Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3154 The most suitable way to die

It was late at night, and Malashenko, who still had not rested, was crouching in front of the case, correcting official documents sent to the military headquarters by his two divisions.

Ever since Comrade Political Commissar's health deteriorated, Malashenko consciously took over a lot of paperwork that he should have done himself.

Sitting in the position of military commander, the most obvious feeling is that the amount of paperwork is almost twice as much as when I was a division commander.

Compared with other ordinary military-level units, the leading military agencies that took the lead in the integration and reorganization of various arms faced more problems. Various reports had to be reviewed, revised, and even written by Malashenko himself. A big pile.

And because the force establishment is larger and more complex, the magnitude of the regular paperwork of the Leader's Army is also far higher than that of fraternal forces of the same level.

The two combined directly resulted in Malashenko, who basically no longer led the charge, still unable to take time off.

The huge amount of paperwork takes up almost all of Comrade Ma's time except military command. Working overtime until late at night is just the norm.

"Damn, it's half past one again. When was the last time you went to bed early and got up early?"

Malashenko raised his hand and glanced at his watch, shook his head, sighed and then picked up his pen again to continue working overtime.

But I didn't expect that at this late night, I would welcome the political commissar comrade who had just finished the work at hand.

"You have not rest yet?"

"Me? Oh, isn't it the same for you? The old comrade has just gotten off work. How can the young people take a rest early? By the way, you have everything done?"

While responding jokingly, he also asked Comrade Political Commissar about his work. Comrade Malashenko, who also knew that Malashenko had been thinking about this matter, immediately replied.

"I came here specifically for this. The interrogation has ended, slightly earlier than expected."

"The total number of people who can be found guilty is 117. This is a detailed report I compiled. You can read it first."

"In addition, according to the confessions of many criminals on trial, the evacuation of the Japanese in the city should have been completed yesterday afternoon, and they are executing it step by step according to the schedule set in advance. Previously, the Japanese field group with the Second Division as the main force Taking the initiative can, in a sense, be seen as buying them time.”

"I just didn't expect that the Second Division would be destroyed so quickly. The rest of the Japanese troops who cooperated with the Second Division also scattered and were completely defeated. They were unable to stop our advance. This resulted in these Japanese being unable to escape. All of them were Became our prisoner."

Listening to Comrade Political Commissar's explanation while looking through the report in his hand, Malashenko, who unconditionally believed in Comrade Political Commissar's ability, gave the order without much thought.

"Okay, these are enough."

"These interrogation transcripts are equivalent to their verdict. Keep them as evidence. A procedural trial is no longer necessary. Send these beasts on their way before dawn. I will do what I say."

Malashenko, who killed those bastards in Auschwitz on the spot, doesn't mind doing it again. Keeping this kind of shit until a public trial in the future will only give them a glimmer of hope that they shouldn't have.

Malashenko clearly remembers that many Japanese devils who deserved death took advantage of the opportunity of public trials to make sophistry, and the Americans intervened to provide protection, and finally escaped death or even escaped justice, and lived in peace. After living without incident for many years, he died a good death.

Such a result is very ironic in itself. It is undoubtedly a humiliation and trampling of justice to allow such a dehumanizing beast to finally die a good death.

Maybe he will be criticized in the future for what he did today, but Malashenko is still determined to do it.

Not for anything else, just to give an explanation to the victims who died tragically at the hands of these bastards.

If his own dispute can be exchanged for the implementation and maintenance of justice in the world, then Malashenko will accept it without hesitation.

The political commissar comrade who also understood why Malashenko did this approved, and the final preparations were quickly completed with Malashenko's personal approval.

By dawn, all 117 Japanese soldiers who were personally confirmed by the political commissar comrades as having committed unforgivable and inhumane crimes had been taken to the execution ground in the suburbs outside the city.

The corpse pits dug overnight by the forced Japanese soldiers were clearly visible next to the group of dead bastards.

I remember what I said in the interrogation room a few hours ago, in a panic-stricken and tormented state, and knowing what they were about to face, these Japanese soldiers finally experienced what true despair is.

There is a "freshness" to despair. Killing someone suddenly does not make them feel the soul-killing feeling.

The waiting time of knowing that one is certain to die but not knowing when he will die is the best and freshest despair, and it is also Malashenko's last deathbed gift to these Japanese devils.

"Why? I've said everything, I've told you everything! Why do you still do this!? Why!?"

"No, no, no, no! You can't kill me, I'm a diplomat! I enjoy immunity! You are violating international law!"

"Damn Russian pigs, you slaughter prisoners! You have no humanity at all!"

Looking at the group of Japanese soldiers who saw the huge corpse pit and immediately realized what they were being taken to this place for, they had various expressions of collapse and despair, crying for their fathers and mothers, and some of them were even frightened on the spot. Incontinent.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who showed no sign of pity or sympathy on his face, stepped forward and spoke quietly to Malashenko, who stood beside him and stared at the scene on the execution ground.

"I ordered some tactics to be used when interrogating them because time was really limited."

"When people are desperate, they will wishfully believe in things that can see hope. I took advantage of this and gave them some unrealistic promises and lies. It didn't take long to eat everything out of their minds. Er Jing, the speed of taking the initiative to explain is faster than our record-keeper’s handwriting speed.”

It is also based on the understanding of "despair".

Malashenko's purpose is to let these Japanese devils slowly taste this taste and let them die little by little in a slow, painful and unwilling struggle, while the purpose of Comrade Political Commissar is to complete the interrogation task and obtain the report as soon as possible .

Although the purpose is different, the process is also very different.

Only the two desperate operations involved Japanese Japs. This is the only and most important thing in common.

"You just said you gave them some lies and unrealistic promises?"

Malashenko, who turned his head to confirm for the last time, got a positive answer, and then spoke with a sneer amid the silent nod of the political commissar comrade.

"That would be even better. The moment when hope turns into despair is stretched infinitely like this. This way of death is the most suitable for these bastards."

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