Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3166 Treasure Hunting Mission 20

"Comrade General, I want to ask you something. You are the only person I can think of who is capable of doing it and may be willing to help me."

"Oh? It sounds complicated. Let's talk about it first."

Malashenko noticed Chen Weiguo's expression of embarrassment. The description sounded quite convoluted. He didn't know what would happen if he actually said it. Anyway, Malashenko couldn't guess just by looking at Chen Weiguo's expression. arrive.

Chen Weiguo didn't wait too long. Since he had made up his mind to say it, he shouldn't hesitate. After thinking about it for a while, he spoke quickly.

"We have received information, Comrade General, that the Japanese army is secretly transferring a batch of our country's national treasures, many of which have been collected by the Kwantung Army over the years. Now that they see that their defeat is certain, they are planning to transfer these treasures to Japan."

"The comrades lurking behind enemy lines sacrificed their lives to obtain this important information, but we are powerless to do anything about it. We do not have enough armed forces to stop the enemy's actions. I hope you can help us regain the national treasure. If the leader's army is dispatched Then you must have the strength to do it!”

Malashenko had done this kind of thing a long time ago.

It was during the Great Patriotic War, and the Germans, who were already defeated, also wanted to take away all the treasures looted from the Soviet Union before being driven out of the Soviet Union.

In particular, the fat man Herman Meyer, who was extremely greedy for all kinds of treasures, did not hesitate to send his own soldiers, the Air Force Field Troops, to drive an armored train named after him to rob and escort the treasures.

Unexpectedly, he ran into Malashenko, who directly committed a train robbery, beating the "Hermann Meyer" armored train to pieces and flipping to the ground. The Soviet Union's top treasure "Amber" The house" was also lost and recovered.

Reminiscent of the last time he robbed a train, Malashenko, who didn't know how he would do it if he really wanted to recapture the treasure this time, immediately spoke.

"Well, in principle, I am willing to help. As long as possible, these treasures should not fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders, but should be returned to their original owners."

"You should know more details, right? Tell me. This requires a complete battle plan. I have to listen before I can decide."

"Okay, thank you! Comrade General."

Seeing that Malashenko did not refuse, but expressed his intention to help in principle.

Chen Weiguo, who did not dare to ask for anything more, knew that it was already a great honor for Malashenko to make this first statement.

Helping is a matter of affection, but not helping is a duty. Even if Malashenko really refused in the end, Chen Weiguo asked himself that he could not use this reason to hold grudges and blame others.

Then he spoke after finishing the details.

"We don't know when the Japanese army plans to transport them. We only know that because the Red Army's offensive was so fierce that it caught the Kwantung Army off guard and found it difficult to resist and retreated all the way, so these national treasures are still being transported on land."

"The route and details are unknown, but the intelligence obtained mentioned that the Japanese army planned to transport them back to the mainland by sea."

"Sea transport? These Japanese devils really dare to think about it. The American sea blockade is so stuck, unrestricted submarine warfare has already begun, and the devils who were sent into the sea by submarines to feed fish can even assemble a fleet. These bastards actually dare to transport treasures by sea?”

After hearing Malashenko's confused rhetorical question, Chen Weiguo, who indeed had more information to add, continued to speak.

"Because this batch of national treasures is large in quantity and heavy in weight, Comrade General, this is something that the Kwantung Army has collected and collected over the years."

"The remaining airports under the control of the Kwantung Army have basically been destroyed by the Red Army, and they can't get enough large aircraft to transport so many and heavy treasures. I just don't know why the Kwantung Army keeps things here. They wanted to smuggle it back to the country only when the time came, and they clearly had many opportunities to do it earlier.”

Chen Weiguo had his own doubts, but Malashenko, who smiled to himself, could probably guess the answer.

"It would be strange if these self-respecting soldiers could transport these treasures back to China early."

"They were reluctant to even give a few rifles to support the Pacific battlefield. They obeyed the military's orders whenever they wanted to and disobeyed them if they didn't want to. I guess if they hadn't seen that the situation was over and knew that their defeat was certain, these treasures would have been defeated no matter what. They won’t be handed over easily and shipped back to the country.”

"Once something leaves their territory, it's not the Kwantung Army's final say on how to deal with it. That's it from the perspective of the internal fighting among those Japanese devils."

The weirdness of the Japanese Army in World War II was not only due to the fact that the navy and the army were fighting each other all day long. There were also various hills and factions within the army. The internal fighting between the military headquarters and the Kwantung Army was just one of them.

He was not interested in focusing too much energy on the internal fighting among the Japanese. Malashenko, who already had an understanding of the general situation, immediately stood up and motioned for Chen Weiguo to follow him.

It was not until Chen Weiguo was brought to stand next to the war zone map hanging on the wall that Malashenko, who analyzed the possibilities, quietly spoke.

"Even by sea, there are currently not many options left for the Japanese devils. They can only find a way along the coastline of the Liaodong Peninsula."

"The Red Army's offensive is now close to Anton (today's Dandong) and directed towards Donggang. It is unrealistic to start from here. According to the situation you described, the Japanese would probably have to hit the Red Army's tanks before they could pack up all their treasures. , taking this line is too risky.”

"Then the only choices left are here, Dalian and Lushun. There are excellent ports here for warships and large-tonnage transport ships to enter and dock, and judging from the war situation, the ports from the north of Dalian and Lushun to the south of Shenyang The area is still under the control of the Kwantung Army, and the Red Army’s offensive has not yet arrived.”

"The land transshipment line is smooth, and there are excellent ports to choose from for sea transportation, and there are more than one. Whether it is shipped through Dalian or Lushun, there are alternatives."

"There will be no better choice than this, or the Japanese devils now have no choice but to do this."

After listening to Malashenko's analysis, Chen Weiguo nodded, and then asked in a still worried tone.

"Then, Comrade General, can your troops rush over and intercept these Japanese invaders?"

"I really want to tell you that it's okay and I promise to do it, but this is a bit irresponsible. The truth is that it is indeed difficult."

Malashenko shook his head and did not make a promise immediately, because even judging from the strength of the leader's army, this kind of work that was too rushed was not something that could be done with certainty.

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