Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 956 Sniper Elite

"Damn it! I can't see the target, Wilt!"

"Shut your mouth, of course I know he was blocked by a tank!"

Wilt, who was clenching his teeth, was filled with morbid anger and distortion in his heart. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

This is the second time, this damn Russian heavy tank has ruined his good fortune for the second time!

All the two mistakes he had made since the battle in Stalingrad fell on the same scrap of iron! This made Wilt, who had always had a strong sense of self-esteem, instantly feel unprecedented frustration and intense shame! And it is still fermented with high intensity in my heart and will not go away for a long time.

"Again! I don't believe there will be a third time!"

Maybe the good luck ran out, or maybe the goddess of victory really abandoned all the soldiers of the Sixth Army, including Wilt.

All in all, when Wilt pushed the bullet into the gun chamber again and once again cast his sights towards the target location, after the rumbling heavy tank passed by, all he saw was a body lying in a pool of blood in the snow. Corpse lying on its back

The prey has long since disappeared.


Wilt, who had always been calm and strict with himself, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He let out an angry roar like thunder and cursed loudly, echoing in the dilapidated room.

But that's not the worst

Before he could finish venting his anger, Wilt looked for his target again and pulled the trigger for the third time. A bullet, like he was following the unique taste of his prey with his sense of smell, flew towards him at high speed amidst a scream that broke through the air!




The sound of the body weighing more than 130 kilograms falling to the ground instantly when it was on its back was really big, just like the punching bag used for boxing in the gym in later generations suddenly broke the rope and fell to the ground, mixed with the sound of shattering glass pieces and The muffled sound of the bullet entering the flesh instantly brought Wilt, who was still searching for high-value targets, back to reality from the sniper field of view.

Completely relying on the unconscious action of his body, he turned his head in an instant. What caught Wilt's eyes at that moment was Observer Kurt, who was crouching slightly higher than he was lying down. The right lens of the telescope was broken. It was a horrifying scene with glass shards stuck in his head and almost half of his face blown away by a full-power rifle bullet.

"Snipers! The Russians have snipers too!"

Make instant judgments without any hesitation and drive the body into action.

Wilt had just pulled the rifle out of the shooting hole in the wall. Before he could even take the first complete step, the second round of 62mm full-power rifle bullets fired accurately followed him with his butt in his mouth. .



Unfortunately, Wilt, who had rarely done vigorous running since the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad, was finally a step slower. This may be due to the degradation of skills that should have been proficient because they have not been used for a long time, but Wilt was always there for him. I paid the price for my slowness and lack of sensitivity.

"Haha, damn it! Damn the Russians! Damn it!"

The 62mm full-power rifle bullet, which looked like eyes, penetrated the edge of the wall and continued along an almost straight trajectory, tearing the Achilles tendon of Wilt's right foot at the last moment, forcing the man with only one shot. The little sniper, who was less than seven meters tall, staggered and fell to the ground with sudden severe pain.

The blood flowing out of Chun Chun's trouser legs explained the source of the severe physical pain.

Knowing that he had no extra time to waste, Wilt didn't even have a chance to bandage his wounds. He could only pick up the fallen weapon, struggle to get up and continue moving forward. His heart was full of extreme regret for his immaturity just now. And unwilling.

"I should have moved earlier, I should have moved earlier! Why is this happening? Damn it! Damn it!"

Wilt, who was bleeding from the soles of his feet and holding a weapon in his hand as a crutch, became a limp and disabled person. His right leg, whose Achilles tendon was broken, was almost completely disabled and he was completely unable to walk upright.

Even if his right foot touches the ground with a little force, the heartbreaking pain that comes instantly can almost make Wilt faint from the pain. If it were not for the strong will of the soldier to support him, he would even be in pain on the spot. It’s not necessary to shout out.

"I will not fail! Just wait until you die in my hands, damn Russian!"

The previous killings were due to professional duties, but now, at this moment, his heart has been replaced by angry murderous intention. Wilt, who was regretful a moment ago, intends to cancel this personal grudge. He vowed to fight with the person who dared to hurt him. The Russian sniper made an end.

Arriving at the window of another prepared sniper position, Wilt, who could no longer balance himself with his legs to support his body, let go of the weapon that was used as a crutch and fell to the cold ground on the spot, leaning against the wall. side.

The bullet to be fired had already been pushed into the barrel of the gun by the manual pull bolt. Wilt, who clearly remembered how many times he had fired, knew that he still had three chances left.

If the Russian sniper who already knew of his existence could not be eliminated within three bullets, Wilt felt that he would not have a fourth chance to fire after inserting bullets.

The strength of the Russian sniper with the reaction speed just now is not inferior to his own, and now is the final moment to decide each other's fate.

Through the location where the edge of the wall was penetrated, and the broken Achilles tendon of his right leg, which formed a ballistic straight line pointing to the battlefield, he could determine the third point, which was the location of the shooter. Wilt, who clearly recalled all the details just now, relied on the most passive way of finding the enemy after being beaten, and accurately estimated the location of the Russian who shot him.

Combining the possible direction and approximate distance of the opponent's movement after shooting, Wilt considered all the key factors in his brain within three seconds. He gritted his teeth, stood on one leg and ducked to send his body to the window position. The black muzzle of the gun was pointing in the direction of the expected target almost before the body straightened up and stopped moving.



With his right eye fixed on the scope, Wilt clearly saw the vague figure of an unforgettable leather hat moving against the wall. At almost the same moment, he pulled the trigger in his hand and fired the blazing bullet. The spiral trajectory was sent out of the gun chamber.

That was the last thing he saw in his scope before turning his head to look at Kurt's body, and the only possible feature of the murderer.

Keen intuition told Wilt that this guy with a special leather hat on his head and no helmet was the Russian sniper who killed Kurt and wounded himself.

Looking at the current situation, the opponent seemed to be changing his sniping position against a low wall. Wilt could even see the afterimage of the sniper rifle in the opponent's hand showing the corner of the scope while running.

Killing this bastard before he moved into the blind spot where he couldn't see, it was Wilt who was holding his breath and pulling the bolt again, unsteady due to the severe pain in his right foot and emptying one bullet. The only thing that you are persistent and desperate to accomplish.

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