in helmets and armor, who looked obviously more ferocious, suddenly appeared in front of them with murderous intent, frightening the already panicked prisoners even more.

"Soviet General, we are diplomatic and consular personnel, and we have surrendered to you. We deserve the treatment we deserve, and you must ensure our lives are safe!"

"Can you speak Chinese?"

Hearing the poor Russian spoken by the short Japanese leader in front of him made him feel sick. Without thinking, Malashenko said a sentence in Mandarin directly from his mouth, which made the unexpected leader stunned.

"Yes, General, of course I will."

I can't speak Russian well, but I can speak Chinese fairly well.

Malashenko, who deliberately spoke Mandarin so that the Japanese would understand better, then continued to speak.

"You just said "you deserve the treatment you deserve"? Well, tell me what you think the treatment you deserve is."


From his words, he could tell that the Russian guy in front of him was deliberately looking for trouble, but the reality that the situation was stronger than the people still forced the leading Japanese to bite the bullet and continue his words.

"Guaranteeing the safety of our lives is the most basic and rightful thing! We are diplomats and should not be affected by the flames of war. Even after being captured, we should enjoy the most basic protection and treatment. This is recognized by the world international law."

"International law? Oh, are you talking to me about international law? You might as well chop off your own head and break it open to see if it contains pig brains or human brains."

Not intending to leave any chance for the other party to argue or retort, Malashenko's mocking speech continued.

"As for what you beasts have done, which one of them complied with the so-called international law!? Invasion, massacre, war crimes, and in vivo experimentation. This is what the so-called international law allows you bastards to do!? Ah!?"


The leader, who was stunned by Malashenko's yelling, wanted to defend himself, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Malashenko before he could speak.

"When you bully and trample the weak, you talk about the jungle and the law of the jungle. When you meet someone stronger than you, you start talking about fucking international laws. Are you cheap or not? Just tear off your shame and sew it on the soles of your shoes and use it, eh? I I feel that this can be considered as making the best use of everything, and the effect will be better, or it can be used as a crotch cloth. It is natural for the Japanese devils to develop Japanese characteristics, and it can be considered as making the best use of everything. "


As the Japanese consul, he has always been in a position of superiority. The leading Japanese who is used to hearing all kinds of flattery and good words has never been humiliated like this in front of his own subordinates. , quite annoyed and angry.

Subconsciously without even realizing it, he couldn't help but raise his right hand and extend his index finger, pointing at the tall Soviet general in front of him, who was as tall as an iron tower. He was so angry that he couldn't speak, and he didn't know where it came from. Have the courage to do so.

Malashenko, who knew what was going to happen next, closed his eyes slightly and did not speak. He couldn't stand the bow-legged Japanese monkey being so arrogant and domineering. Alsim, who had received the authorization from the commander of the army, rushed forward immediately. Go ahead.

The next second, only a scream was heard that echoed in the basement and could not dissipate for a long time.

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