Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3163 When the victory flag flies again

"It's still the same as downstairs. I didn't expect that the Kwantung Army Commander's living room was also in a mess. How did you scare them?"

Looking at Comrade Political Commissar's somewhat "knowingly asking" expression, Malashenko shook his head helplessly and just smiled.

"Who knows? Maybe we can ask Yamada Otozo after we capture him alive. I hope this old devil won't be frightened to the point of being incoherent."

Although Malashenko's original purpose of ordering the troops to march in a hurry was to scare the Japanese devils who had been killed by the leader's army, so that they would know better and get out quickly.

But I didn't expect that this intimidation effect seemed to be a bit too strong now.

As Comrade Political Commissar said, the messy and garbage dump-like scene is not only found everywhere downstairs, but also in the command room of His Excellency Yamada Otsuzo, the commander of the Kwantung Army.

Those who knew it thought it was the command room, while those who didn't know thought it was a homeless man's den that had just been dug up by a dog.

Tables, cabinets, chairs, hangers, and all kinds of furniture were dumped on the floor as if they had been robbed.

Clothes, shoes and hats were also thrown everywhere, and it looked like a lot of them should be Yamada Otozo's clothes.

Malashenko raised his legs and stretched his feet to pull on the ground, and even kicked out a shit-yellow woolen coat. It looked like the personal belongings of Yamada Otozo.

"Wait a minute, why are there women's clothes here?"

"Huh? A woman's?"

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar's words had not yet finished, and Malashenko raised a question mark directly over his head.

He walked over and took a look. Comrade Political Commissar just picked it up from the ground and carried it in his hand. It was really a woman's kimono.

If the pink and white pattern were worn on an old devil like Yamada Otsuzo, it would be a bit too vulgar and abstract, which made Malashenko shake his head after just thinking about it.

"Perhaps that old devil Yamada Otozo recruited some geisha to come and do some errands while drinking some flower wine and doing other things. Who knows?"

Malashenko, who couldn't think of any other explanation, threw away the woman's clothes in his hand, took two more steps forward, and came to the picture of Yamada Otsuzo who had been knocked down to the ground for some reason. in front of his desk.

"You don't even want a plaster flag anymore? How hurried are you running?"

He casually pulled a strand of white cloth under his desk and pulled out a scattered plaster flag symbolizing Japanese militarism.

It stands to reason that the Japanese should attach great importance to military flags and other items, but now they can't even take away the plaster flag from the commander's office. Malashenko, who really wanted to ask Yamada Otozo if he knew about this, ended up just saying Throw it away again.

Just as he was about to move to Yamada Otozo's living room to have a look, the soldier in charge of the specific search suddenly shouted at this moment.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander! I found this, a Japanese sword! Look!"

"What!? This old devil even dropped his own command sword!?"

Malashenko, who was shocked for a moment, didn't say anything. Fortunately, he didn't say anything. He turned his head and took a look and realized that the thing in the soldier's hand was not a command knife.

"This is an ancient sword. It's old, and there are still chips and curls on the blade. It's too cheap for Yamada Otozo to use this thing for command."

There are many types of swords. It's not necessarily a Japanese sword or a command sword, even in Yamada Otsuzo's office.

Malashenko took the knife out of its sheath and looked at the thing in front of him carefully, and found that this thing was so old that it was impossible to look directly at it.

Not to mention the feel of the scabbard and handle is not good, they are as rough as old tree bark to the touch.

Even the most important part of a cold weapon, the blade, was unsightly, with a chip here and a curled edge there.

To put it nicely, this is called a battle-tested formation, but to put it harshly, it’s just a fucking broken knife.

Malashenko, who basically guessed what this thing was, and knew even more clearly that it could not be Yamada Otsuzo commanding the sword, immediately put the sword into its sheath, handed it to the entourage for safekeeping, and said at the same time.

"It's not a command sword, but a real war sword, an ancient war sword."

"It looks like it's an old object that's hundreds of years old. It was probably used by Yamada Otsuzo's ancestors in village-level weapon fights. It turns out that this old devil is now so prosperous that he treats this piece of shit like a sacred relic. Yes, that’s pretty much it.”

"Then how to deal with it? Comrade Commander."

After hearing this, Malashenko thought about it for a while and did not expect it to have any special value. He immediately gave the order if he could not do anything special.

"Let's deal with it normally and classify it as Yamada Otsuzo's personal belongings. Maybe it would be more suitable to hang it at the door of the Soviet Embassy in Japan as a decoration in the future? Who knows."

He was wondering if he would have to put an introduction sign under the sword "Yamada Otsusan's Sword" if he really succeeded. Malashenko, who had amused himself, then smiled and continued to move forward. Walk to the living room in the distance.

"This ghost place is still Japanese style, and this old devil Yamada Otsuzo is quite good at enjoying himself."

After kicking the tatami under his feet, looking at the screen that was lying on its side, and walking around for a while, he found that it was still as messy as a grocery store, and Malashenko was no longer interested.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard some movement behind an ordinary door stop next to him that seemed to just serve as a wall barrier.

Malashenko, who knew that the Japanese were generally accustomed to leaving space behind such doorstops, remained silent. He stepped forward, raised his hand, and knocked lightly. He found that there was indeed an empty echo, and at the same time there was a hint of silence. It was as if he had been frightened by some strange noise.

The soldiers did not know enough about the Japanese-style layout, and the search was incomplete and there were omissions. Malashenko also felt that there was nothing strange about this. After all, they had just occupied this place and had not even completed the first round of searches.

In addition, if there was really an ambush killer, he would have rushed out long ago, instead of holding it in until now.

Malashenko, who could basically guess who was hiding behind him, took two steps back. When the guards and soldiers beside him were already aiming their guns, he spoke in his Japanese that sounded a bit stiff.

"Come out, I know you are hiding inside. If you don't come out, I will shoot."

"No, please don't shoot. I'll come out right now. I'll come out right now."


The speechless Malashenko frowned when he heard the female voice, and then watched helplessly as a Japanese girl walked out from behind the slowly opened door stop.

Not to mention, she is dressed up like that. She is wearing a pure white kimono and has a pretty face. She looks like she is in her early twenties. She is someone who can attract a lot of men in a crowd. The girl who looks back.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Malashenko, who was too lazy to talk too much, got straight to the point and asked directly to the key points. The woman in kimono in front of him still replied in Japanese tremblingly.

"I am the maid of His Excellency the Commander. I am responsible for taking care of his daily life and tidying up the room."

"The maid is okay."

I thought that the Kwantung Army had been stationed there for a long time, and it was peaceful and peaceful. They started to do all kinds of tricks. It was really just the big soldiers below who visited the comfort stations, and the generals above who had special personnel for their own use.

He thought that Yamada Otozo, who had lost all the women while running for his life, was really embarrassed. Malashenko, who had no intention of talking nonsense to the Japanese bitch in front of him, immediately waved his hand and motioned to the soldiers to take him away.

Malashenko, who did not find anything special after the visit, left. After leaving the courtyard, he did not forget to look back. He saw a victory flag dedicated to the former leader's division and the current leader's army. It is already rising on the roof of the Kwantung Army Headquarters and floating in the wind.

"It's a replica. Kurbalov happened to have one in his hand. He suggested to me to raise the flag. I thought about it for a while and agreed. What do you think?"

The occupation of the Kwantung Army headquarters is indeed a landmark event. It is not an exaggeration to say that it sounded the death knell for the Kwantung Army. Thinking about it, it was quite good. Malashenko then smiled at the political commissar and replied. .

"Do you think this replica will be collected in a museum later? In the end, the replica will become an authentic piece with commemorative value."

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