Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3161 Either get out quickly or stay and wait to die

As soon as Yamada Otsuzo ran away, Malashenko, who was commanding the troops all the way south to Changchun, received the news almost not long after. What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

"The front army headquarters sent a telegram. Aerial reconnaissance has confirmed signs of large-scale evacuation of the Kwantung Army in Changchun City. Many of them appear to be non-combat troops, and they carry a large number of non-combat equipment transport vehicles."

"The Front Army Headquarters has judged that the Kwantung Army Headquarters has retreated. The specific retreat target location is not yet clear, but it seems that the forward direction of its leading troops is Shenyang."

Malashenko has never called Fengtian since the beginning of the Far East Campaign. He always calls him Shenyang in conferences, meetings and private communications.

Comrade Political Commissar also got used to calling Malashenko "Shenyang". Now he took the telegram from Comrade Political Commissar and glanced at it, Malashenko followed up.

"Yamada Otsuzo, the old devil, still ran away. I originally thought he could organize the troops to fight against the trapped beasts, but in the end he was still a weakling who was afraid of being killed by the Red Army."

"It doesn't matter, just run away. He doesn't have anywhere else to go. We will catch him sooner or later, and it won't be long, I promise."

"Now that the Japanese have escaped, it's time to liberate this city. By the way, if we scare the old Japs like Yamada Otozo, I won't be able to live in peace even if I let him run away.

According to existing history, Yamada Otozo organized the Kwantung Army headquarters to withdraw to Tonghua, which was closer to North Korea and easier to escape, not long after the war began. Malashenko still remembers this.

In this timeline that has been changed beyond recognition by Malashenko, Yamada Otozo, who faced the Red Army's advance southward offensive, also made a different choice.

They did not immediately organize their troops to run away and evacuate Changchun as soon as the war started. Instead, they persisted until now. I don't know whether it was to stabilize the morale of the troops or to boost their morale.

But in short, after the leader's army captured the northern gate of Changchun, that is, Harbin, like lightning.

Yamada Otozo, an old devil who couldn't sit still anymore, ran away anyway.

It is estimated that they saw that the current war situation was extremely unfavorable and that it was no longer possible to evacuate to North Korea. They had no other choice but to run deeper into the hinterland of Shenyang.

Malashenko, who already had a plan in mind, made up his mind and blurted out the order immediately.

"Inform the forward troops to speed up the march. The Japanese will definitely not be able to take away everything in a hasty evacuation. Let them stay as much as possible. The more things they cannot take away, the more embarrassing their situation will be in the future."

"You want to let the Kwantung Army headquarters know that we are intensifying our pursuit of them?"

The political commissar who probably heard Malashenko's intention asked questions, and Malashenko nodded and continued to speak.

"The Kwantung Army has been operating in the Northeast for a long time. I know that there must be their informants on our march route to inform us. The leadership army cannot hide the news of such a high-profile march."

"So it's better to let the old devil Yamada Otozo take a closer look and see at what speed we are chasing him."

"If you have some sense, throw away those rags and jars and run away. Don't think about taking everything away. I want him to choose between these rags and his life."

Knowing how poor the mechanization level and maneuverability of the Japanese army were, Malashenko could only beat a snake to the punch.

Not giving the Japanese troops more time to evacuate was Malashenko's fundamental purpose, and it was also to prevent these crazy Japanese devils from going crazy out of shame and doing something outrageous in Changchun City with plenty of time. activity.

Either get out quickly or stay and lubricate the tracks of my tank. This is a multiple-choice question that Malashenko asked Yamada Otozo.

Malashenko believed that this cunning old devil could understand what this meant.

Just look at his next actual actions and you will know what choice this old devil made.

Just as Malashenko imagined, the leader's army suddenly accelerated its march in pursuit with such great fanfare, and the news soon reached the ears of Yamada Otozo, who had already led his men to evacuate to the outskirts of Changchun.


Looking at the fresh telegram in his hand, Yamada Otozo, who felt speechless for a moment, thought for a moment, then turned back and took one last look at Changchun City behind him.

Yamada Otozo, who had never thought that he would be driven out of the city in such a mess, sighed and gave the order without much hesitation.

"The Russians can't wait to drive us away. We have no choice but to notify the troops to speed up the evacuation! Abandon all unnecessary supplies and items, and be sure to complete the evacuation before dark."

Although the chief of staff on the side was reluctant, he also knew that there was nothing that could be done about it. The initiative had now completely fallen into the hands of the Russians. We were like a lump of mud and allowed to be rounded and flattened by the Russians, but there was nothing we could do. There wasn't even room to fight back.

And more than that, the Russians have now stopped even basic evacuation for themselves. The chief of staff, who has never been so humiliated in his long military career, couldn't help but say.

"Your Excellency, Commander, these Russians are so overbearing! Their barbarism and violence are no different from the Tsarist Russia era. Barbarians are still barbarians after all! They are just a bunch of uncivilized low-level barbarians!"

"But it's these barbarians who defeated us as imperial warriors and pushed us to where we are now. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"


Unexpectedly, the Commander-in-Chief of Staff began to "dismantle his own power" and was speechless for a moment. He also failed to notice that Yamada Otsuzo had already had some changes in his mentality after leaving Changchun City.

On the other hand, Yamada Otsuzo, who had made up his mind, just continued to speak.

"Okay, it's useless to talk more. Use your time to do more meaningful things and evacuate as soon as possible!"


Knowing that the Russians' accelerated pursuit might just be a show of force, Yamada Otozo really didn't dare to risk his life on whether the Russians were just pretending or for real.

Once the Russian tanks appear within visual distance, it will be too late to say anything.

For the sake of safety, Yamada Otsuzo ordered the troops to abandon almost everything that could be discarded, and not to take away anything that had not been taken away. He just wanted to abandon everything as long as the people evacuated.

Malashenko, who had indeed achieved the effect he wanted, looked at the materials and vehicles abandoned by the Japanese army everywhere in Changchun City, and even the armored vehicles that could be repaired with minor problems could be seen that the Japanese were being used. How scared.

The team stood in front of the Kwantung Army headquarters compound, which was as messy as a mass grave. Looking at this ancient Japanese-style building, Malashenko, who finally allowed himself to wait for this day, couldn't help but smile. Close and take a long breath.

"Your end is coming, Yamada Otozo. Feel free to run away, but you will eventually fall into my hands, I promise."

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