Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3153 Can’t see the sun tomorrow

The soldier spoke seriously, and the commander listened carefully.

After a short period of communication and confirmation, Malashenko basically understood the process and process of the whole thing, which was not much different and basically consistent with what the political commissar had inferred earlier.

This soldier was captured by the Japanese army after being separated from the main force during the Battle of Nomonhan. The Japanese army also illegally detained and concealed the situation of the prisoner as the political commissar inferred.

In the long period that followed, various inhumane torture and in vivo experiments were carried out on many Red Army prisoners, including this soldier.

Very few people survived this process, and most of the prisoners were tortured to death by the Japanese army.

The imprisoned Red Army prisoners also had doubts. They suspected that they had been illegally imprisoned by the Japanese army and were still not released after such a long time. There must be something wrong with this and they raised questions.

However, these lying and shameless Japanese actually shamelessly claimed that they were the victors of the Battle of Nomenhan. The Red Army had been completely defeated and did not dare to fight anymore. They abandoned the prisoners and simply abandoned them.

In short, you are unwanted and forgotten people, no different from trash. It is best to die and be released back to your country.

However, many of the captured Red Army soldiers who had fought against the Japanese army on the battlefield and clearly knew the level of combat effectiveness of the Japanese army did not believe it and continued to fight against these crazy militaristic scum with perseverance and perseverance. Hold on and don't give up hope.

I look forward to one day being able to get out alive, expose the various crimes of the Japanese to the public, and return to my motherland to see my relatives again.

However, there are still very few comrades who can really persist to the end. The Japanese's intensified torture methods continue to devour the already incomplete lives of comrades.

According to the soldier on the hospital bed, there were more than 20 Red Army prisoners who were initially imprisoned with him.

If we also include the time when we moved to other detention places and met and made new acquaintances with other Red Army prisoners, the number of prisoners would probably be less than a hundred.

However, only three people including him were rescued in the end, at least for now.

The leader's army, which almost turned the whole city upside down, had hundreds of search teams, but there was no second news of rescuing the captured Red Army.

The more Malashenko thought about it, the angrier he became. He wished he could call his crew right now and drive up the IS7 to crush all those naughty Japanese soldiers into the soil and use them as fertilizer.

It was at this time that I heard the question from the soldier on the hospital bed again.

"Comrade General, how is our motherland doing now? How is our motherland? She must be developing very strong, right?"


Reminiscent of the time when the soldier was captured, Malashenko knew that it was necessary to make some additional explanations, organized his words a little, and then spoke quietly.

"The Germans invaded our motherland in 1941. Did the Japanese tell you about this?"

"Invasion? Germans? No, no, I mean no. Those Japanese never talked about this. They even claimed a long time ago that they defeated the Soviet Union and occupied our motherland. They told us never to think about it again. Back home. We are not allowed to write letters or read newspapers. We know nothing except the nonsense they say."

"These stupid beasts."

When it comes to the ability to lie and make up nonsense, he is definitely considered a professional. He knew that the Japanese were so pissed off that Malashenko quickly continued to speak.

"The winter in Moscow that year was very cold, very cold. It was so cold that the German tanks and armored vehicles were frozen and broke down outside our capital city, unable to move."

"Their soldiers did not prepare winter clothing in advance because of the arrogance of the head of state, and were frozen alive into ice sculptures. They fell to death in the endless snow and turned into fertilizer in the early spring of the next year, nourishing the land on the outskirts of Moscow."

"It was a magnificent battle. Countless Red Army soldiers backed the capital of the motherland and launched a fierce counterattack against the enemy in the songs of the defenders of Moscow. Countless Nazi soldiers were wiped out by us, and they could not stop retreating and were defeated. Hundreds of kilometers, and from now on these Germans have never been able to set foot on the outskirts of our capital.”

Malashenko spoke carefully and vividly, telling this soldier from the battle to defend Moscow to the planting of the victory flag on the top of the Capitol, to the present day when he launches the war against Japan and strikes hard at the Kwantung Army Group in order to defeat it in one fell swoop. Totally shattered.

"I didn't expect that our motherland would go through so many and difficult battles. I'm really happy to hear that we finally won. I knew the Red Army would never fail! Whether it's the Japanese or the Germans, these arrogant lunatics are... Don’t even think about defeating us!”

Amidst the soldier's excited words, he raised his hand and looked at his watch and found that more than half an hour had passed, and Karachev suggested that his conversation should not exceed 15 minutes.

Knowing that he had been chatting for too long, Malashenko immediately stood up and told the soldier to take a good rest. He was about to turn around and leave but was stopped by the soldier's questioning voice.

"Comrade General, what is your name? I want to write a letter to my family, try to contact them, and tell them who saved me."


Malashenko was not sure whether this soldier from Ukraine could still contact his relatives. After experiencing the long war of the Patriotic War and the ravages of the Nazi occupation, there were many people who once lived in that land. He has long been separated from his relatives and his whereabouts are unknown.

But Malashenko will try his best to help this soldier find his family and reunite with his relatives who have been away for 6 years. This is the meaning of Malashenko's doing, and he will not hide his name.

"Malashenko, you just need to tell your family the name "Malashenko", they will know it, and it will be enough to make them feel relieved when they see the letter."

After saying that, Malashenko turned and left without waiting for the soldier to respond.

After walking out of the door of the ward, he saw Arsim who had just arrived. Malashenko, who knew who sent him, immediately asked questions.

"How is Comrade Political Commissar handling it?"

"It's going on, and it's going very well. More than 20 Japanese devils have been recruited, and all the deeds they have done have been fully explained. The number of people is still increasing. This is the current interrogation report. Comrade Political Commissar asked me to give You send it over.”

After taking the document handed over by Alsim and reading it as he walked, Malashenko was so angry that he started to sneer as his eyes were filled with shocking words and numbers.

Smiling, he closed the folder and stuffed it back into the arms of Alsim who was walking beside him, and then gave an order.

"We can start preparing the firing squad. Drive the Japanese captured before to dig a hole, dig it big and deep! The time is set at dawn. I want these Japanese beasts who have lost their humanity not to see the sun tomorrow!"

Alsim, who never asked why, only what he was doing, immediately nodded in response after hearing the order.

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I promise to complete the mission!"

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