Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3150 The manhunt is in progress

After Malashenko gave the order, and the political commissar personally directed the execution, a city-wide manhunt immediately began in the entire main city.

When the heavily armed and AK-wielding leaders of the Army just started taking action, many people in the city who had a wait-and-see attitude towards the Red Army were frightened at first.

Looking at the violent battles of these old men, I subconsciously thought that they were going to loot and kill like the Japanese, but the facts soon proved that this was not the case.

"Ni Nihao, we are from the Plastic Union Bomb Army. Have Qingwen seen any Japanese?"

The Chinese I learned at the last minute sounds really bad, especially since Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. It is not easy to write, speak, or understand the meaning.

Therefore, even though the leading army had already started to prepare early in the early battle preparation stage, and selected soldiers and commanders with sufficient knowledge reserves and high talent for foreign language learning among the grassroots troops to study Chinese, the learning results after a few months Still somewhat unsatisfactory.

Not to mention writing, I haven't even mastered speaking yet.

The good news is that basic communication is no longer a big problem, and simple questions like this can still be handled.

The method of asking the soldiers to find local people to inquire about the whereabouts of the Japanese was also proposed by the political commissar when he personally directed the deployment.

The leading troops who came for an away game instead of playing at home were not familiar with the city's terrain. On the contrary, the Japanese who had been wreaking havoc here for a long time were very familiar with it. If you search aimlessly, it is difficult to achieve satisfactory results. It is not only time-consuming but more importantly, it also wastes time.

Malashenko, who could only spare one day to do this, could not wait too long. The time he could use to find the scattered Japanese Japs and bring them to justice was to quickly annihilate the Japanese troops blocking them along the way. In exchange, Malashenko, who has other important tasks, cannot lead his troops to stay there for a long time.

Therefore, with the cooperation of the local people, it is undoubtedly the best way to quickly uncover the Japanese Japs hiding in various places.

And after seeing that the Red Army was indeed merciless to the Japanese, there were so many corpses of the Japanese carried out from the Japanese consulate that they had to be pulled by trucks.

The common people in the city who were running around to tell each other immediately took action. Many times, before the soldiers from the Leader's Army came forward to ask, the common people rushed over spontaneously and took the soldiers from the Leader's Army to find the hiding Japanese Japanese.

After receiving further orders from the political commissar, the various search teams of the leading army also reciprocated the favor.

Once a valuable clue is discovered, a certain reward will be given to the person who provided the clue, regardless of whether the target is captured directly. Moreover, it is the direct distribution of food and daily necessities, which is the simplest, most practical and understandable payment for ordinary people.

From the day it was formed into an army, the leader's army had never worried about supplies. There was no shortage of all kinds of food, not to mention a lot of supplies seized from various Japanese warehouses in the city.

The Kwantung Army, which had always used Harbin as a frontline material distribution center, had long stockpiled a large amount of military supplies in the city to prepare for emergencies and protracted operations.

As a result, a protracted war was not possible, and such a huge amount of military supplies had no time to be taken away or destroyed.

The leader army, who looked down on the enemy's rags, did not intend to take these things away. Not only would loading the truck delay time, but it would also waste precious transportation capacity, but that did not mean that these things were useless like garbage.

Using the supplies of the Japanese as bounties to hunt down the Japanese is the so-called "original soup and raw food". In this way, it can be regarded as a waste of money.

Although the quality of the Japanese canned food was not very good, the soldiers in the leadership army shook their heads after seeing it, let alone eating it.

But this is based on the premise of the leader's strong supply capacity. Relatively speaking, these canned goods from the Japanese army are quite popular with the local people.

After all, no matter how bad it is, it can still fill the stomach and taste the meat.

Looking at the reports of successful captures that kept coming to me, and listening to the good news that kept coming from the phone.

Malashenko, who set up his temporary headquarters in the former site of the Soviet Consulate in the city, couldn't help but admire the political commissar comrades at his desk who were still correcting the reports that kept coming.

"Okay, it really works! You'd better have a way, otherwise I'd say you still have to do this job. Catching Japanese devils is much more efficient than a cat catching mice."

The political commissar who had long been accustomed to correcting documents with one hand first put down the pen in his hand, then closed the folder, picked up the corrected report and handed it to the waiting staff officer to put it away. Then he turned to Malashin beside him. Coe replied with a smile.

"Fully mobilizing the local masses is the best and fastest way in this situation. Those militaristic fanatics have been wreaking havoc on this land for a long time, and their heinous crimes are completely unpopular."

"From the perspective of the locals who are the victims, it is completely predictable what choices they will make under the dual effects of subjective emotional self-inclination and the material rewards we provide."

"This is what I have always emphasized. No matter when, where and under what circumstances we fight, we cannot do without the universal support of the combat area. At least we must try our best to win this support. Once this cannot be achieved, then military deployment The implementation will encounter great obstacles and difficulties, but on the contrary, the efficiency will be greatly improved with half the effort.”

"This was the case in the European battlefield before, and it is still the same in the Far East battlefield. I feel that no matter how the shape of war evolves and how the military develops in the future, this alone should not change."

After listening to Comrade Political Commissar's speech, he was quite impressed. Malashenko, who was about to say something, was interrupted by a sudden report before he could say anything.

"Reporting to Comrade Commander, a search team discovered a hidden detention center where our comrades and more imprisoned Chinese were found."

"Our comrade?"

Malashenko, who looked slightly puzzled, took the report and read it, and blurted out the words he asked while reading.

"How were they imprisoned here? Have you figured out the source?"

Without thinking too much, Malashenko concentrated on reading the detailed report in his hand. He never thought that the next answer of the staff officer in front of him would directly surprise Comrade Ma.

"They claimed that they were separated from the main force during the Battle of Nomonhan and were captured by the Japanese army. We are verifying the relevant identity information. But some of the details they reported accurately correspond to the Battle of Nomonhan that year, so this It’s very likely true, Comrade Commander.”

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