Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3155 Someone wants to have sex for nothing

Malashenko waited on the execution ground for a full fifteen minutes, counting the time and looking at his watch, witnessing the cries and howls of the Japanese soldiers who were entangled in despair, from loud to quiet, until they almost disappeared.

At the last moment before issuing the order, he turned to the comrade political commissar beside him and spoke quietly again.

"It's a pity that the survivors who were rescued could not be there to witness this scene. They were too weak."

"It doesn't matter. The cameras over there will record everything and give an explanation to the survivors."

Following what Comrade Political Commissar said, he glanced at the camera set up not far away at the edge of the execution ground to record this moment.

Malashenko, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, immediately gave the order.

"Let's start the execution."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

Alsim, who personally led the team to carry out this mission, took the order and led his already prepared combat engineers into the shooting position, lined up and aiming their guns.

Seeing this, some Japanese soldiers who had been howling until they lost their voice began to struggle and twist again with their hands tied behind their backs. They did not forget to curse the Russian pigs for their lack of virtue and use all kinds of bad words.

Alsim, who was too lazy to talk nonsense with these scum, gave the order directly.


Da da da da da——

Different from the usual shooting, Malashenko was brutal this time.

Neither conventional bolt-action or semi-automatic rifles were used for execution, nor was the method of firing a single shot first and then going up to check whether a replacement gun was needed.

The 117 combat engineers lined up in a row were all holding AKs with fully loaded magazines. They only needed to empty the magazines by turning the large paddle to the fully automatic gear.

Thousands of rounds of medium-power rifle bullets were woven into the hail of bullets, and the Japanese soldiers, who were twitching like a switch under their feet, fell backwards and fell into the pit.

The small number of Japanese soldiers who were killed by the pit and did not fall into it did not need to be moved up to carry the corpses. There was no need at all.

Malashenko waved to indicate that he could proceed to the next step and gave a silent order. The front of the vehicle put down the minesweeper. The two IS7 heavy tanks that had been waiting on the side directly transformed into bulldozers, and even the excavated mounds of soil and the corpses on the edge of the pit were moved towards the pit. Push away.

The combat engineers who walked to the edge of the pit with their cameras and took the final photos withdrew in time. They witnessed with their own eyes the IS7 that filled the pit twice, and then used its 70-ton body to crush and compact the floating soil. Following Alsi Sulovechenko, who had executed the execution together with Mu, couldn't help but sigh and spoke.

"If I didn't know what these Japanese devils had done, I would even think that what we did was a bit too much. But now I don't think so at all, and I even think that killing them like this is not enough."

"Otherwise, what should we do? Just like the Nazis and these bastards, throw them into the gas chambers? Don't forget that we are the Red Army and the leading army, not Nazis and not militaristic scum.


Sulovechenko, who really didn't expect Alsim to say this, was a little surprised. He was slightly startled and then smiled at his good brother and spoke.

"It's strange. This doesn't sound like the way you speak. Have you secretly learned some cultural knowledge recently? Tell me honestly."

Sulovechenko, who had been smiling evilly next to him, glanced at him, but he didn't hide anything. Alsim, who never pretended to be pretentious or pretentious, did the same this time.

"It's not as high-end as you said. I don't even know the alphabet, so I'm just learning cultural knowledge. I just reread the quotes of Comrade Commander."

"I have asked Comrade Commander similar questions before, so the answer is still fresh in my memory."

After finishing the task in front of him, Malashenko immediately left the execution ground without making any further stay. He had neither the interest nor the need.

There is something else to do before setting out to leave Harbin later today.

Malashenko, who led his team to the outskirts of the city alone, went to inspect the situation of the troops, while the political commissar returned to the city to continue processing other paperwork.

We visited the locations of the Kurbalov Division and the Varosha Division and inspected the readiness and equipment availability of the troops.

He also went down to the grassroots level to communicate with the soldiers, and personally learned about the different evaluations of the frontline soldiers and grassroots commanders after fighting against opponents like the Second Division, as well as their opinions on the development of the current leadership army. Do you have any other suggestions?

Seeing that the time was approaching noon, Malashenko immediately set off to return. He had to make some final preparations before setting off in the afternoon, and the leading troops of the Kulbalov Division, which were the first to prepare, had already set off.

Malashenko, who was planning to seize the time to do his own thing, had just returned to the office. He hadn't even covered his buttocks to sit still, but he saw that the political commissar who knocked on the door and came in had already mentioned something unexpected. .

"While you were away, a few special people came to visit, claiming to be military commanders. Do you know these people?"

"What? Someone from the military command?"

Malashenko, who had just put the cigarette in his mouth, took it off again, thought for a moment, then laughed and spoke.

"Why don't you understand? As soon as these birdies raise their butts, I know what they fart. I'm afraid they have some ulterior motive when they come to us."

What really surprised Malashenko was the speed of action of the Juntong group.

Once the Red Army's combat operations against Japan began, the group of military unification forces eager to seize the fruits of victory would definitely follow suit. Malashenko had already expected this.

It's just that there is almost no military control with any foundation in the Northeast. In this different timeline, Malashenko did not expect that he could come so early and specifically come to talk to him.

The next words of Comrade Political Commissar directly confirmed Malashenko's guess.

"Indeed, they came with a mission. Since you were not here, I had a brief chat with them."

"They came here for the captured equipment. They were led by a military colonel who claimed to be the newly appointed station commander. I hope we can take the captured Japanese equipment, mainly those captured after wiping out the Second Division. That batch of equipment was handed over to them, not to our Chinese comrades.”

"I talked a lot of nonsense, but few words were nutritious. I rejected them and told them that this was impossible. No one has the right to interfere with the issue of what to do with the equipment captured by the Red Army, no matter who it is. "

Puff - Puff -

For a moment, Malashenko couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

After thinking about it, I roughly guessed the reason why these idiots rushed over to do this ridiculous thing of asking for free equipment, and then smiled and said to the political commissar.

"This must be because we were anxious after seeing the equipment we captured in the early stages handed over to Chen Weiguo and his comrades."

"Thinking, "I can do it myself," and I treat our place as a self-service armory. I feel that as long as I hold out the door handle, there will be a mountain of weapons given to them for free. If not, come and try it. It’s okay, you don’t have to pay any costs anyway, it’s useless if you don’t try.”

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