Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3167 Change of plan

High-speed intersecting maneuvers are indeed the specialty of the Leader Army. Since the era of its predecessor, the Leader Division, the Leader Army has achieved complete mechanization. There has never been a time when it failed to complete its mission in this regard.

But this time it was different. This was not an "extra objective" that was not considered a military mission. It was so difficult that Malashenko even frowned when he looked at the map.

"We are now here in Changchun. The straight-line distance from here to Shenyang is still 270 kilometers, and it is not finished just to Shenyang. The straight-line distance to Dalian further south is still 340 kilometers."

"The two trips alone are 610 kilometers, Weiguo. And this is still the straight-line distance on the map. When it comes to the actual march level, the mileage is only a lot more."

"Even if the leader's army is a fully mechanized force, this kind of ultra-long-distance march will definitely be a big challenge."

"And you have to know that I have a combat mission now. Liberating Shenyang from the Japanese invaders is my primary goal, and it is also an order given to me by my superiors. In other words, the route that goes to Shenyang first and then to Dalian is doomed. This I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it in time if I have to run down the 610-kilometer straight-line distance and still have to carry out combat missions.”

Seeing what Malashenko had said, combined with the map in front of him, he could really feel how difficult it was. Although he was disappointed, Chen Weiguo finally cheered up and replied.

"I understand, Comrade General. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ tc⃞ o⃞ m⃞I understand the difficulties involved, and I'm sorry to embarrass you."


Looking at Chen Weiguo's somewhat unwilling and heartbroken expression, Malashenko secretly lamented that it is really not easy for a patriot these days. Of course, he can also understand this feeling.

Sitting back and watching China's great treasures being robbed by the Japanese invaders is also not what Malashenko wants to see.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who was determined to help anyway, thought for a while, then patted Chen Weiguo on the shoulder to cheer up and continued.

"There is another way. We are not completely helpless."

"The current battle situation is that the last battle reserve of the Kwantung Army has been annihilated by the leader's army in the suburbs of Harbin. The remaining troops are unlikely to be defeated and there is nothing to fear. In other words, the Kwantung Army headquarters has no redundant mobile troops. It can be used to put out fires and plug up holes.”

"Another reality is that the Japanese troops deployed on various fronts are now unable to get out. They are unable to protect themselves from the fierce offensive of the Red Army and are constantly being annihilated, let alone support in other directions."

"I will ask my superiors to conduct aerial reconnaissance in the direction south of Shenyang. If there are no large-scale Japanese troops stationed in the area south of Shenyang, I will divide the leadership army if necessary. While heading to Shenyang, separate another route The troops bypassed Shenyang and headed south to Dalian."

"As long as no large-scale fighting occurs along the way to delay the time, we should be able to intercept these Japanese smugglers before they evacuate."

Suddenly hearing that Malashenko gave such good news, Chen Weiguo was really happy when he said he was happy, and the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

But a question that followed quickly came out of his mouth.

"But, Comrade General, is this okay? Will it have any bad influence on you?"

"Bad influence? No, it won't be a problem, because my original battle plan included actions in the direction of Dalian."

Malashenko still remembers what Zhukov said to him at the beginning. As long as the battlefield conditions permit, this combat operation against Japan can be fought as a racing battle to test strength.

The high command also wants to take this opportunity to see how far the leader's army can go with its current strength. It is said that even the loving father Comrade Stalin is very interested in this.

In line with the idea of ​​"since it is a test of strength, then do your best", Malashenko also set a high goal for himself, hoping that the leader's army could eventually rush to Dalian in one breath and drive the Japanese Japanese into the sea.

At present, the Kwantung Army is already full of defeated soldiers, and the grasshoppers can't jump for two days after autumn. At this time, it becomes feasible to divide the troops with one division and move south.

Malashenko does not think that the current level of the Kwantung Army can withstand the original leader's division-level attack.

But he still didn't dare to say that the Japanese army would be able to be intercepted. After all, the time of the Japanese army's operation was unknown. After thinking about the details, he continued to speak to Chen Weiguo.

"The most serious problem now is like what I just told you. The Americans are launching unrestricted submarine warfare. The waters leading to the Japanese mainland are now full of U.S. Navy submarines. They will not pay attention to the Japanese ships floating on the sea. No matter what the ship is carrying, it only cares how much its sinking tonnage increases and how many Japanese devils are sent into the sea by torpedoes to feed the fish. "

"Although this is a good thing, it also means that once those treasures are shipped, the probability of reaching their destination is very slim. There is a high probability that they will be sent to the bottom of the sea by the Americans on the way, and it will be very difficult to salvage them in the future. "

"The destination of these treasures should not be at the bottom of the sea. I know very well how important this is to you, so I promise that I will do my best."

Having said this, Chen Weiguo, who no longer expected to get more promises and guarantees from Malashenko, nodded solemnly.

He held Malashenko's hand tightly and once again expressed his heartfelt and sincere gratitude.

Since the beginning of the war against Japan, Malashenko not only commanded the leading troops to defeat a large number of Japanese troops, but was unstoppable wherever he went. Moreover, a lot of captured equipment has been handed over, or is about to be handed over to Chen Weiguo and his comrades.

I never expected to receive so much and huge help from a famous Soviet general. Now I have also received a personal promise from Malashenko that he will try his best to help.

Chen Weiguo, who seemed to treat Malashenko as his comrade, thanked him almost all the way and left.

After sending Chen Weiguo away, Malashenko returned to the office and began to study the map again.

The 610-kilometer starting distance on the map was really hard to relax. After thinking about it, Malashenko decided to take action as soon as possible. Then he returned to the table and picked up the phone to call Kulbalov.

In terms of his ability to lead troops in combat and take charge of his own role, Kulbalov has now passed the test and is worthy of the important task assigned by Marashenko.

Malashenko, who had already made up his mind to do it, spoke immediately.

"Although aerial reconnaissance has not yet officially confirmed it, I estimate that there are not many remnants of the Kwantung Army left south of Shenyang."

"Reliable intelligence now points out that the Japanese army is trying to transport a batch of looted precious treasures back to the country by sea. The quantity is likely to be very huge. It is the proceeds of the Kwantung Army's occupation of this place for many years."

"We can't let them succeed so easily. It just so happens that this is an opportunity. I plan to send your division to perform an interception mission. Are you confident?"

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