Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3165 Tank Handover

After finalizing the next action plan and route of march, Malashenko basically spent his time on official business.

Malashenko thought that time would be spent busy like this until the troops set off to continue their march south.

However, he did not expect that during this period, he would welcome a friend and comrade whom he had just parted with, namely Chen Weiguo, who came to visit him after learning that Changchun was restored.

"Comrade General! I have never been so excited! After so many years of struggle, I finally witnessed the liberation of my hometown from the Japanese invaders!"

"When I learned that you commanded the Leader's Army to accomplish this feat, I said to myself that my hunch was indeed right. From the moment I saw the powerful combat power of the Leader's Army, I firmly believed that you could do it. ! Thank you again for liberating my hometown!”

Looking at Chen Weiguo who was so excited that he couldn't describe it, Malashenko could understand this feeling.

From the fall of Changchun in 1931 to the liberation of Changchun in 45 years ago, 14 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In these 14 years, Chen Weiguo grew from a boy to a young man and became a strong proletarian warrior. No matter how dangerous and dangerous the situation was, he never gave up the fight.

Today, the invaders are defeated and their hometown is restored.

This result is the most praiseworthy and perfect reward for all the humiliation, hardships and sacrifices Chen Weiguo has endured in the past 14 years.

Malashenko, who clearly remembered that Chen Weiguo was from Changchun, left his desk with a smile, sat on the guest sofa next to Chen Weiguo, continued the conversation and expressed congratulations to Chen Weiguo.

After chatting for a while, Malashenko remembered that he had other business matters. Then he changed the subject and talked about something that he had been personally handling and watching in the past few days.

"Weiguo, there is something I want to tell you about the seizure of equipment."

"You should have heard that in the suburbs of Harbin, the leading army fought a successful battle of annihilation. It wiped out most of the Kwantung Army's final battle reserve and completely annihilated its main second division, which was the only one in the hands of the Kwantung Army. A first-class draft horse division, the only armored division in the Japanese Army."

"So the equipment captured is a bit unusual, and there are some special circumstances that occurred in this battle. I now have the equipment of an entire German armored force, a lot of it, more than 70 vehicles, starting with 40-ton vehicles. Medium tanks, and 50-ton heavy tanks on top.”

"This is the core main equipment that is enough to arm an armored division. It is very important, and I do not intend to hand them over to anyone other than you and your organization.

"These days, I personally drafted the report and submitted it to my superiors for application. I hope to hand over this batch of heavy equipment to you in the future. I am still waiting for approval from my superiors."

"Although the result is still uncertain, I promise that I will try my best to help you fight for it. And no matter what, this batch of heavy equipment must not be handed over to the hands of those white bandits. You know who I am referring to. With my military honor, I It’s guaranteed that this will never happen, so you can rest assured.”

Generally speaking, when it comes to the distribution of captured equipment, it is difficult for Malashenko, as a subordinate, to proactively make requests to his superiors. The handover of such a large number of tanks is a major diplomatic matter.

Even if Malashenko submits the application to Vatutin, he still has to continue to report it. Vatutin can't make the decision, which means it is somewhat troublesome for his superiors.

The reason why Malashenko still chose to do this even though he was aware of this was purely out of personal emotions and anticipation of certain foreseeable futures. I hope that before leaving the land of Northeast China, I can do my best to help Chen Weiguo and his comrades so that they can be of great use in the future.

Chen Weiguo was naturally grateful and moved by Malashenko's arrangement. He immediately expressed his gratitude to Malashenko while feeling excited.

Others don't understand the power and importance of armored forces, but Chen Weiguo, who has lived in the Soviet Union and worked side by side with the Soviet Red Army for a long time, knows it all too well.

Why did the Soviet Red Army drive the Nazis out of the motherland, counterattack all the way to their homeland, and capture Berlin?

It's simple to say, it relies on nothing more than two things - the world's number one field artillery and the world's number one tank corps, that is, the mighty torrent of steel.

Especially after witnessing the powerful strength of the leader's army with his own eyes, Chen Weiguo became even more convinced of the combat effectiveness of the armored forces.

Now that he heard that Malashenko was actively moving and wanted to hand over this batch of 70 German tanks to his own side, Chen Weiguo was excited but still worried.

"Comrade General, you have also seen that our place lacks a sufficient industrial base to maintain this kind of heavy equipment. If the quantity is small, it is okay, but if the quantity is large, I am afraid..."

Chen Weiguo, who looked embarrassed, did not continue.

Knowing that this was also a real problem that had to be faced, Malashenko, who had more things to do than Chen Weiguo, had thought of countermeasures in advance and spoke immediately.

"Don't worry about this. Since I proposed to hand it over to you, I will have a corresponding solution."

"Those 40-ton Panther II medium tanks, our leadership army still has a large number of remaining unused parts and engines. Most of them are brand-new first-hand goods. They were seized from their factories after the Nazis were defeated and surrendered. The number of original parts is enough to support these tanks in high-intensity operations for a long time, at least for a year of fierce fighting, and these things will be handed over to you when the time comes."

"As for the Tiger tank imitated by the Japanese"

After thinking for a while, Malashenko once again decided to target the Japanese. It seemed that he would have to go back to these Japanese devils to capture some more.

"The parts seized from the Second Division are enough to last for a while. I will get the rest from the Japanese when I get back."

"It has been found that the Japanese replica Tiger production line is in Shenyang, and a heavy tank production line has been established based on the original arsenal. The production capacity is not high, but the equipment is indeed quite complete. It is estimated that there are still some parts in stock there, waiting for the leader After the army captures the place and seizes everything, they will be handed over to you."

"As for those production equipment, I will try my best to help you get the supporting equipment to be handed over. How to use and dispose of it will be your business. I hope this can help you."

The plan is probably like this, and this is also the best way Malashenko can think of within his own ability.

As for whether it will work or not, it's hard to say yet, but you have to try it first.

After saying the above, what Chen Weiguo said next was something Malashenko did not expect, and it was something that only the leading army seemed to be able to do now.

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