Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3156 Alsim killed someone

In fact, Malashenko had already made a decision on how to distribute the captured weapons a long time ago.

I, Malashenko, have no control over how other people divide it, and I don’t want to, but the people under your bald hands can’t even think of taking away a weapon from me.

Either you let Vasilevsky, Zhukov, or Vatutin give me personal orders, or you rush back and forth and get out of here.

If you don't have any weapons, you can give it a try if you want a gun. If you try hard, you might actually be able to get it.

Therefore, Malashenko supported the political commissar's perfunctory operation of sending away these white bandits with both hands and feet.

If you don't show your virtue by peeing, how dare you come here to have sex for free?

Malashenko asked himself that if this happened to him, he would be even more ruthless than the political commissar.

"It's okay to send them away. This kind of thing will happen sooner or later. I have expected it before. Get rid of these annoying flies and have a free day. As for the weapons and equipment of the Second Division"

If Comrade Political Commissar hadn't mentioned it, Malashenko would have almost forgotten it.

There was a lot of equipment seized after crushing the Second Division last time, and its performance was much better than the Japanese weapons and equipment seized before.

What's more important is that this batch of captured Japanese equipment includes tanks, especially the more than 20 Tigers that were unloaded from the Germans intact. Considering that they were not completely destroyed on the battlefield, they can still be repaired and used. Japanese Tiger style.

After this battle, there are more than 30 Tigers that are in good condition and have useful value, which seems to be a quite large number.

The leader of the army certainly doesn't like these things and has no use for them. Even Malashenko, who now has the "first-generation five pairs of wheels" like the T-43A, doesn't like the earlier batch of Black Panther II. , and are planning to replace this kind of thing that is difficult to support logistically and is incompatible with the equipment system of the leader army.

I had earlier taken a fancy to this thing and equipped it for a batch of use, purely because its performance was really good at the time, and it was considered the best medium tank on the Eastern Front battlefield at that time.

Now that the performance advantage is gone, only the logistical disadvantages remain. It is natural to put this thing on the elimination agenda.

In this way, one battalion of Panther II plus more than half a battalion of Tigers, totaling nearly 70 German tanks.

These things alone are great things on the land of China. They are much more powerful than all the armored forces of the Chinese army today. Malashenko has to seriously consider these leaders. How to deal with the "broken car" in the car.

It's definitely not okay to give you a bald head. Even if you sink Wusuli into the river, he won't give you a bald head at this time of 45 years.

But when handing it over to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, we have to consider the timing and how to hand it over appropriately. (audience)

Giving away nearly 70 tanks in one go is really a big deal. It’s so big that even with Malashenko’s current status and power, he doesn’t dare to make a rash decision. Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but raise his head and ask his political commissar comrade again. .

"Does the superior have anything to say about the transfer of weapons? Is there any order or guidance given to us?"

The Comrade Political Commissar who heard this shook his head. So far, he has never received any clear orders or news in this regard. Moreover, except for the leadership army, other troops have not heard anything major about handing over seized weapons. movement.

Fortunately, the superiors did not object to the leader's actions. Even Vatutin expressed approval after meeting with Malashenko last time, agreeing with Malashenko's "I would rather give it to comrades than never The idea of ​​"leaving it to the white bandits" made Malashenko even more confident in doing this kind of thing.

It's just that this time there were too many weapons piled up in his hands and they were too heavy. After much thought, Malashenko decided to hold on for a while and wait. Even if he really wanted to hand over, he would not rush it.

"In this way, we will send a report to the front army headquarters to solicit the opinions and suggestions of Comrade Commander on this matter."

"This type of equipment transfer, which can pull up an armored division at one time, still requires clear orders from superiors. Military agencies do not have the power to make such a big decision."

"As for now"

Malashenko, who had thought over and over again but had no better idea, could only speak helplessly.

"Let's leave these equipment in Harbin for now, and build a large storage warehouse together with the Japanese military supplies captured in the city. Leave a company of troops to guard it, and I will leave a personal letter when the time comes. This should be fine for the time being. ”

The political commissar leaning on the desk also nodded when he heard this. It is indeed not feasible to bring these captured equipment and supplies. It would be a pity to throw them away if they are not used. Especially for the leader's army that emphasizes mobility, it is purely Pure encumbrance.

Putting it under centralized control in Harbin and leaving it for later processing is indeed the best method that can be thought of at the moment.

"Then let's do it. I'll draft the message. You can read it over after I'm done. If there's nothing wrong with it, we'll—"


Before Comrade Political Commissar could finish his words, he saw a communications staff officer hastily arrived at the Army Commander's office. Just by looking at his expression and listening to his tone, he knew that something was urgent. Mara looked at Comrade Political Commissar and looked at each other. Shenke immediately spoke.

"What happened? Tell me."

Until this moment, Malashenko had not expected that what the communications staff said next would far exceed his expectations.

"Reporting to Comrade Commander, Major Alsim just killed someone in the street, killing the colonel sent by the military commander and the accompanying adjutant."

"What did you say!? What is going on? Where is Alsim now!? How is he? Is he injured!?"

Malashenko's first subconscious reaction was to ask about Alsim's situation, which was seen and remembered by the political commissar comrades around him who were also surprised but could still remain calm.

The staff officer who came to report did not waste any time and hurriedly answered to the comrade commander.

"Major Alsim is waiting on the first floor of the military headquarters and is not injured."

"Tell him to come to me, come to me immediately! Quick!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

Seeing the staff officer take the order and leave, Malashenko, who really didn't expect this to happen, immediately spoke to the political commissar.

"What do you think this is? Why can't I figure out what's going on? What do you think?"

"I don't know, I'd better wait until you ask Alsim yourself, but I always feel that someone is going to protest, it's almost certain."


Malashenko, who was shaking his head and sighing, really couldn't understand why this happened, and what kind of reason could provoke Alsim to kill someone in the street.

As for the colonel and the accompanying adjutant who were killed, Malashenko didn't care much and didn't take it seriously.

He didn't have a good impression of this spy leader who shamelessly came to his house for free. Even if he died, he could only say "die early and resurrect early, so as not to harm others".

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