Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 371 Pre-war meeting

The fact is as Captain Karamov said, although the repair method of filling the armor defects with rolled homogeneous steel ingots and then welding them is a bit improvised, both the armor strength and the impact resistance are better than A far cry from the factory-made monolithic welded homogeneous steel armor.

But as the saying goes, no solution is better than nothing. Rather than letting his car run into the battlefield naked with injuries, Malashenko had no choice but to use this relatively simple field maintenance method to maintain combat effectiveness. .

"Well, that's all we can do for now."

Malashenko whispered in a slightly unwilling tone, and suddenly recalled something, then he raised his head and asked.

"One thing, Karamov, have you checked the situation of the KVs that were destroyed just now? What kind of damage were they?"

Compared with Malashenko, who shoulders the responsibility of regimental leader and is a busy man, Karamov, who is responsible for the field maintenance battalion of the regiment-level unit directly, is much more leisurely.

According to Iushkin, in addition to tinkering with his scrap metal, big wrenches and small nuts, Captain Karamov only played his broken accordion, which could be heard through the tank armor. The melodious Katyusha often makes Iushkin unable to sleep and tossing and turning, which can be regarded as a reflection from the side that Malashenko's "big internal manager" is actually a relatively leisurely guy.

Hearing Malashenko's question in front of him, he immediately went to check the wreckage of his own tank after the battle. Karamov, who had already compiled the first-hand investigation results in his hands, thought about it for a moment and organized it. After the words, the truth is blurted out.

"The situation is not very good. It can even be said to be very bad, Comrade Commander."

"I went to see the destroyed KV1s immediately after the battle. Without exception, the frontal armor was penetrated, and the two turrets and two hulls were destroyed. A total of four KV1s were destroyed. Among them Except for one KV1 whose gun lug and part of the breech block structure were damaged and may be repaired, the rest of them had their ammunition racks damaged.”

"The worst one even had its 7-ton turret blown away more than 20 meters away. I checked the damage to the chassis and it should be that the ammunition carrying capacity was overloaded. That vehicle included the first ammunition rack of the turret. The vehicle body and chassis carried at least more than 100 rounds of artillery shells.”

"Let's not talk about this, Comrade Commander. According to the survey results, our current heavy tanks cannot withstand the Germans' new anti-tank guns. The frontal armor has such a result, not to mention the side and rear armor. What are you going to do in this situation?”

Facing Captain Karamov's anxious inquiry with a clearly sad look on his face, Malashenko, who had already guessed that the fate of those KV1s would not be good, had no choice but to say.

"The prototype KVs at the regiment headquarters are our only hope at the moment. After Istria is captured, I will write a combat feedback report to the comrades in the rear tank design bureau. They will make final modifications to the prototypes based on this report. After finalizing it, it will be a real mass-produced version of the new heavy tank.”

"It may sound simple when you say it, but it will take at least a few months to complete. Until then, we have to use the existing equipment on hand to get through this most difficult period! The battle is dead today. There are so many people, so what if we can hold Moscow and a few more die? We must let those Germans pay with their blood in the end, on their own land!"

It's still too early to talk about what will happen in 1945. Malashenko, who just mentioned it, then chose not to continue talking with a look of indifference, leaving the dark war clouds above his head to Marashchenko. Shenke's final time is running out.

"Iushkin, Kirill, Seryosha, and Nikolai, get in the car! Start the engine, adjust the scope, and load the machine gun bullets. Our tracks are a little rusty and we need to use German intestines to lubricate them. one time!"

As the saying goes, what kind of commander brings out what kind of soldiers.

The No. 177 crew, which has been fighting under Malashenko since the Battle of Yelnya, is no longer a rookie who has never seen blood.

Countless German tanks and infantrymen fell under the muzzle of this heroic Soviet tank crew. When killing people has become a daily routine and required course like eating and drinking, even Ivory who originally grew up in the university Kirill in the tower has become very numb and careless. As for Iushkin, a veteran who was originally a T34 tank commander and gunner, he is even more full of violent genes.

The brutal modern war of efficient killing has annihilated humanity and turned every living person into a bloodthirsty monster.

But sometimes, only "people" who have become monsters are qualified to survive.

Because the assault detachment led by Malashenko suddenly joined the battle from the flank of the battlefield and successfully completed the first wave of offensive, the three Soviet Siberian divisions with almost negligible casualties quickly held a meeting of division commanders for a combat meeting.

According to the latest combat order issued by the front army headquarters, Colonel Kironov, who has temporarily served as the frontline commander, is sitting at the head of the conference table in the field tent. The other two infantry division commanders who came from the Siberian Military District to the Moscow front line are waiting. His opening words.

"Comrades, I believe everyone has read the latest telegram order sent by the Front Army Headquarters. We have only recovered a small defensive position on the periphery of Istria, and most of Istria is still firmly entrenched. In the hands of the Germans!"

"We cannot let this situation continue! As the frontline commander temporarily assigned by the Front Army Headquarters, I decided to deploy according to the latest order from the Front Army Headquarters and immediately launch a second attack on the Germans in the depth direction of Istria after half an hour. Attack the defensive position!"

Before he finished speaking the loud and unquestionable order, the half-hundred-year-old colonel of the Red Army paused for a moment and then continued to speak.

"Now the snow has the tendency to stop, and it is much lighter than this morning. Once the heavy snow stops, those German planes will reappear above our heads. Everyone knows what the situation will be like. . So no matter how difficult it is to attack in the snow, I hope that all our military commanders and political commissars here can carry forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties and dangers!"

"Our Siberian Military District was born for the Winter War! I hope this sentence is not just a slogan! Our heroic Red Army soldiers are better than those damn Germans and Finnish ghosts. Proving it is the only thing we need to do now thing!"

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