Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3158 You are asking for death

Even Alsim didn't expect that this dog-looking thing was not only tough-talking, but he actually dared to shout loudly in this situation where he was already under his control.

"This bitch, you really think I can't do anything with him, do you!?"

Alsim, who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, was really angry at this time. He put on a posture of "I want to see what else you can do" and did not stop him. He let the two people who had been controlled by him not stop him. He continued to grin loudly.

I have to say that this trick is indeed effective, and it has immediate results.

The crowds of onlookers who have the instinct of eating melons, watching plays and joining in the fun engraved in their bones are gathering more and more, especially now that the leader's army has gained a good reputation, and the common people who are eating and using the food distributed by the leader's army have almost become The initial fear of foreign troops was gone.

Everyone basically knows that General Malashenko's leadership army is different from those Japanese devils. They do nothing to the common people and even give them food.

With such popularity, the people who came to watch melon-eating were even more incredible.

Not only did they get closer and closer, they gathered more and more, and they even started discussing in twos and threes.

Alsim, who did not understand or speak Chinese, felt a little embarrassed when he saw this scene.

"Look, everyone, look! These Russians claimed to be liberators, but what happened? As soon as they beat away the Japanese, they began to persecute us Chinese! I was sent by the party-state to command the resistance behind enemy lines, but in the end, I was killed by the Russians People are treated like this! Everyone is criticizing!”


Sulovechenko, who was next to Alsim, saw murderous intent in his good brother's eyes.

Knowing that something would happen if things continued like this, Sulovechenko, who wanted to cool down the incident quickly, was planning to step forward and persuade the colonel who was being held by Alsim to come to the scene and apologize. Alsim also had this The reason for letting him go is that both sides have to take a step back to resolve the issue.

Unexpectedly, before Sulovechenko could even open his mouth, the colonel, who had recovered his Russian language, was shouting again.

"Hmph, go ahead! Didn't you just hit someone? If you have the guts, keep hitting him! There are so many people here watching, so keep hitting him!"

Alsim finally understood, and his expression became even more furious.

Looking at Sulovechenko on the side, he was so "fuck" at this moment, as if there were millions of grass mud horses running past in his heart.

Sulovechenko asked himself that he had seen people seeking death, but he had never seen someone seeking death find such a state.

But who the hell would dare to speak like this in front of Alsim, who knows those "famous deeds" of Alsim? It is true that the ignorant are fearless, and the trick is to take death to a new level.

Others may not say it well, but Sulovechenko knows it clearly.

Alsim really wanted to kill the colonel and his adjutant, even if it was a bare-handed fight in the street without any weapons.

This desperate colonel and the adjutant who was kicked by Alsim into the flower bed on the roadside and is still clutching his chest and choking for breath and unable to crawl out. Can they be tied up together in Alsim's hands? Surviving for more than 10 seconds is a problem.

I thought that since this bitch colonel didn't know how to live or die, let's start with his good brother.

Sulovechenko, who only wanted to get the situation under control quickly, immediately said to Alsim.

"Comrade company commander! Calm down!"

"I know what you want to do, but you have to think about whether it's worth it and whether it's suitable for you! Listen to my advice and let him go. If anything happens, we can report it to our superiors. I believe there will be someone in the end. The solution!”

"Huh, company commander? After working for a long time, you are just a little company commander——"


Sulovechenko really almost fainted.

What does "I want to save you, but you seek death" mean?

This is called.

Before Sulovechenko, who was anxious to persuade Alsim to calm down, finished speaking, the spy chief who could also understand and speak Russian continued to speak with a sneer.

"Do you know who I am? Tell you, I am the colonel in charge of the top intelligence department and the commander-in-chief of all intelligence work in a province!"

"You, a little company commander, dare to treat me like this. I will definitely accuse you of this arrogant behavior to your superiors! Your rudeness and rudeness have seriously damaged the relationship between the two countries! This is a diplomatic accident. Do you know what diplomacy is?" An accident? You fool!"


It should be said that Alsim is indeed a rough guy. He is also very carefree when hanging out with people he gets along with. It's okay for everyone to make fun of him as a rough guy or "uneducated". After all, this is the fact.

But after Malashenko bluntly stated on many occasions that he hoped Alsim could become a "wisdom and courageous" combat hero, Alsim became increasingly disgusted with words like "reckless man."

Because this is completely opposite to the person Comrade Commander wants him to be and the person he is trying to become.

It’s okay if you’re being joked about by your close comrades for fun, but you fucking bitch dare to call me a “reckless man”! ?

Alsim was so angry that his blood surged and his neck turned red. Seeing that something was going wrong, Sulovchenko became anxious.

As a result, the desperate colonel was still grinning, not only did he not restrain himself, but he became more and more cheerful.

"Okay, now even foreign friends are here! Look, everyone around you is looking at you, and the cameras are also pointed at you! This is called international viewing. Do you know what international viewing is?" "Reckless man"!


Another "reckless man", Sulovechenko's face had changed from anxious to frightened. He watched helplessly as the blood on Alsim's neck had crawled onto his face, and he even began to breathe heavily in his nostrils.

The surrounding white people who were watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously not only pointed and pointed, some even started to raise their cameras to take pictures. It was this operation that gave the spy leader who firmly believed in "International View" greater confidence. confidence.

"I'm telling you! You fool! If you have the ability, you can kill me right here today. If you can't, just loosen your dog's paws and let me go!"

"I can't believe that your army is full of barbarians like you. Think about the consequences if your photo appears on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow! Don't blame me for not reminding you. You will definitely not be able to eat and walk around. !”

He mistakenly thought that his threat would be effective immediately, but he didn't know that what really took effect immediately was Alsim's ultimate kill, which had already accumulated enough rage points.

Alsim, who fought throughout the Great Patriotic War, had never been humiliated in such a public way. Even his comrade, the army commander whom he wholeheartedly admired and respected, had never humiliated him in this way.

Alsim, who was too lazy to say any more nonsense or hesitate for one more second, made a decisive decision. The hands that had been escorting the spy leader suddenly began to exert force fiercely.

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