Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3159 This is considered helping in advance


He never expected that the Russian barbarian would dare to take further action under such circumstances. For a moment, the military commander felt as if his arm was being torn off from his shoulder, and he couldn't help but let out a scream that echoed through the streets.

He twisted the opponent's arm in place and rotated it almost 360 degrees at an incredible and unbelievable angle.

The sound of bones cracking was audible. Alsim pretended not to hear it and twisted the military commander's arm into a twist. Finally, he wrapped it tightly around his back and wrapped it around his neck with a sudden backhand. A pull.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

There was another scream like a slaughtering pig, and the military commander felt that his right hand had been torn into a shattered fracture and he almost fainted from the pain.

The adjutant, who had been kicked into the flower bed by Alsim earlier and was holding his chest in severe pain and out of breath, struggled to get up until now.

Hearing the heart-rending screams of his leader, he also saw his leader being beaten up in the street by the Russians as a sandbag.

In desperation, the adjutant made a decision that completely angered Alsim.

Almost subconsciously, he pulled out a pistol from his waist, pointed it at the Russian who was still beating his leader with his bare hands, and immediately shouted.

"Let him go! Now!"


The adjutant did not dare to shoot on the spot, not only to retain his last bit of sanity, but also for fear of hurting his leader.

But the eyes of the Russian, who was still holding his leader, turned around and stared directly at him, but they were as cold as dead eyes, without any emotion at all.

There was no fear, no surprise, no trace of panic or fear even when being pointed at a gun.

The adjutant, who was in a daze, even felt that the one being pointed at the gun at this moment was not the Russian but himself.

In the split second when the adjutant was so stunned, Alsim, who had strangled the military commander's neck with one hand, had already made a move.

Lifting the person directly, more than a hundred kilograms of flesh and bones seemed as light as nothing in his hands.

Alsim, who picked up a living person and used it as a cannonball, threw the colonel, who was still screaming, at the adjutant who was pointing a gun at him.



Two screams and the sounds of flesh and blood colliding sounded almost simultaneously. Alsim, who clenched his fists and moved his arms, was still striding forward.

"Hey! Alsim, that's enough! Those two will be beaten to death if they continue to fight. You have to stop!"

"Get out of the way, time is limited and I don't want to delay."

"Don't you understand?! That's not what I'm talking about—"

Alsim, who was too lazy to say anything else, simply kicked Sulovechenko aside.

The force was neither too strong nor too weak, just enough to prevent Sulovechenko from falling due to his physique, and not being able to stop him in time.

Alsim strode forward and came to the base of the wall. He looked at the two people who had been beaten and beaten by him at their feet, leaving them with more air and less air. Seeing that they only had half their lives left, they looked cold and ruthless. His eyes were as if he had looked directly at the enemy on any battlefield in the past.

"Then, you kicked one of them and broke their necks like branches?"

Faced with Malashenko's inquiry, Alsim, who does things alone and takes responsibility for others, did not hold back and immediately nodded and admitted without thinking.

"That's right, let these two bitches live, how can our leader army be humiliated by those Westerners who are just watching the joke!? I really can't bear it, Comrade Commander, I have thought about it, if you dare to do it, you must dare to be , I am willing to accept any punishment! But there is only one thing, please don’t drive me out of the leadership army.”

"Hey, you, Alsim, you really want me to say something good about you."

Malashenko, who shook his head, did not get angry, let alone scold Alsim.

He just stood up slowly from behind the desk, walked slowly to stand in front of Alsim.

"Do you believe me? Alsim."

"I believe it. Of course I believe you, Comrade Commander. I have never had any doubts."

Although the questions he was asked were somewhat unclear, Alsim, who always said what he thought without concealing anything in front of his comrade commander, still blurted out his true thoughts directly.

Hearing this, Malashenko nodded, then raised his hand and patted Alsim's shoulder lightly, and then said.

"Then next time you encounter something like this or a similar situation, just trust me as always and leave this matter to me. Just stay with us in Poland, Germany, and on many battlefields together. Just like what I have experienced, I have never betrayed your trust, right?"


Alsim, who was illiterate but not stupid, certainly understood what Comrade Commander meant.

Now that we can say "next time", what it means is obvious.

"I understand, thank you, Comrade Commander! Now I know what to do, I promise you!"

"Well, that's it for now. If there's anything else, I'll find you. Go down and rest first."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

As Alsim took the order and walked to the door, Malashenko, who had returned to his desk, spoke again.

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing."

"When you get back, wash your face and change some clothes. You used so much strength that you could stomp on it and splash blood on your face and clothes. Remember to clean up after yourself."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

Alsim, who repeated what he just said, opened the door and left. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who knew it was inconvenient for him to intervene, so he did not interrupt, spoke.

"What to do next? Have you thought of a countermeasure?"

"What are the countermeasures? Well, the blockade in the city has not been lifted yet, right?"

Comrade Political Commissar, who had already guessed what Comrade Commander wanted to do, nodded. Upon seeing this, Malashenko continued to speak without hesitation.

"Very good, send someone to express condolences to the Western gentlemen and ladies who took photos of the scene, and let them know that what they have in their hands is what the leader's army needs."

"But this is still not enough to block the news. Text messages will still spread."

Malashenko raised the corner of his mouth as he took a sip from the tea cup.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

"Without a photo to match, you can write whatever you want with those pen-wielding people. He is just a spy chief who specializes in killing our Chinese comrades. Just kill him. This will save this kind of bullshit from continuing to harm people in the future. Even if he is Help our Chinese comrades eliminate a scourge in advance.”

"Now the defeat of the Japanese has been determined, and the game between all parties except us has also begun. Wherever we can help our Chinese comrades, we should try our best to help, and it is not limited to providing weapons, what do you think?"

The Comrade Political Commissar and Malashenko looked at each other and smiled upon hearing this. It was clear that there were some things that no longer needed to be said.

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