Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3149 The whole city is under martial law, start searching!


"Hand, my hand!!!"

Alsim's hand was so strong that he once hit the vital point with one punch and killed a cooking pig on the spot. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Even when he had a hand-to-hand fight with the insane and astonishingly powerful SS demon Heisenberg on the top of the Reichstag in Berlin a few months ago, Alsim, who had regained his strength, was never at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

However, the person in front of him was almost as weak as a chicken. At first glance, he looked like a leading Japanese soldier who had been sitting in an office all year round. However, he received a strong blow from Alsim, who clenched his fist. He pinched it and broke off his index finger on the spot that dared to point at Malashenko’s nose.

Not to mention breaking it off, I also gave the leader a bone-setting massage.

Alsim folded the broken finger backwards, and on the spot, he broke the index finger of the leading Japanese soldier into an upside-down position that was turned outward nearly 180 degrees without any effort at all.

In severe pain, he looked at his poor index finger, where even the phalanges had been poked out of the skin, and the flesh was clearly exposed.

The Japanese consul was so painful that he almost shed tears on the spot. Then he heard the unusually tall Soviet general in front of him speak quietly.

"You can probably blame your mother. She didn't teach you not to point your finger at others when talking to others. You're such an uneducated piece of shit."


Having learned the painful lesson just now, the Japanese consul, who had permanently lost one of his fingers, now dared not speak out in anger.

But he didn't expect that he wanted to keep a low profile and endure it, but some of his subordinates were short-sighted. The young liaison officer stood up without saying anything and started to curse.

"Vulgar Russian warriors! It's you who are uneducated! We are diplomats, how dare you-"


Before he could finish what he was saying, his whole body flew backwards like a sack.

The weight of more than one hundred kilograms was as light as nothing in mid-air. It was almost slammed into the wall with an incredible flying speed and impact force, just like a fly on the wall being swatted to death by a fly swatter.

That is to say, the basement wall is strong enough, and there is still soil behind the wall to support it, so it cannot collapse.

The Japanese who left a bright human-shaped mark on the wall immediately fell down, fell to the ground face to face, and lost his breath immediately. He died suddenly before he even had time to scream.

Alsim used a short forward dash and hit him directly in the chest with a kick. He kicked the person to death on the spot, and Alsim had just stopped his kick.

Facts have proved that the extremely durable hand-to-hand combat scenes in the movie, where the person was beaten to death over and over again for more than ten rounds, and the wall collapsed and the house collapsed, can only exist in movies that are just for fun. middle.

With an ordinary body, Alsim's running kick was forcefully received, and it hit the vital part of the chest and caused a lot of damage. The Japanese was kicked to death on the spot.

It should be said that the death was relatively painless, and he literally died on the spot.

I couldn't understand what the devil was talking about, but looking at his appearance, I knew that Alsim, who had something bad to say, was looking at the corpse and grinning.

He was smiling so much that in the eyes of the other Japs who were still alive around him, they were no different from the devils in hell. They looked quite satisfied with the corpse that he had just kicked to death.

He glanced coldly at the Japanese corpse that fell to the ground. There was no sympathy, mercy or emotion in his eyes.

Malashenko, who had other things to do and was tired of playing, left the last words and then turned around and left.

"It won't be long before most of you will go to accompany him, I promise."


When Malashenko took Alsim and the accompanying combat engineers away, they left the basement and headed elsewhere.

The major, who did not follow Comrade Commander, but stayed behind, waved his hand and motioned to the soldiers accompanying him to take away the dead Japanese corpse.

Then he came to the Japanese consul with great interest, who was still slumped on the ground with his hands covered and grinning like a mask of pain. He slowly squatted down and spoke with a smile.

"Let me tell you a secret. Listen carefully."

Looking at the Russian major with a sneer in front of him, the Japanese consul, who could understand Russian and had learned the painful lesson just now, now dared not say anything anymore, had no choice but to continue to listen honestly. .

"That happened a long time ago, in 1944, in a place called Auschwitz in far away Europe, Poland."

"There are also a group of Germans there who are doing the same inhumane things as you beasts, a group of SS soldiers, and experimental lunatics who claim to be scientists. At least they did exist, but later they all fell into the hands of our army. In Comrade Chang’s hands, do you know what they are like now?”


He didn't care whether the Japanese consul in front of him had the guts to answer his words, nor did he care what he would say even if he did.

The major, whose sneer grew brighter, just stretched out his gloved hand, gently patted the Japanese consul's increasingly frightened cheek, and spoke slowly.

"They're all now fertilizer in the soil, nourishing the new weeds that will grow on that land the following year."

"In other words, the grass on their graves is now higher than the grass you are sitting here. Doesn't it feel great? Hmm? Don't worry, you will be like this soon, and you will have the opportunity to have a good time with your naughty allies. Let’s share our experiences.”

After saying that, before the Japanese consul, who had pressed the pause button with a frightened expression, could react, the major, who stood up on the spot, had already given an order.

"Take them away, escort them to a prisoner of war shelter, and tell the comrades who hand over them to be under strict supervision. This is an order personally issued by Comrade Commander."

"Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander."

After leaving the monstrous Japanese Consulate and going to the ground, Malashenko, who was not even in the mood to look back at this place, immediately led people back to the motorcade.

The political commissar comrade who went to inspect the situation of the troops elsewhere had just returned to the convoy with his people, and he spoke as soon as he met Malashenko.

"According to your request, the entire city has been sealed off under martial law. All major arterial roads and urban entrances and exits have been taken over and guarded by our troops. No one can leave the city without permission from customs."

"Very good, then we can start the next step."

Malashenko, who had enough troops on hand to execute the plan he had personally formulated, and was determined to do it himself even if it delayed the advance for a day, immediately issued the order.

"The whole city is under martial law and a search has begun! I have to dig deep to find all the Japanese hiding in the city! I still can't believe that in such a big city, there are just a few dozen Japanese devils who have done shady things. "

"Gather all the captured Japanese together and screen them one by one. Be sure to dig out all the scum hiding inside! Don't let anyone go! You must be more professional than me in this matter, so I'll leave it to you, from Comrade Commissar of Lubyanka Street.”

Hearing Malashenko suddenly mention this, it is true that he had served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time and was a political commissar dedicated to eradicating traitors and cleaning up spies. He just shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Well, since it is an order from Comrade Commander, it must be carried out. Petrov promises to complete the task."

It is impossible to write too directly about the issue involving a certain numerical unit of the Japanese army, so I chose this form to write it. I hope everyone can understand it.

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