Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3164 Next Target

After arriving in Changchun and occupying the Kwantung Army headquarters, the leading army had to take a rest.

Having just finished fighting the Second Division earlier, he immediately rushed to Harbin non-stop. After resting for a day in Harbin, he immediately headed south to Changchun.

After these few trips, even if it is as strong as the leader's army, its condition is not very good.

Malashenko, who had taken away Yamada Otozo's office and used it for his own use, was sitting at his desk, looking at the pile of documents and reports waiting for approval in front of him, and then looking at the latest one just sent by the political commissar in his hand. document, before I could say anything, I heard Comrade Political Commissar speak.

"The situation of our troops is not very good now. The overall availability rate of tracked vehicles of the Kurbalov Division has dropped to 67%. The situation in Varosha is even worse. The battle with the Second Division has not ended until now. It has not yet recovered. The overall reliability rate of crawler vehicles is only 61%, which is about to fall below the warning value. "

Different from the game, in reality, whether armored forces are marching or fighting, they are always inseparable from one core element - the overall availability of tracked vehicles.

An armored force can have many types of vehicles. Tracked vehicles are often combat vehicles that undertake combat missions, and at least they must be maintenance and support vehicles.

The condition of these vehicles is directly related to how much combat power an armored force has and whether it can still fight.

The attribute of overall readiness rate will be affected by many other factors, such as battle losses, marching losses, etc.

After a battle and a rapid march, the overall availability rate of the Varosha Division's tracked vehicles has dropped to 61%.

This means that nearly 40% of the tracked vehicles have been completely lost regardless of the cause or are in a state of breakdown and need to be repaired. In short, they have been erased from the combat sequence that can be immediately put into battle.

Malashenko had encountered a similar situation before, and it was in the early stages of his overseas operations when he had just moved from the Ukrainian battlefield to the Polish battlefield.

Malashenko, who was commanding the leader's division at that time, marched east and west on the battlefield, rushing south and north. In less than a week, he completed more than 500 kilometers of mobile combat mileage, chasing after the fleeing German troops and beating them all the way. I chased them all the way to Auschwitz before finally stopping.

As a result, some IS6s that broke down and needed to be repaired along the way and could not be taken away were even taken away by the German army to take photos and engage in false propaganda. In Goebbels's big mouth, it became "Win lying down, win twice, win is stupid." The so-called Iron Butcher's troops are meager."

Malashenko, who couldn't help laughing when he recalled these things, shook his head, then put the equipment adequacy rate report in his hand back on the table, and replied to the political commissar.

"There is no other way. Originally, I planned to rest and recuperate after the troops arrived in Changchun. Now that the situation is like this, this is the only way to do it.

"I rushed all the way to Harbin, and then rushed south from Harbin to Changchun. I didn't even have time to rest during this period. It's time to rest."

The political commissar who heard this nodded and asked questions immediately.

"So you plan to rest for a few days this time. Do you have a plan for your next move?"

"How many days? Well, let's give it three days for now. Not only the equipment needs to be repaired and maintained, but our supplies are also almost exhausted. Especially the oil is almost at the bottom. These Japanese devils are so poor that they don't have a few drops of oil left. We have no choice but to wait for the tanker train on the railway line to arrive before replenishing it.”

It must be said that it is good news. The Japanese troops who hurriedly fled for their lives did not destroy the railway station hub in Changchun City before leaving, and the railway line all the way south from Harbin is still there.

The Kwantung Army, which was retreating steadily and being subjected to devastating frontal pressure from the Red Army, seemed to have no inclination, let alone the resources, to systematically destroy the railway network.

Wherever the troops go, the railway line leads. It is Malashenko's biggest reliance on the courage to allow the leader's army to advance so violently and penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland. Only a complete railway line can support the leader's army's astonishing supplies. consumption.

"As for the next plan?"

Malashenko, who was thinking while talking, quickly stood up, motioned to the political commissar to follow him and came all the way to the war zone map hanging on the wall.

He pointed at Changchun, where he is currently, and then started walking all the way south, pointing while talking.

"The Transbaikal Front is currently attacking the Kwantung Army's Third Front. The battle is still relatively stalemate. The direction of Outer Mongolia has always been the focus of the Kwantung Army's defense. It will probably take some time for the Transbaikal Front to break through the defense line head-on."

"But it's all relative, let's say this is the opportunity relative to us."

Comrade Comrade Malashenko, who had already understood what Malashenko wanted to do based on the map and understood his meaning, smiled and nodded, and then spoke.

"So you want the Transbaikal Front to coordinate your actions and be responsible for holding back the main force of the Kwantung Army in that direction, while the leading army takes advantage of the enemy's empty defenses to quickly go south to Shenyang."

Malashenko, who was worthy of being a comrade of the political commissar, also smiled and nodded, then continued to speak.

"Destroying the Kwantung Army's Third Front head-on is the established task of the Transbaikal Front, so I don't need them to make any special adjustments to cooperate with us. They just need to continue to perform their tasks and fight well. The battle will be enough, and the task of liberating Shenyang City will be left to the leading army. "

It seemed that there was no problem just listening to what Malashenko said, but the political commissar knew the problem and couldn't help laughing.

"You are making people busy, but in the end the biggest fruit is taken away by you. If the comrades of the Transbaikal Front know this result, they will definitely have objections."

Comrade Political Commissar said it seriously, and Malashenko could understand it, but he had a different set of ideas of his own.

"The situation you mentioned is indeed true, but another fact is that we cannot sit on the bench in Changchun just to take care of the feelings and face of our brother troops while they go to take Shenyang City."

"Even if I agree to do this, do you think Marshal Vatutin will agree? Don't forget that we are a unit of the First Far East Front Army, and Comrade Commander has great expectations for us and hopes that we can win honor for the Front Army. "

"Besides, we still need three days to rest and recuperate. If within three days the Transbaikal Front really kills the Kwantung Army's Third Front and arrives in Shenyang. Then I won't say anything more. Everyone will arrive first based on their strength. First come first.”

"In addition, from a personal emotional point of view, I really hope that our leading army can capture Yamada Otsuzo alive."

"We drove this old devil from Changchun to Shenyang, and now he is hiding there in fear all day long. If the Transbaikal Front really wants to catch him, then we have spent so much effort to drive Yamada Otozo there, and in the end Isn’t it like making a wedding dress for others? This empty Kwantung Army headquarters is not enough. Only by capturing this old devil alive will it be complete!”

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