Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3152 Sorry, I’ve been a little busy lately

The political commissar comrades began to take action, and Malashenko was not idle at all, and immediately set off for the field hospital.

After rushing over, I learned that Karachev had moved the field hospital to a large hospital in the city with relatively better medical conditions, so he immediately led his people to the hospital in the city.

The leading army that had just annihilated the Second Division still had a large number of wounded.

Although the leader's army was either on the march or in the battle to annihilate the enemy, there was little time to stop and rest. But thanks to the excellent medical level of the leader army and the medical staff team that ranks among the leading echelons of the entire Red Army.

The condition of these wounded people is pretty good. Even the seriously injured ones have received relatively good treatment under field conditions. There are basically no cases of death due to lack of timely treatment.

Malashenko, who rushed to the hospital in a hurry, was about to call Karachev over for questioning. He never thought that as soon as he passed the corner of the stairs and took people up to the second floor, he ran into the man he had neglected because he was busy fighting. On the same day, Anya, whom I haven’t seen for a while.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy lately and haven't been able to come see you. I'll take you out for an outing next time I have a chance. I'll definitely go, I promise!"

Malashenko, whose "military commander's majesty" had disappeared in a short period of time, saw Anya couldn't help but smile. Anya couldn't hold it back after hearing the slightly embarrassing speech of the man she loved deeply.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of important things to do. Let's talk about the free things when you are free."

"Comrade Dean has just finished a meeting and is in the office. You came to see him, right?"


A person with high emotional intelligence should say, "Why am I looking for a stinky man? I'm here for you, my dear."

It's a pity that Malashenko's identity and position determine that he is not an "urban soldier king" who specializes in flirting with girls, killing enemies indiscriminately, and hugging beauties.

Now that Anya has revealed her true purpose, she can only bite the bullet and choose the "low emotional intelligence" answer and nod in recognition.

"Do what you have to do. The temperature difference between day and night is huge. Don't forget to add some clothes. I'll be here at any time if needed."


Comrade Commander didn't know what to say, so he could only stop and stare at the back of his little lover as he hurried away and continued to be busy with his work.

It was not convenient for the comrades accompanying us to say anything at this time. One by one, you looked at me and I looked at you. Fortunately, it didn't last long before the order from Comrade Commander came.

"Come on, everyone follow me."

Malashenko, who came to express condolences to the wounded, put aside his personal affairs with his children and continued to do the business he should be busy with, just as Anya had told him before leaving. perform

He asked his entourage to go to all floors and rooms on behalf of the military to express condolences to the wounded and boost morale. Malashenko, who came to the dean's office alone, then pushed the door open and entered.

"Comrade Commander? Why didn't you say anything? I didn't know you were coming at this time. I didn't make any preparations, not even a glass of water."

Malashenko, who raised his hand to say no, didn't say much and went straight to the point.

When they met, they asked Karachev, who was behind the desk sorting out the report of the meeting just now, about the few Red Army prisoners who had just been delivered.

"They are in stable condition, Comrade Commander. Apart from long-term malnutrition and excessive weakness, there is no immediate danger to their lives."

"But I am worried that long-term poor physical condition will cause their organ function to decline. This may cause hidden dangers and endanger life in the event of a sudden outbreak, so I am arranging for further detailed examinations on them. I will send someone to check them at that time I’ll send you a copy of the report, don’t worry.”

"Well, we'll talk about this later. Can I go see them now?"

"Now? Now?"

He got an affirmative answer from Malashenko's eyes, and immediately recalled the situation of the rescued comrades he had personally dealt with. Karachev quickly gave the answer without thinking too much.

"Well, one of the rescued comrades is in relatively good condition. He is conscious and in a good mental state, and the basic physical examination is not serious. I think there will be no problem after a short inquiry, Comrade Commander."

"Well, then lead the way and go now."

After all, they wanted to see what evil the indifferent Japanese devils had done, and even more, they wanted to know how these rescued comrades survived the six years of imprisonment and torture.

Malashenko, who decided to meet the client in person, soon got what he wanted. However, the terrible situation of the person in the hospital bed in front of him made Malashenko frown.

"Damn, where is this person like me!? Damn little Japan, I have to deal with you all!"

The person lying on the hospital bed in front of him was not so much a person. Malashenko felt that it might be more appropriate to use "person-like" to describe his intuitive feeling.

The sunken eye sockets, the withered face, the head that had long since lost a hair, and the body that was so thin that the skin on his body was probably more than the flesh.

Seeing the other person's eyes looking at him, Malashenko quickly stepped forward to the bedside, pulled up a chair, sat down, and then spoke.

"Sorry, we are late, comrade, and we have kept you trapped in the enemy's captivity and torture for too long."

What surprised Malashenko was that the comrade who was lying on the hospital bed and tortured to the point of being out of shape could still laugh. He immediately showed a very excited expression after hearing that he spoke on his own initiative, just like Karache I'm in good spirits as my husband said.

"I, I finally survived, I survived! Comrade General, I finally survived."

Looking at the excited expression on his face, Malashenko, who was not easy to interrupt, did not continue to speak until the other party's emotions calmed down slightly.

"Okay, comrade, I have a few questions to ask you. You answer according to your own situation. If you feel uncomfortable or can't speak, you don't have to say anything. This is not mandatory, nor is it a task or order."

"Do you remember when you were captured? What happened after that, and how the Japanese treated you? Try to remember it, and then tell me the details."

Malashenko knows that recalling these painful events can be difficult for a comrade who has just been rescued.

But there is no other way at the moment. Malashenko, who has forced himself to take time out to deal with this series of affairs, does not have much time to waste, and now he has no chance to continue marching and fight.

Fortunately, the rescued soldier, who was in good mental condition, did not reject Malashenko's inquiry. He quickly recalled those things from long ago and spoke slowly.

"That was in 1939. During the Battle of Nomenhan, my company was ordered to attack the Japanese army."

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