Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3162 You are just hanging on for a breath

In existing history, Yamada Otozo was not captured alive by the Red Army on the battlefield. 6̾̾

This is not to say that the Red Army does not have this ability, but that the Japanese surrender is too fast, faster than the advancing speed of the Red Army tanks, and has a somewhat French flavor.

As soon as the two American atomic bombs dropped, the Kwantung Army Group was also sent to the west by the Red Army. Seeing that the situation was over and there was no hope of being broken, Emperor Hirohito immediately ordered the surrender.

At this time, Yamada Otsuzo was still nesting in the corner, continuing to direct the remaining soldiers of the Kwantung Army to play the game of struggle for survival.

As soon as he heard the emperor's order to surrender, he was immediately relieved. He cooperated with the chief of staff to perform a show and stabilized the group of young officers who were unwilling to surrender. He then sent the chief of staff to discuss the surrender with the Red Army, and was captured by the Red Army after the surrender.

In the current timeline, Malashenko knew that he had enough time to capture the old devil Yamada Otozo alive.

The June storm was more than a month earlier than the original August storm. Malashenko asked himself that he had more than a month at his disposal. Even if he chased the entire Northeast, he vowed to kill Yamada Otsuzo. If you are captured alive as a prisoner, you will definitely have this time to be more capable.

So no matter where Yamada Otsuzo ran and how hard he tried to escape, in Malashenko's eyes he was just lingering.

Malashenko still likes this feeling of forcing the enemy into a dead end step by step, entangling him in despair until he is hanged and suffocated, especially for these Japanese beasts who have no sense of humanity.

"The leading troops have already gone in to check. The Japanese troops retreated in a panic. Many things were not taken away or left behind."

"We even found the telegram codebook from the pile of documents left behind by the Japanese army, which shows how hastily they escaped. Your plan worked. Congratulations, Comrade Commander."

Hearing the sighs and congratulations of the political commissar comrades beside him, Malashenko, who did not take such things seriously, just smiled indifferently.

"Even if that kind of thing is captured now, it won't mean much. The value of intelligence is reflected in the fact that the strength of the two sides is not so different. If it is too strong or too weak, the value of the intelligence will be greatly reduced. And between us and those Japanese The devil is in such a relative state now."

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who heard this from Malashenko for the first time, was thoughtful. Malashenko on the side just stayed if he didn't want to do it, and then raised his finger and pointed to the courtyard in front.

"Let's go in and take a look. See how afraid these Japanese devils are of the Red Army."

Comrade Political Commissar, who was still thinking, heard Malashenko's words, nodded without thinking too much, and walked into the courtyard with Malashenko.

The soldiers of the leading army who arrived first and occupied this place were already standing guard with guns in the courtyard. When they saw the comrade commander and the political commissar coming together, they all raised their hands and saluted.

Malashenko, who reciprocated the gift with the political commissar, quickly passed through the small courtyard and came to the door of the building. At a glance, he saw the wooden sign that had been left unattended on the ground like waste because he was in a hurry. It is "Kwantung Army Headquarters" in large Japanese characters that all Chinese can understand at a glance.

"These bastards even use other people's words, but now they have the nerve to come to other people's homes, burn, kill, and loot. Really, even killing these bastards doesn't give people the slightest sense of honor. It's like stepping on someone's back. Nest after nest of insects died."

Listening to Malashenko's emotion on the side, the political commissar comrade who was also looking at the card on the ground spoke immediately.

"They can't hang on for too long. If they can't maintain the current offensive for more than half a month, I predict that the enemy should consider how to declare surrender in order to be dignified. Of course, they may already be thinking about it now."

After hearing this, Malashenko, who smiled at each other and the political commissar, immediately walked into the building. As far as he could see, he could only see the mess everywhere.

Various documents were scattered and messy on the ground like old newspapers and books in a junkyard. There were various storage bags and storage boxes everywhere in the corridors and stairwells.

After taking two steps forward, he realized that he had kicked something. He bent down and peeled off the Japanese military document paper covering it, and then he discovered that it was a heavy pistol holster.

After picking it up, opening the buckle cover and shaking it out, Malashenko couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Are you so hasty to escape? You don't even need a gun, why the hell are you going to fight?"

He didn't even have the slightest interest in the tatters of the Southern Fourteenth. He handed it over to the entourage behind him for safekeeping and continued walking forward. Soon he came to a place that looked like an archives room. in the room.

"Look at this, it seems to have been not long ago. It says that the Kwantung Army Headquarters has determined that the Red Army's offensive time will be from the end of 1945 to the beginning of 1946. It must also ensure that this time node is not advanced. If necessary, the Soviet Union can Use negotiation strategies to delay, including but not limited to ceding territory, to buy time for war preparations.”

"The importance of this document is not low, Comrade Commander. Once it is made public to the outside world after the war, the Japanese will not be able to save even the last trace of face."

"Huh? Let me take a look."

For political commissars who have mastered Chinese many years ago and can read Chinese books on their own, it can be said that the difficulty of mastering Japanese is much lower. At least it is easy to read this document with a large number of Chinese characters.

Malashenko, who had also learned Japanese to an almost proficient level during the pre-war period, immediately took the document from the hands of the political commissar and started reading it.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed valuable. Let the whole world see how these shameless Japanese devils want to cede territory for peace before the war begins. This is their bullshit so-called Bushido. Spirit."

"It also proves one thing. As long as you are strong enough, no matter whether it is the spirit of Bushido or the spirit of jade, you can only use it as a wipe."

Many of these archive documents that the Japanese army did not have time to take away are quite valuable. Even if they are useless on the military level at the moment, they will be of great use in the day of reckoning after the war and in the process of exposing the Japanese.

Realizing the importance of this, Malashenko immediately ordered all the documents to be collected, screened and identified one by one for importance and classified and kept for future use. Then, accompanied by the political commissar, he continued to go upstairs to check. Something else.

Malashenko, who had limited time and was too lazy to wander around anymore, went straight to the most important place - Yamada Otsuzo's command room, which is an oversized room that integrates office and living.

If that old devil Yamada Otsuzo had any treasure left behind that he couldn't take away in time, then it should be here.

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