Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 372 Taking advantage of the topic

Compared to Colonel Kironov's resounding speech, the other Red Army lieutenant colonel on the left side of the simple and mottled conference table seemed much calmer. His calm expression did not look like he was about to go to war. To be more precise, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with something that had gone wrong.

"Comrade Colonel, I respect your decision and intend to obey your order, but please allow me to say something. All comrades present here should know that the main force of this attack is the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which was deployed by the superiors. I heard that this is an elite unit directly under the front level, and the regiment commander is Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, the Red Army tank hero who has been popular in and outside Moscow recently."

"But even for such an important pre-war meeting and main attack mission, the arrogant comrade Malashenko did not attend. I have to doubt whether Comrade Malashenko has a bureaucratic style. Of course, I do not rule out the possibility that he deliberately did not attend the pre-war meeting to neglect his duties. Maybe he is now picking up treasures in the pile of captured German garbage."

Hearing the words of the lieutenant colonel next to him who was very familiar to him, Colonel Kironov frowned and was obviously very dissatisfied with this.

"Comrade Andrei, don't say this at the pre-war meeting"

"Andrei! You'd better shut your stinky mouth! Otherwise I don't mind letting it know how to talk!"

Before Colonel Kironov finished speaking, another Red Army colonel who was sitting opposite Lieutenant Colonel Andrei across the table suddenly slammed the table and spoke angrily.

"When you were in Siberia, you were the most troublesome person in the whole military region. You didn't do anything good except tell tales and slander your colleagues! But it was a peaceful period, so I didn't bother you! But now you are at the Moscow front to defend the capital of the motherland and you are still playing your tricks!" "Comrade Malashenko is a tank hero who was reviewed by Comrade Stalin and approved by General Zhukov. You can't slander him with your broken mouth! The war is imminent and those Germans are preparing for battle on the opposite side a few kilometers away. Comrade Malashenko must have his reasons for not being able to attend the meeting. You'd better not continue to imagine it!" The sudden rise of the iron tower-like colonel division commander, who was over 1.9 meters tall, did scare Andrei who was caught off guard, but the brief surprise and surprise in his eyes were quickly covered up, and the words that seemed to be mocking but somewhat elusive came out immediately. "Captain Popov, let's not talk about whether my guess and inference are accurate, don't you think it is inappropriate for Comrade Malashenko not to attend such an important pre-war meeting?"

"He didn't come to express his views and opinions, nor did he bring his combat deployment and preparations. We have no way of knowing the main attack direction of his plan, let alone cooperating with his heavy tank troops? You know, he is the only tank unit here. Without him, it is equivalent to losing the main force of attack. If you are still willing to speak for him in this situation, then I am not unable to remain silent."

Captain Popov, who was obviously hot-tempered and not good at talking, was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He immediately slammed the table again with all his strength.

"Damn, Andre, you, the cowardly Chita ghost! I am now" "Now? What is it? My dear Comrade Poppov, do you want to beat me here to stretch me for Comrade Mara Shenko? Or did it kill my position directly and let me go back to Siberia to dig potato?" What practical actions did Colonel Popov in the chest of the chest fiercely rolled up in the sleeves? Colonel Kironov, who was almost twisted into Twist, finally smashed the table forcibly to stop the full martial arts. "Andrei, Popov! You are all senior commanders of the Red Army, not those young men who are too excited and drank too much vodka! If you are still alive after this battle, you can fight in the snow. If you kill one of you, I will tell my guards to dig a pit to bury you. If you die together, I will bury you together! But now I want you to sit down and have a meeting quietly. What results can we get if we continue like this!?"

The ancient Chinese have a profound saying that an old general is worth two, and Colonel Kironov, who is nearly fifty years old, is playing such a role at the moment.

Although the three highest military commanders present are all division commanders, Andrei, a lieutenant colonel who switched from political work to military commander, has the lowest rank and is the youngest.

But Colonel Kironov, who once went to the front line to command the battle during the Finnish Campaign, is undoubtedly a veteran with a lot of qualifications. The glorious military exploits hanging on his chest in the form of medals are the most perfect embodiment of his bravery and dedication to the country.

Colonel Kironov, who always acted impartially and did not favor any party, had to give some face to even a "thorn" like Lieutenant Colonel Andrei who had a background in political work. After all, if even Colonel Kironov dared to confront him on the spot, Andrei would undoubtedly become the target of public criticism at the meeting, and even his "good popularity" accumulated from his previous political work would not help him.

Facing Colonel Kironov, he waved his hands helplessly with an indifferent expression. At best, Andre was just using the situation to make things difficult for Colonel Popov. There was no need to offend Colonel Kironov.

"I'm just stating the facts. At most, the words I use are a bit extreme, but I think it's much better than Colonel Popov's physical expression. Isn't that right? Comrade Kironov."

Seeing that after hearing this, Colonel Popov clenched his fists and was about to get angry again. Colonel Kironov, who realized that he had to say something to end this time-wasting farce, immediately spoke in a deep voice again.

"Captain Malashenko has sent someone to notify him in advance. His troops suffered some losses in the attack just now. The new anti-tank guns equipped by the Germans have caused them a lot of trouble! Urgent analysis and discussion are needed. Countermeasures! That’s it for now, Andrei, Captain Malashenko has a good reason for not coming, so don’t make any further fuss about this topic!”

The final announcement forcibly put an end to Andre's excuses. Just as Andre's face returned to seriousness and Popov sat back in his chair, they were about to restart the meeting under the leadership of Colonel Kironov. , a sudden one-armed figure appeared in front of everyone accompanied by the wind and snow that opened the tent curtain.

"I'm sorry that I'm late, comrades, I hope your war meeting hasn't ended yet."

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