Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 954 The end of the storm (3)

"Aim at the German anti-tank gun and smash it!"

"Listen to you! Comrade Commander!"


The Stalingrad street battle fought in the city was different from any suburban battle encountered before. As one of the favorable conditions, the relatively flat road surface made it possible for the tank main gun to accurately fire at medium and short range in the second gear while advancing at a constant speed. possible.

Although this is still difficult, and only the most elite gunners can complete such a difficult technical operation, Iushkin, one of Malashenko's most trusted right-hand men, still tried his best to accomplish this and became more and more perfect with each passing day. .

The 85mm high-explosive shell spiraled out from the black hole of the muzzle and hit the bunker of the German anti-tank gun. In an instant, it transformed into a blazing and bright fireball under the catalysis of the collision instant fuse.

The anti-tank gun bunker temporarily reinforced with picked-up bricks and concrete withstood part of the impact, but the high-energy projectile fragments still cut through the shield of the Pak 40 75mm anti-tank gun, killing the German troops hiding behind it. The anti-tank gun team mopped up the scene instantly.

After penetrating the artillery shield and then hitting the helmet, the kinetic energy of the projectile fragments was running low, but the aftermath was even more terrifying.

The German gunner, with his eyes wide open, was the first to fall to the ground without saying a word.

The fragment of the projectile inserted in the forehead was at least 20 centimeters long and penetrated the helmet, but it was unable to move forward due to insufficient remaining kinetic energy, leaving only the buttocks of the fragment still exposed. All the remaining parts pierced the helmet body and penetrated deep into the skull, just like the toy javelins used for entertainment in bars in later generations.

"Still moving! The German guy from the anti-tank gun is still moving, and there's still one alive!"

"Kirill, high-explosive bomb! Iushkin, one more! Tear these Germans to pieces!"



The moment the breech block was opened, the hot and smoking shell shells fell into the gun emplacement collection box with a crisp sound of metal collision. Kirill, whose tank cap was half askew, held a high-explosive shell in his arms that was longer than the width of his shoulders. , with the unique harsh sound of metal friction, he held the primer with his fist and sent the shell into the barrel.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Go to your emperor! Fascist lackeys!"


The surviving German artillery crew that was knocked to the ground by the explosion shock wave had no time to struggle to get up. Their entire ears had almost completely lost their hearing and could not hear any sound at all. The war-torn battlefield was as ghostly as a silent movie. The earth was extremely silent.

The God of Death, in this silent scene, vigorously waved the deadly scythe in his hand, harvesting the lives of these poor German soldiers in an instant.


The huge explosion cloud rising into the sky was several times the size of the explosion of the previous 85 mm full-caliber high-explosive bomb a few seconds ago. At the same time, accompanied by bright tracer bullet marks, it shot straight into the sky where the cold wind was howling.

I have to admit that this shot had a bonus of luck, but Iushkin did complete Malashenko's order, and overfulfilled it by 200% or even 300%! The huge explosion and flames even affected the German machine gun emplacement next to the anti-tank gun emplacement, swallowing up several German soldiers who had no time to escape.

"Good shot! Iushkin! This shot even hit the German's ammunition box into the sky! Well done!"

"Next shot! High-explosive bombs continue! Aim at the German guy's machine gun and kill him!"

The rapidly advancing IS1 heavy tank is like a steel behemoth swarming with sheep. It is invincible. The thick armor is almost immune to all German weapon attacks that have been fired. The only effect of bullets or shells hitting the armor is All it could do was spatter a burst of dazzling sparks.

But among the German soldiers who witnessed all this horror, not all of them felt fearful and despairing.

The stronger the smell of blood, the more powerful hunters will be attracted to the hunting grounds at the forefront of the conflict, and even Stalingrad is no exception.

"It's three hundred and fifty meters away. Probably the biggest threat is the heavy machine gunner on the Russian tank. Which one do you want to hit first?"

The ZF42 4x scope with a semi-concave notched collar in the middle locked onto the enemy. The man who had already put his index finger on the trigger seemed cold and ruthless as if he was outside the world and did not belong to this fiery battlefield filled with artillery fire. .

"This first"


call out--

The 92 mm Mauser full-power rifle bullet spiraled out of the barrel at extremely high speed with muzzle flash, and passed straight through the center of the machine gun shield that was less than a fist wide, shattering the shot. The bullets that the person intended to shatter caused horrific aftereffects.

Brains and mushy human flesh and blood tissue were splashed all over the machine gun's shield and gun body. The body, with its head half pulled out of control, tilted and rolled downwards from the turret like a kicking ball. It fell on the snow that was shaking as the tracks rolled forward. There were only corpse twitches of nervous reaction.

Wilt, who killed the first target with one shot, harbored an increasingly uncontrollable obsession.

He clearly remembered this Soviet heavy tank with its unique shape, the Guards logo and a bear head pattern painted on the turret, and the number 177 printed wildly on the armor plate on the front of the body.

It was this Russian heavy tank that caused his only failure in Stalingrad so far.

Although the blow just now was successful, Wilt, who was extremely calm and calm, knew clearly that the person he shot to death just now was not the number one target on his hunting list, but just an unlucky person. An ordinary Russian soldier who became a scapegoat and trained with him.

The real number one prey, at this moment, is protected by this thick steel body, and dare not face himself in front of a shrinking turtle.

Wilt, who was familiar with every trace of Stalingrad's city streets, swore that he could smell the Russian's unique tracking mark through the armor, and his intuition and sixth sense proved that the prey was definitely among them.

"Look in other directions and don't disturb me unless it's an emergency."

Kurt, who was lying beside him with a telescope in hand, knew that whenever Wilt said such words, it was definitely when he entered the state and was ready to kill.

Kurt still clearly remembers the last time Wilt entered this state, killing three Russian officers in one breath in 10 seconds.

As for what kind of unique skills Wilt used to accomplish this feat with a bolt-action rifle, Kurt felt that he would never be able to learn it in his life, so naturally he didn't bother to ask.

At the moment when Kurt was recalling the scene of Wilt's last killing spree, Wilt pulled the trigger again and fired the second fatal bullet.

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