Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 953 The end of the storm (2)

"So when will we launch the assault? Comrade Commander, according to what you said, Paulus should be in front. We are faster than everyone else!"

Malashenko, who leaned out of the turret with his upper body and held a telescope in his hand, did not directly answer Iushkin in the car. His sharp eyes did not let go of every place and inch of land within his sight, trying to search for any possibility. Something wrong is missing.

"I wonder why there are only those ordinary guards? Or are these Germans really not hearing the sound of the engine at all? The wind noise is not so loud, or maybe they are deliberately pretending not to hear it and waiting for me To take the bait?"

Various tactics may flash through Malashenko's mind like a slideshow. Malashenko, who has accumulated rich combat experience so far, quickly analyzes and weighs each strategy based on the situations he has encountered in the past and the German combat habits. It is possible to get the final answer in just a few seconds.

"Just do whatever you want. If you can make some waves, just show it to me."

Between the sake of safety and the great glory and military exploits that were just around the corner, Malashenko, who firmly believed that his judgment and sixth sense were correct, chose the latter.

"Captain Varosha!"

"Here! Please give the order, Comrade Malashenko!"

Captain Varosha, who had been staying next to Malashenko's tank, responded to Malashenko. He was holding a telescope in one hand and pointing his other hand at the ruins of a department store not far away. Finally, he gave the order. It was an order that almost everyone had been waiting for with trepidation.

"This is the last battle, Captain Varosha! If we win there, all the battles in Stalingrad will come to an end. We will be the first heroic Red Army unit to win this supreme honor, and future generations will Remember our names and write our deeds into the annals of history!”

Listening to Malashenko's speech before the final battle was not only Captain Varosha, but also all the infantry soldiers and grassroots commanders present, and all the commanders of the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Brigade who also had their upper bodies stretched out of the turret. .

All eyes were focused on Malashenko, and his eyes at this moment were filled with desire and trust for victory.

"The pain and scars we have endured will not appear on our descendants! They will live in this great rebuilt city and enjoy the beautiful tomorrow we worked so hard for!"

"Today! We will take back the city that belongs to us! All vehicle crews and all infantry will attack the enemy!"

"Comrades, hurrah!!!"


The sudden roar was like a thunder piercing the silent sky.

Although the prepared German soldiers were greatly shocked in their hearts, and even the hands holding the weapons could not help but tremble, the black muzzles of the guns and muzzles were still pointed at the roar and the roar of the tank engines. The direction from which the rolling waves came.

There is no way to retreat behind us, the heart of the Sixth Army is here!

No matter what, this is the ultimate battle that determines fate!

Now is the time for two elite soldiers who have devoted themselves to their duties to fulfill their oaths under their respective military flags!

"Follow the tank! Comrades, follow me! Charge! Ula!"

A group of Red Army soldiers who were so excited by Malashenko spread their legs and ran as fast as they could, so much so that Captain Varosha, who also felt their blood boiling but still retained a clear consciousness and tactical thinking, was worried that his soldiers would become angry. They rushed to the front of the tank like crazy. Such a thing that put the cart before the horse was never allowed to happen when the troops were already limited.

"Machine gun! Get a few people to operate the machine gun on the tank and suppress the German machine gun. Quick!"

As soon as he rushed out of the street, Captain Varosha, who was following Malashenko's car, immediately felt the hot bullets beside him passing through his face like fire, even in this cold winter weather. Even below, people can still feel the temperature of being so close to death.

Captain Varosha, who was running wildly and shouting orders, commanded desperately, waving his right arm vigorously and pointing at the heavy tanks ahead. Half of the machine guns on the tank turrets were unmanned. .

The few closest Red Army soldiers heard the order from the company commander, and immediately grabbed the weapons in their hands, slung them over their shoulders and threw them behind their backs. With their guns on their backs, they immediately ran towards the tank just a few meters away in front of them. Platoon leader Chershenkov, one of Captain Varosha's right-hand men, was the fastest one.

It is impossible for a tank rushing in front to stop its rolling tracks just because the infantry behind it wants to climb up. The forward speed in second gear is not very high, but a mortal human being running with only two legs still wants to climb up. not simple.

Platoon leader Chershenkov, who was in a desperate posture, almost rushed forward with a flying posture. His tall figure of over 1.8 meters stepped on the engine hood of the IS1 heavy tank and kicked hard. The person instantly jumped onto the tank as if there were springs under his feet.

"Machine gun! Suppress the German machine guns quickly, their firepower is too fierce!"

Da da da da da da——

The sound of people roaring, the sound of firing, the sound of cannons, and the sound of explosions

Platoon leader Chershenkov no longer knew how many sounds were ringing in his ears. With only one obsession in his heart, he could only see Deshka 7, which was very close at hand and resting on the back of the tank's head. mm heavy machine gun, holding this thing in his hand and spraying death on the group of Germans on the opposite side was the only mission he had to complete.

Platoon leader Chershenkov, half-crouched on the engine hatch of the tank to cushion his body from the impact of the impact, gritted his teeth. He ignored the vibrations from the tank as it rolled over the ruins, causing his body to sway unsteadily. He once again used almost As he flew out, he grabbed the Deshka heavy machine gun within reach into his arms.

"Accept the warm greetings of communism! Fascist lackeys!"


Dong dong dong dong dong dong——

The unique muffled roar of the Deshka heavy machine gun when it fired finally sounded, and palm-long cartridge cases continued to spray out from the receiver, falling to the ground with a clanking sound, followed by a barrage of red flames. Regardless of any reason, they hit the German positions head-on and face-to-face.

"Heavy machine guns! The Russian tanks have heavy machine guns! Kill them quickly!"

"Anti-tank gun! What are our anti-tank guns doing!?"

"Bullets, I'm out of bullets! I need an ammunition hand, please send me bullets quickly!"

"Aim! Fire, fire quickly!"



call out--

A Type 40 sub-caliber tungsten core armor-piercing round hit the armor plate on the front of the vehicle and flew straight into the sky. The shrill whistling sound for a moment overshadowed the sound of desperate fighting and resounded throughout the sky.

The real battle has just begun

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