Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 412 Blood in the Snow

Malashenko, who was just immersed in climbing into the vehicle, heard the familiar words ringing in his ears and immediately raised his head and looked around. He saw Kirill, the loader with an anxious look on his face, leaning his upper body out of the turret and trying his best to lift his entire right arm. Stretched out in front of himself.

"Damn it! Kirill, why did you little idiot come outside the turret!? Do you want your life!?"

Kirill chose to ignore Malashenko's screams and shouts. He only wanted to get his commander out of the dangerous situation outside the car. Instead, he stretched out his right hand further forward.

"Damn it, I've never seen anyone more desperate than you, a little bastard!"

Malashenko, who was cursing and retaliating with bad words, knew that it was not time to continue talking nonsense, so he immediately stretched out his right hand and reached into Kirill's hand who was very close in front of him.

But sometimes the speed of bullets flying in a flash is far faster than the reflex nerves of the human brain. Kirill's entire back is exposed outside the turret, leaving the Germans with no time to react or evade. A 92mm full-power rifle bullet fired from a 98K rifle instantly shot into Kirill's back at a distance of two hundred meters.



Malashenko's right hand, which was still trying to get closer, suddenly trembled violently and stopped moving forward. With his eyes wide open, he felt unbelievable at what was happening in front of him and felt nothing in his heart. From this distance, Kirill watched helplessly as a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth and his expression froze.

For a brief moment, it seemed as if all the time around him was about to stop. After a fleeting look of disbelief on his face, Malashenko immediately rushed forward, grabbed Kirill's right hand and exclaimed.

"Kiril, Kirill!"

The screams from outside the turret with the open hatch that something was obviously wrong attracted the attention of the rest of the crew members in the car. Iushkin, who was restless in the gunner's position and had been waiting anxiously, was the first to turn when he heard the sound. He turned around and pulled his legs forward. Kirill, who had become limp after a brief period of stiffness, immediately leaned back like a cooked noodle and collapsed into Iushkin's arms.

"Damn it, Kirill! What happened to Kirill!? This blood!? Kirill is bleeding, he is injured, Comrade Commander, where are you!?"

Malashenko, who failed to grab Kirill's right hand due to a loss of strength, clenched his fist in the air and looked extremely annoyed. This brutal counterattack has not only caused Malashenko to lose many Subordinate units, and now even the crew members they spend time with day and night are seriously injured and their lives and deaths are unknown.

The originally empty heart was quickly filled with anger. Malashenko, whose heart was burning with anger, now wanted to rush to the battlefield and skin the German soldiers alive without realizing his hatred. He knew that he had been shot by a full-power rifle. Malashenko, who knew what dire consequences a hit would have, immediately turned over and jumped into the car.

"Comrade Commander, Kirill, Kirill, he lost a lot of blood! We have to save him, we must save him, now!"

Iushkin, who was holding Kirill in his arms, screamed and turned a deaf ear. Malashenko, who had a rigid face and fixed his expression like a poker card, immediately stepped forward to check Kirill's injury.

The 92mm Mauser rifle bullet fired directly from some position to the right of the center of the back completely tore through the back muscles and penetrated into it. Malashenko turned around and tore open the chest of Kirill's fire-resistant combat uniform and the inner cotton-padded jacket. No traces of penetrating injuries were found on the chest.

The news that the warhead with insufficient kinetic energy remained in the body for unknown reasons was obviously worse than a direct penetrating injury. It was unknown what the condition of Kirill's chest and internal organs was like when he fell into a coma and completely lost consciousness.

I would rather believe that Kirill was only temporarily hit and fainted than believe that this is the complete end.

He crumpled up the French white flag that he had snatched from the surrendering German armored company commander when he had nothing to do, and put it on Kirill's back wound with his backhand in an attempt to temporarily stop the bleeding.

Malashenko's mind was already in a mess and he didn't know what he was thinking. Then he temporarily placed Kirill in his commander's position and slowly leaned in and placed him properly.

Malashenko, whose heart has been completely filled with anger, only wants to do one thing now, and that is to use the intestines of the Germans on the opposite position to lubricate the somewhat stiff winter anti-skid tracks of his car.

"Seryozha, start! Don't ask me where my target is, and don't stop until I crush all those Germans into a pile of meat!"

"Iushkin, prepare to fight! I'll load the shells for you! You will be responsible for finding the enemy and aiming for the time being. You haven't forgotten what you did when you drove the T34 before, right?"

The early T34 tank with only two members in the turret was not only Malashenko's first vehicle, but also the first tank driven by Iushkin who has been fighting until now.

Following Malashenko's rhetorical question, he recalled the original scene of fighting in the narrow turret space of the T34 tank. He asked himself in his heart that he had not forgotten the difficult combat experience of working as a tank commander and gunner alone. His mind was full of thoughts. Iushkin, who wanted to tear those Germans into pieces to avenge Kirill, immediately responded in a deep voice.

"Of course, comrade commander, just like I will never forget how to kill those Germans!"

"Then do what you have to do, Iushkin, blast those Germans who are firing at us on the position into the sky, prepare high-explosive bombs!"

This was the second time he had been working as a loader since he traveled to this battlefield of the Patriotic War filled with artillery fire and smoke. Malashenko, who was fighting in Kirill's position, immediately fell silent. Turning back with a stiff face, Kirill took advantage of the opportunity just before the car stopped to move the neatly stacked artillery shells from the ammunition rack under the chassis to the first ammunition rack at the rear of the turret, appearing in front of Malashenko. .

"I'm holding your fucking German in my mouth, this hair is for your bastard Führer!"

Malashenko muttered a curse in his mouth and said that Iushkin could not understand the words. He immediately reached out his hands and touched the first ready-to-fire shell on the outermost side of the ammunition rack in front of him, and connected the projectile with the propellant barrel. The custom-installed 85mm high-explosive shells are not only longer and heavier than the 76mm shells.

The weight of nearly thirty kilograms, which is usually nothing, seems to weigh a thousand kilograms in the hands of Malashenko, who is now approaching the limit of physical exhaustion.

Gritting his teeth, he stuffed the 85mm high-explosive round in his hand into the breech of the gun. Malashenko, who was so tired that he was breathing heavily, immediately roared in response without raising his head.

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