Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 413 The decisive battle

"Good high-explosive bombs, Iushkin!"

"Go to hell, you nigga!"



The huge fire accompanied by the roar of the muzzle instantly swept away all the snow under the surrounding main guns and raised a white mist. The 85mm high-explosive grenade that escaped from the gun spanned the short distance and accurately hit the German front line. On the position, with the impact point as the center, flying shrapnel and flames spread out in an instant, sweeping away everything around them in almost the blink of an eye.

A total of four German soldiers, including a German machine gun team and two riflemen, died suddenly on the spot. Such a result was the limit for the 85mm high-explosive shell, which was already quite powerful but still not as powerful as the large-caliber howitzer. The German defensive positions, which were already on the verge of collapse in the storm, were even worse after this blow.

"Ivan's tanks, we need anti-tank guns, where are the anti-tank guns!? Fire quickly!"

"Stop shouting, damn it! Our anti-tank guns can't penetrate those Russian tanks at all, have you forgotten!?"

"88 guns, what are those damn 88 guns doing? Why don't they quickly destroy those Russian tanks!?"

The German infantrymen who were desperately defending on the front line were in a difficult situation, and the German anti-aircraft defensemen who were lowering and leveling the muzzles on the high ground behind them and aiming straight fire were also in a precarious position.

Although the large group of KV1 heavy tanks that were advancing all the way were restricted and tried to avoid using their main guns, the two forward-firing machine guns on the entire tank did not hold back at all and kept firing wildly.

Dozens of 62mm machine gun barrages hit the face, almost suppressing the German anti-aircraft artillery hiding behind the gun mantlet and barely covering their bodies. The German anti-aircraft artillery who barely saved their lives began to regret, why did they do it in the first place? The anti-aircraft gun positions were placed on this relatively high ground for the trivial reason of good visibility.

Thinking that it was precisely because of the infantry's anti-tank requirements that the relatively safe side ended up like this, the German anti-aircraft artillerymen, who were complaining and unwilling in their hearts, began to explore directly outside regardless of the fierce incoming firepower. Get out, force yourself to withstand the still fierce barrage of Soviet vehicle-mounted machine guns, and fire back at these steel behemoths that are already close at hand.

"Reload, reload quickly! Aim at Ivan's tank at the front and fire to kill him! Quick!"

The German 88 artillery crew, which was originally designed for air defense, came to the Soviet battlefield. Although they were surrounded by their own air force, they did not shoot down many aircraft. However, this unexpected armor confrontation situation, But it directly led to the fact that almost all the German anti-aircraft gun crews became experts in professional anti-tank gun crews.

When it comes to professional skills in masturbation, they may still be a little unfamiliar, but when it comes to anti-tank, these German 88 artillery groups that have already experienced hundreds of battles are almost better than the professional anti-tank artillery groups in the infantry division. excellent.

He took out an armor-piercing round from the wooden shell box placed at his feet and stuffed it into the gun barrel. The huge square gun shield in front of him provided as much defensive cover as possible for the German 88 gun crew hiding behind it. Some of them The hurried and panic-stricken German loader immediately took off the shells he was holding tightly in his arms and stuffed them into the breech.

"Aim at the leading Ivan tank!"



A sharp 88 mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing projectile shot straight out of the fleeting muzzle flames. I thought that the powerful 88 gun would undoubtedly be a one-hit kill against any Soviet tank. , but the slap in the face that followed immediately stunned the German 88 gun crew.

The 88mm hooded armor-piercing projectile that hit the air quickly with a screaming sound was shot at an angle of about 45 degrees, accurately hitting the gun mantlet of a KV heavy tank with a square head and a slightly different shape. Accurate hit.

A scene that shocked the jaws of the German 88th gun crew happened immediately.

The good capping effect indeed prevented the 88mm armor-piercing projectile from having a bad ricochet. It penetrated the armor-piercing projectile behind the outer semi-curved mantlet and continued to hit the turret armor of the tank itself behind it. Go up and go deep.

However, the remaining 88mm armor-piercing projectiles, whose launch kinetic energy was severely insufficient after being weakened by the gun shield, still failed to complete their mission.

The armor-piercing projectile that got stuck in the middle of the armor and exhausted all the remaining kinetic energy was like a toy dart stuck on the target. The advancing Lavrinenko's car was like a winter beast shaking off the accumulation on its body. Like snow, the 88mm armor-piercing projectile that failed to penetrate the front armor of the turret easily fell to the ground on the spot.

"Not penetrated?"

"Damn! What kind of monster is this!?"

There was an expression of shock and disbelief on his face. Except for the ricochet accident, he had never encountered a Soviet tank that the 88-gun could not penetrate at close range before. The extremely real scene in front of him brought the German army The strong shock of the 88 gun crew is obviously not something that people who have not personally experienced this scene can understand.

The German artillery crew, which had never come into contact with the slightly different-looking vehicle in front of them, would never have expected that an improved KV1 heavy tank prototype named KV220 would be the last thing they saw in their lives.

"Aim at the 88 gun that fired at us just now and kill him without mercy!"

"Die, Nacui!"

The KV220 heavy tank equipped with the same 85mm D-5T tank gun as Malashenko's vehicle suddenly sprayed out a burst of muzzle fire. The fleeting distance of just over 100 meters made this 85-mm tank with the breath of death... Millimeter high-explosive projectiles exploded on the German gun positions with almost teleportation accuracy.

The open ammunition box placed at the feet in order to speed up loading and save trouble became the final reminder. The entire box of 88 mm armor-piercing bullets filled with propellant in the cartridges together with the high-explosive warheads induced intense martyrdom. burst.

Like a ferocious fire dragon, the flames swept across the surroundings and swallowed up the entire 88 gun position in an instant. The German 88 gun was reduced to parts on the spot before it had time to load the second armor-piercing shell and try again.

The 88 cannon parts and human body parts flying in all directions like a meteor shower flew hundreds of meters away, so much so that the armor of Lavrinenko's vehicle, which had just crossed the final sprint distance of 100 meters, was covered with paint. Large bloody stumps.

Lavrinenko, who didn't have time to yell at this disgusting scene, remained expressionless and unmoved. At this point in the battle, all he had to do was tear the German troops in front of him into pieces with a final kick.

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